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Obama Administration and Gun Rights

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by deepsouth, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. deepsouth

    deepsouth Big Dog

    There are rumours flying around that the next administration may make it very difficult to own firearms. There was an article saying that certain weapons like AK-47's and AR-15's are getting sold out. Also it's being said that ammo may become very expensive and hard to get. Will concealed carry rights also be targeted? I was wondering if there are any members that are gun enthusiasts that might be able to shed some light on this. If this is all true or if people are just over reacting. Also if it really is possible for the new administration to drastically change current gun laws immediately.
  2. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    Yes that is true I told everyone!!! You know every one likes him for the wrong reasons. Let me ask this if he was some cracker from Georiga with just the same thing in every thing else (NOW BE HONEST) would all yall still voted for him???????? The guns will be one of the first thing to go.Ammo will carry a 5x up tax witch meens if you want a box of 308 rounds for your huntig rifle those same rounds that cost 30 a box will be 150$ a box (HOPE YOU NEVER NEED TO SIGHT THAT BITCH IN) and all fire arms will also carry this tax witch meens a Cheap pos rifle that cost 400$ now the kind you buy a kid for his fiirst deer rifle will cost you 1200$ a good browning will cost now get this 5,000$. Thats just one thing dont even try and buy a play toy like a AR or an AK they will make then cost more than a car. and you will most likely have to have a class 3 liceness for them. And A class 3 meens any time they want they can kick your door in and check all GUNS AMMO or any thing else they want. whats next Thats right more rights And you best belive this!!! when those tree huggin fags start talking in his ear our dogs will move up on his list. Dont get me wrong I really dont like Mccaine at all but damn now WHAT yall let the fox in the hen house. J
  3. Damn, I heard you on this. I have never owned or used a gun but hate to hear the injustice in the changes that are supposed to come. Obama needs to wake up and realize citizens need more freedom not less.

    Guns don't go around killing people; people kill people.
  4. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    Where's the proof? Who said it? and when? I know for a fact I didn't vote for the wrong reason and didn't vote because of the color of his skin. He just simply out ran the other guy hands downs. There may be law changes about to occur but you can't be for certain that it will happen, congress has to vote on it and if they can't decide an anwser then the president will take it into his hands. I may be wrong aswell but you can't spread something thats not definite or a 100% accurate, Imo.
  5. ebady23

    ebady23 Pup

    True Rocky but the easy access to these weapons from people who shouldn't have them need to be controlled. At the local gun show here there were a lot of thugs sending their girlfriends in to buy weapons for them. I wonder what they will be used for...I'm sure not deer hunting. We need a stricter control of these weapons, raising the price of ammo isn't the answer. People who are liscensed to own a weapon should be able to.

  6. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    and right there it should stop. the man hasnt even been sworn in and there are rediculous claims on BOTH sides...the crazy changes that ~might~ be brought about, and then the approval ratings (second highest since kennedy)...apporval of what? he hasnt done anything yet.

    and no, its not very easy to drastically change current laws immediately-gun or other. we have a system of checks and balances for a reason
  7. DOwho???

    DOwho??? Big Dog

    the change that is coming will try to do away with guns and may even suceed. Our country has been chaning for a long time and most people dont have a clue as to how. they are stripping us of our rights and freedom and taking our guns is just to insure their grip of CONTROL.

    Ill tell you this; Stock pile your FOOD, WATER, GUNS, and AMMO. And while your at it learn how to SURVIVE without the luxuries that we have as AMERICANS.
    I may sound crazy, but the change that is taking place as we speak was set in motion back in 1776(not the American revolution). Open your eyes, pay attention, prepare for the worst and SURVIVE.
  8. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    ^this is a commonly shared sentiment, and i have a major problem with this.
    everyone says they (the govt) are taking away our freedoms, when in reality it is us who do it to ourselves. we are the ones who appoint these elected officials by voting for them. if we the people want them to leave us alone, then we need to change the way we vote, and hold those we elect accountable.
    the ~problem~ is we are in a cultural shift, and in this day and age, many in our society no longer see the rights afforded to us by the bill of rights and parts of the constitution neccessary, or applicable. as this segment of the population grows, so does their voting power, and that is how you see change take place
  9. Dreamer

    Dreamer Big Dog

    See, that's just it. He most certainly DID out-campaign the other guy.

