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When were pit fighting dogs first mentioned in history?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by davidfitness83, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. The fucking topic is
    "When were pit fighting dogs first mentioned in history?"

    So before you go babbling and trying to make people look stupid, why not take a look in the mirror.

    I'd have to say from all the babble you post you're simply a parrot of what you read on the internet
  2. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    you tell thos turds boogie! LoL
  3. LOL I kept quiet as long as I could :)
  4. hardluck

    hardluck Banned

    BoogiemanBlood in the guys original post the topic is when were fighting dogs first mentioned Yes. somewhere it turned into the topic of if they could be turned into Pack hunters which he does mention in the second paragraph of his original post #1. i was not calling anyone stupid and it was a healthy debate amongst us, i might of called someone crazy lol. DAVIDFITNESS83 even posted a youtube clip of an example on page 3 of a pack example of what he was talking about. it was a pack of i dont know 15 plus Alano Espanols or more. the video posted by VENOM was excellent example of how genetics can make it happen, but they were breeding for non agresive foxes which was a good example of genitics non the less. seriouslly though they were breeding them foxes and holding them in cages like they were game fowl since 1959 and only 1% became tame. still it was a good and a wonderful experiment those russians are doing with there tax payers money lol. they had hundreds of them and only 1% over 8 generations. russian tax payers are paying for this. i would definantly be mad if our governement spent time to do this. as long as there is a will then it can happen i guess, i do understand man created dogs for there own needs and again it was something to see the foxes turning domesticated and taking on a different look over time in VENOMS post on page 3. i will not hold my breath on the idea of our dogs being turned into pack hunters at all though. the day i see 15 or more Pure bred APBTs all packed into a dog trailor not seperated like the video the original poster posted in the 3rd page will be long before i die. i am still saying that there will have to be a cross of a pure bred pack dog to make it trully happen. this would be becasue no one will take the time to do this experiment on the APBT with our government situation, i know the USA wont do what Russia is doing and im glad for our breeds sake and our tax dollars. tom garner with the dog farm he has isnt going to do it. them russians probably had 1000 foxes cooped up in chicken wire lol. when you breed like that and the number of foxes they had sure it can happen, but if that is done to our dogs it wont be a APBT then. AND why didnt you post earlier, i would liked to hear what you would of said earlier instead of at the end with you calling me stupid. SO do you think Boggie that our dogs will be succesfull pack hunters just like the video DAVIDFITNESS83 had shown on page 3. it is a good example of a Pack Hunting breeds doing what they do. again just a friendly arguement and nothing should be taken negativelly from these posts by anyone. If you do think it is possible then you should know that it wouldnt be a real APBT then. im still calling for a cross though even with the good video VENOM posted.
  5. hardluck

    hardluck Banned

    DAMN! that was long. i type kind of fast people so i didnt realize how long that post was my fault.......
  6. Tiger12490

    Tiger12490 Big Dog

    I thought this thread was finished......we gave the answer to the OP and the fact if pitbulls can be made to pack hunters is of course and yes without crossing its called selective breeding that hows u get desired traits OF COURSE YOU COULD! Find dogs that work together and keep breeding for that why is that so hard for people to understand they must no nothing about genealogy
  7. venom

    venom Top Dog

    a cross would make it a lot easier, and it wouldnt be a apbt. soon as you start breeding for other traits its a different dog.
  8. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

    "russian tax payers are paying for this. i would definantly be mad if our governement spent time to do this."

    I guess if you knew some of the shit the U.S. has done you would need anger management classes. lol
  9. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    So off topic but look up HAARP just one of the toys the US Gov is building with our money to possible cause a major tragedy lol
  10. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    I bet the Russians will have the last laught too when they unleash those aggressive foxes on us.Oh Usa we just trying to prove how mans best came to be...yeah right!

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