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Why Animals Don't Have Right's

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by AmericanDogMan, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    this thread is all over the place, im confused!

    DEATH-GRIP Banned

    YEAH , its a goner !! lol :confused:
  3. AmericanDogMan

    AmericanDogMan Big Dog

    Dont see it that way... wiki is credible...(wont debate but it is fact checked from multiple sources I'll take that over one source and bias)

    I gave you several definition's including one's directly from the usda on animal welfare...

    If animal welfare includes psychological or physical well being of property; it is an infringement where is the legal argument.

    Commercial sale of meat is commerce and has to do with the welfare of your fellow man (I dont agree with the reach and scope to which commerce clauses are used) but there is a legal argument. Show me the constitutional argument for animal welfare. You cant legislate morals.

    Animal welfare is the same just a light version. We support the Government by living and paying your electric bill and supporting workers who buy meat from USDA. The USDA has nothign to do with anything other than it is an example of systematic use of Moral issues to overreach and infringe on personal property rights.

    There is a difference... I dont support anything other than freedom.


    F8ck the Change and the Hope and the free ish... whatever happened to freedom. Master gave healthcare to slaves master gave food to slaves and regulated their use of plantation items... Freedom... Charge for freedom

    Ben I respect your opinion, but there is no factual difference when there is no one definition used... I have used several sources all different view points all including the welfare (well being) of another mans personal property...

    I am waiting for one factual legally based argument for animal welfare/rights... there is no difference in regards to infringement on personal property.

    Tell me one.
  4. AmericanDogMan

    AmericanDogMan Big Dog

    It's clear to me no one can talk about the topic at end...

    Legally based factual based constitutional based reason for infringement on personal property rights.

    If animal is not property what is it. There is no end to animal welfare/rights argument, we should all just die now because they have a right to live and we dont. It's progressive.

    Property rights have limits when they affect your fellow man's pursuit of freedom. Freedom has limits (their control of you as one end... complete control)
    And thats why we should fight for commonsense. Fight for basic rights no matter how morally debase.
  5. AmericanDogMan

    AmericanDogMan Big Dog

    For you maybe, because you say whatever... they make no sense but thats just the way it is,,, It doesnt have to be that way...

    We can fight for freedom. They fight to take control

    I want one factual argument and I will wait for years (as long as this thread is open) and I will respond and I will also fight for years...

    other's are fighting too

    Take America Back Campaign War Room | FreedomWorks

    There are tools here for whatever your cause... Free ideas and thoughts

    I care about my rights as a dog owner being infringed

    How long before Home inspections for licensing.?
    How long before psychological good citizen eval.?
    Or income check how long???
    How long???

    You can Ration-a-LIES...(rationalize) anything,,, except freedom...

    HSUS says How can we just standby and do nothing?
    I say because the truth lays in Freedom

    Freedom is where the truth is... we have to allow for men to create his own destiny no matter how much we disagree.

    If animal is not property what is it?
  6. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Animals dont have rights because they CANT vote LMAO
  7. AmericanDogMan

    AmericanDogMan Big Dog

    Not funny it's true... they cant vote cause they dont have morality themselves and no responsibility to people... They are for consumption or ????

    That's what I'm saying... they are property cause if not property they would be citizens of somewhere, some country...

    If they are not property, what r they? and why do they have rights Saiyagin.???

    Bet you cant be serious for two minutes and find one American constitutional reason you can infringe on a mans property rights
  8. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Uh dude...I actually agree with you lol...Animals ARE PROPERTY.....Even in the Bible it says animals were put here for our own use, to do as we please with them wether it be for food for enjoyment or sacrifice etc...which bascially means animals have NO rights.
  9. AmericanDogMan

    AmericanDogMan Big Dog

    kool... thanks for the clarification... (I got defensive...:rolleyes:)
  10. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    americandogman you are crazy haha I cannot even keep up with everything you have to always say in this thread anymore I feel like I am seeing Wikipedia game-dog thread version :p
  11. AmericanDogMan

    AmericanDogMan Big Dog


    I just want to make sense of it you know... I want to know why there destroying families over something they don't have the right to legislate. Yea horrible people for fighting chickens... Respectable businessman owns dealerships and the like, been fighting chickens legally for years in his state... Then its illegal 3 years ago and he doesn't stop... (his fault) now he and his wife are doing 2 years (true story) over chickens b/s...