    But what IS a campaign but one big ol' ADVERTISEMENT!

    I don't like advertisements and commercials. They are just psychological ploys and hype to try to get you to buy something! They do their research on YOU to find out how to act and what to say to make you decide in favor of THIER product!

    I look at the person and what he's done, his background, his record. Solid, tangible things, not some slick advertisement (and boy, was Obama's slick!)



    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2008


    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2008
  12. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    His anti gun agenda details disappeared from his website over weekend of the nov 8/ was agenda link. It was all in black in white...


    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2008
  14. Dreamer

    Dreamer Big Dog

    Like ANYONE's campaign! I don't pay attention to them, and certainly don't vote on how good a campaign someone runs! Campaigns are smoke and mirrors! You have to get what's behind them.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2008
  15. spaceghost

    spaceghost Big Dog


    has anyone noticed that once the gov. makes anything illegal it just gets worse? less government is better government. when they made dog fighting illegal it just drove it underground and the thugs picked it up. disarming law abiding citizens will just make it safer for criminals to commit crimes. do they think by adding more laws is going to make someone that breaks laws follow them? and if you think that people don't "need" AK-47's and AR-15's and that restrictions and bans on them are ok, they are analogous to our beloved dogs. once they do ban them they'll just be after the semi-autos next. just like if they ban pit bulls. they'll just be after the dobermans and rottweilers next. any restriction of our freedoms given to us by the constitution and bill of rights is wrong. Obama says the constitution is "outdated". the constitution is what this great country was founded on. Obama has no love of country. he hates America. go look at his wifes thesis paper from college and her anti-American sentiment. enough of my rant... hemi if you want facts, go look them up ( and not on www.barackobama.com :D )
  16. TripleJ

    TripleJ CH Dog

    HARE is some more proof for all the naysayers, Go to NRA OBAMA.. I think I rest my case... NOW read it befor you think it cant happen . Now they allready did a ban when Bill was stuck up his old ladys ass. Remember when no guns could have more than a 10 round mag?? Now they want to make it illleagle to carry a gun well how in the hell do you think we will be able to go hunting, And if I want to strap and Im permeted to do so Then thats MY RIGHT they want to take.....
  17. Dreamer

    Dreamer Big Dog

    LOL! Obama's wife scares me more than HE does!

  18. deepsouth

    deepsouth Big Dog

    Smokin Hemi, i respect your views. But what bothered me (and many other people) is how Obama was raised to some sort of God-Like status during the campaign. He basically has no record. It's troubling to see people blindly believing in someone, like he's going to make all our problems just disappear.

    Look, Bush disappointed me in many ways too. But he kept us safe (especially after 9/11). And I have to give him credit for that. As far as the economy and all the other problems, I don't think you can just pin it on any one person. Many times the changes made in a previous administration (ie. Clintons) are only felt when the next person steps into office. And then everyone blames the new guy.

    But I respect everyone's opinion. And I do wish Obama is successful in correcting the challenges our country sees now.

    As far as the gun thing, he was caught on tape saying that people living in rural areas tend to "cling to their religion and guns". I don't even own a firearm but was surprised he made such a blanket statement. I was hoping to get a CC permit, Now I'm wondering if that privilege may be stripped away. Yes, it does make sense to raise the price on ammo and limit it's availability (if you want to decrease gun use/ownership). If you can't afford to buy bullets, you can't going shooting.
  19. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    ^that was chris rocks' solution to gang violence/drive by shootings. make the bullets $5,000 each and you wont have any innocent bystanders getting shot

    and you are right about the change/effect timeline, it historically has been 2+ years for a change to take place, the results often happening when the office has changed hands


    I erased all of my post but I will respond to you. All I am saying is that no one has given him a chance. He is not in office yet.

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