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When were pit fighting dogs first mentioned in history?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by davidfitness83, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Again man can breed a dog to be anything he wants them to be, even too look like the dog in ben brocktons avatar LMAO.
  2. cliffdog

    cliffdog Top Dog

    If a breed (apbt) doesn't meet your needs, don't change it. just find a breed that does.
  3. hardluck

    hardluck Banned

    exactlly these guys are crazy. they say breed the friendly APBT's and then keep doing that and eventually in the long run you will have a Poodle of a APBT. i have been using the Amstaff as a example over and over and it was bred away from APBT stock. it is still dog agressive and still would not work in a large 10,20, or even 30 hunting dog pack . no matter how much you try to breed out the APBT there will always be a recessive gene that is hidden to bring the traits you bred out right back in. you will need a true PACK DOG to be bred into the APBT and it will not be a APBT in the long run. it is the only way it will work. you guys are in a fantasy dog breeders world right now who think they can get 10-30 all APBT'S mind you not to work together. i cant even get my APBT to get along with another APBT let alone 10-30 of them. NO WAY . your sales pitch aint working over here lol.
  4. venom

    venom Top Dog

    You can definitely eliminate recessive traits lol. how do you think they rid certain lines of disease? How one line may be plagued with health problems and through careful breeding it gets better? Because they rid the dog of the recessive trait. through breeding. I do not know where or when this trait was discovered as being a recessive gene or even if it is a specific gene at all as it could be the way a number of genes work together... but it can be reduced and if it can be reduced it could be eliminated from your stock. it is only a trait man lol just a trait.

    I do not think you are comprehending the argument as you are talking about how your animals currently act in comparison to a dog that was specifically bred over generations to be a certain way with other dogs?? Lol.
  5. venom

    venom Top Dog

    If you do not breed D.A animals, eventually you will rid your stock of the genes! its common sense man. okay im done. im not gonna post.
  6. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    Thanks Venom, I hate when people put words in my mouth. The issue isn't if it can be done but moreso if it should. If you are willing to put forth the time and money then why not. Do you guys know how much work went into creating the dogo argentino? I don't think its hard to starting breeding cold dogs and get the DA out. As generations pass the number of DA offspring SHOULD in theory reduce. But I'm a beiever in gettin the dog that's fits your lifestyle and needs. I'm not gonna get a toy poodle I'd I want to hunt and I'm not gonna get a gamebred do if I wanna goto the dog park or have 10+ loose dogs in the backyard. Its hard enough owning these dogs without sausing myself more problems BUT it def could be done.
  7. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    Im with ya just pointless.
  8. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    Part of the problem here is the definition of a pack. Hardluck thinks it has to be 10+ dogs living and running loose together all the time. By that definition most of the hunters I know who hunt with packs of hounds do not have a pack. Neither are some wolf packs because they are often smaller in number then 10.
    Other definitions are:
    Pack (canine), family structure of wild animals of the biological family Canidae
    Pack hunter, animals that hunt in a group
    I don't think the number is important nor do I think that they must run loose all the time in order to be a pack.
    For what it is worth. I personally know some one who has formed a pack with 5 pitbulls. Several generations ago they were gamebred. Now they all live together and run together and work as a unit/pack. So, it can definitely be done.
    Do I think this is the easiest and best way to form a pack? No. Other breeds are more suited to the job. But, that is the beauty of dog breeding. You can select for what ever traits you want and create your own type of dog.
  9. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I was thinking along the lines of this lol


    By the way nobody is saying the APBT is not perfect the way it is, I am just asking if you can utilize solely APBT blood to create and group worker. I never owned a real APBT(gamebred) so I cannot say anything about their behavior besides what I read and see.

    I had a paperless dog that wanted to kill anything with furr or skin so I know theres no such thing as training out DA, they either got it or they have a degree of it of some sort. What I apreciate about the APBT is his athletic ability, power and fearlessness while remaining stable with humans. I know the arguement says that once you remove the [] from the selective proccess of breeding you get man biters, couldn't you test similarly with a hog or coon or something else? At the end this temperament test is to decipher if the dog can handle high levels of excitement and agression while hunting and being able to be handled or have humans near by right?
  10. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    you can create anything but odds are there's already a breed for the job.
  11. Ninety-Nine

    Ninety-Nine Big Dog

    Man raced horses for thousands of years but the fastest Thoroughbreds are a relatively new invention of the British Empire.Man fought dogs for thousands of years but the Bull and Terriers are a relatively new invention of the British Empire. No I'm not a "Pom\Limey", but we must give credit where it's due and forget the fairy tales.
  12. Oldskool Brent

    Oldskool Brent Top Dog

    You can raise game dogs together, but you just have to realize they are going to create a pack order, and since they are game dogs the one that slides down the pack pecking order is going to be dead when you get home. :) So start out with one big ass pack, because after 18 mos, that pack is going to slim down pretty quickly, lol.
  13. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    i always wondered what would happen if u put a mother and her pups on an island to live in the wild what would happen. All packs fight but the problem i saw was that they were bred to ignore submission. WOuld they all kill each other and i think that the severely deep game dogs and super DA dogs would cull themselves out since the odds of gettin a whole litter like that is rare. i think that if u came back 10-20 years later (assuming they survive) you would see a pack of dogs doing what was needed to survive.
  14. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    that was my point BB, nothin against making your own dogs. Maybe i just like takin the easy route
  15. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    If look at the history of the CImarron Uruguayo you would find a similar scenario, obviously not with pit dogs but war dogs. The British/Portuguess/Spanish dumped their dogs in Uruguay and they became wild. After several generations of natural selections these dogs started attacking farm animals and people. The goverment hired hunters to kill these wild dogs, some farmers started using them again and brought them back to the domesticated state.


  16. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Kinda look like bulldogs
  17. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    Yeah that dog type has an interesting background, if you look Cao de Filas they also have a similar look to the APBT but obviously much different software lol
  18. venom

    venom Top Dog

    This is the breeding program I was talking about...

  19. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    I didn't watch the video but if I remember correctly, what was really interesting about the fox breeding experiment is when they selected solely on the basis of friendliness/tameness the foxes started to look like dogs and have flop ears and spots etc.
  20. venom

    venom Top Dog

    yeah, wagging tails and showing signs of affection/craving human interaction
    while the other stock, bred for aggressiveness were trying to eat her through the cage.

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