    What about the kids (you know what about the people human beings :mad:) just make's me mad.

    it's silly

    I legitimately want to know so it (what we allow the government to do to people) doesn't feel so wrong. Destroying people's lives over what is supposed to their personal property.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2010
  12. 1916

    1916 Big Dog

    Im going to be laughing when the economy goes straight down the shitter and its back to basics,because these twits like PitNJ75 and his kind are going to be crying like babies when im setting in my home eating well with my trophy buck on the wall, and my tasty fish frying in the pan,wonder if it will scream when i hook it?
    These type of people seem to have forgotten who is on top of the food chain,and when it all goes down,they will be lying in the fetal position on the bottom.
    They can eat all the veggies they want.Its the bleeding deer that ill be having.
  13. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Animals have 2 rights:

    1: The right to be on my dinner plate.

    2: The right to bring me enjoyment.

    End of the Animal bill of rights as far as I'm concerned.:rolleyes:
  14. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    animals DO have rights- the right to not endure unecessary pain and suffering. that is just human decency-it does not need to be in the bill of rights, nor the constitution.
    for example-i have no problem with hunting or fishing. real hunters use the "one shot, one kill" mentality-if they dont have a kill shot they dont take it. real hunters harvest. but alas there are many hunters who live by the "if its brown its down" mentality, giving others a bad name. what is the point of wounding a deer and letting it die a slow miserable death, and you not even harvesting it? sure, its carcass will feed varmints, but undue suffering is not needed.
    self sustainability is a beautiful thing, and its generally those folks who have a deep respect for nature and the balance.
    i could go on and on, but in the end its a matter of repsect. just because something is "property" doesnt mean that you should not respect it.
  15. AmericanDogMan

    AmericanDogMan Big Dog

    I agree and agree again. No personal attack on anyone but peops better learn the basics.
  16. AmericanDogMan

    AmericanDogMan Big Dog

    I agree but I also think you can't legislate morality. People have to grow and mature and be given the opportunity to do so. Real dogger's dont have dead game if they can help it; that would be a waste. Just like real hunters make sure they leave something for next time. It needs to be the end of big brother.
  17. simpson

    simpson Big Dog

    The scariest thing about the human condition is that we can get used to anything.......
  18. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Oh, believe me rally, I know animals have rights, they got more fucking rights than I do anymore in this country:rolleyes:

    If the "if it's brown it's down" comment was for me, well, I did say that before on here somewhere but more as a joke like as in a ha ha giggles kind of way, ( I don't take this site very seriously as some do, I use it for shits and giggles hense why you don't see me asking stupid ass questions like alot on here do I perfer to get my answers from actual people not typed text).

    I'm one of the most ethical hunters you would ever meet period! I've hunted extensivly since I was 12, I am currently 32. I am a member of and supporter of Duck Hunters Unlimited as well as several other organization that help mentor the younger generations and to share our god given right to harvest game animals and I eat anything I shoot except for vermin. I have never had to track a deer or any other animal I have ever downed nor have I ever had to take a further shot than 30 yards to down something with the exception of birds and groundhogs. They drop where I hit them plain and simple.

    I do agree that they should not suffer so I hope that rant of yours wasn't just because of what I wrote. The fact is, they are animals, put here for us for our consumption and to work for us period. read your bible......
    No decent person wants to watch an animal of any kind suffer needlessly, hope that clears up my sarcasam, if not well we'll all get over it it one way or another;)
  19. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    nope, it was a general statement, not directed at anyone in particular except those who live by it

    ...and thats the way it should be

    again, what i wrote was not directed at any specific person
  20. aruni

    aruni Pup

    hi guys,..
    i agree with this ,..
    i also don't believe on that,..

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