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your thoughts on ped

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by JP38, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. JP38

    JP38 Pup

  2. afb263

    afb263 Big Dog

    To me it looks like jeep on top not scattered at all, snooty/ofrn/turtlebuster with a lot of outs. idk if id consider it scattered thou because there is enough snooty on the bottom to say they were maybe breeding that way. i don't know though its all a matter of opinion in the end i guess.
  3. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    id call it a cross. Very nice breeding in my eyes. A lot of good blood in there.
    afb said it well in his post.
  4. corvettedex

    corvettedex CH Dog

    I sure do like it, Great blood there !
  5. JP38

    JP38 Pup

    Thx guys most people I know considered her scatterbred, But if you really think about it aren't most of the foundation dogs Scatterbred ?
  6. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Not a bad cross. This dog from the midwest?
  7. JP38

    JP38 Pup

    Thx Naustroms S.E actually.
  8. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Lot of mw blood there. Good luck with her
  9. JP38

    JP38 Pup

    Im in the process of trying to obtain some Snooty/turtlebuster blood or tight on either side.
  10. Sabong1

    Sabong1 Big Dog

    Good looking ped.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Iron Mike

    Iron Mike CH Dog

    I forgot Sam got a bitch from that breeding. STREAK
    Litter mate brother Big Mac is who Brutus (the son of Check) won over in 49 with Jessie Boggs handling Nate New...'s dog he had just bought.
    Big Mac's mouth was heavy!
    BTW for all the papers I have seen or at least online pedigrees, his name is spelled Brutus NOT Brutis...

    I don't know how Sam's bitch turned out but there was many from that litter that did.


    When the pedigree shows anything over 50% being one particular dog or family Id consider them to be LINEBRED.
    In Asias case, she looks to be a LINEBRED JEEP dog(5/8).
    With three outcrosses 1/8 SNOOTY, 1/8 IRONLINE & 1/8 TURTLEBUSTER, with a total of four families.
    If you breed the dog to an unrelated dog that has more than a couple families in its ped,Id say thats SCATTERBRED.
    If you decide to breed her , LINEBREEDING back to the 3/8 outcrosses (SNOOTY,IRONELINE or TURTLEBUSTER)works well.
    If you breed her to a good Redboy dog you your chances might be better as the classic Jeep/Redboy cross is jokingly reffered to as the starter kit for how well it nicks.
    Redboy/Snooty cross proved well by Mims, Redboy/Ironline seemed to work well with the Gambler dog and the Redboy/Turtlebuster cross produced the Willie dog that produced great.
    NICE "LINEBRED" JEEP dog,be proud how shes bred .I like how shes bred , the secret catalyst is Colemens TURKEY.
  13. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

    Be careful where you go for Turtlebuster dogs. Lot of trash out there being sold under the name with paper hung dogs or dogs with false claims. Some on here. Some people had good success using them to dogs bred similar to the one you posted.
  14. JP38

    JP38 Pup

    Thanks for breaking that down it makes a lot more sense now, and it also gave me a different way to look at peds thx again.

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