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When to take the pups off the titt

Discussion in 'Breeder Discussion' started by Gxkon, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Gxkon

    Gxkon Big Dog

    when woul dbe a good time to take the pups off the momma i was thinking at week 5 i have my pups now still on momma and eating wet dog food shoul di keep them on longer or take them off now the vet told me 4 to 5 weeks is when they need to come off
  2. Padlock

    Padlock Banned

    if she letting them feed and they're not hammering her teats
    i say let them keep feeding. if it's stressing mom out and her
    coat is falling off, then give her a break and ween them bad boys.
  3. chucho

    chucho Big Dog

    I have always weened the pups once their teeth came out and started eating wet dog food. It helped the mom recuperate alot better and her underside would tighten back up.
  4. Gxkon

    Gxkon Big Dog

    she does have patches of hair missing ill take the pups off is that normal for some hair loss
    to occur the pups do get at her right now i have her feeding them 2 to 3 times a day and wet food 2 times a day little bitches are fat as hogs and crap every where
  5. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    ok them patches of hair is likely demodex! which is prolly now passed to the pups. if your askin a thread about anything to do with breeding than why the fuck are you doing it?

    please do us all a favor, get your bitch fixxed and cull those pups and take up the exotic fish hobby!
  6. D Game Butcher

    D Game Butcher Big Dog

    6 weeks, pull em off the tit give them their shots, and put em in front of hard food, puppy chow that is. sometimes for the first week I soak the food in water.
  7. Padlock

    Padlock Banned

    it's usually a sign of vitamin deficiency and stress. make sure those pus get wormed two or 3x in the next few weeks. make mom some ground beef and rice with chicken broth daily for a week or two. other than that
    you should be okay.
  8. Gxkon

    Gxkon Big Dog

    i know for a fact its not demodex the vet did a skin test and its negitive bro so ask questions before u jump down someones shit i was asking for when to take the pup off the tit read the whole post from your posts i see u know a few things and feel where you are comeing from i also know all dogs have the demodex mite on them so if we go by what u say we all need to get our dogs fixed like the poster down there said vitamin deficiency i talked to the vet after i read the post about the coat falling out and that what she said i got my dog some vitamins so hopefully all will be well you want to talk shit hit me on PM then we will work it out And i did the exotic fish thing them bitches cant pull a sled so i dont want them
  9. Gxkon

    Gxkon Big Dog

    Thats what the vet told me i got them hooked up with a litter wellness plan with my vet i take em in to get the fecal wormer and first set of shots thanx for mentioning the hair loss i called the vet and got my dog some vitamins
  10. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    lol wow

    ok well good thing it aint demodex, now lets move on to why the hell you know nothin about raisin pups yet you decided to take that route?? lemme guess........an "oops" breeding?:rolleyes:
  11. pit4ever

    pit4ever Banned

    please dont talk shit . you dont jack shit you just always acting you know but all you are is just country boy with internet. admin do something because every thread i go to its laced talking shit and you can tell he aint shit.
    and tell us what makes you the one that knows everything about this breed. explain. what did you accomplish so far.
    im waiting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2010
  12. Padlock

    Padlock Banned

    anytime partner. don't worry about the comments of the salty guys
    they mean well too. it's just it's hard to read between the lines sometimes.
    we all gotta start some where...i'm sure Colby got his feet wet the
    same way...all we ask is to make sure breedings are planned and
    well received. remember it's all about the betterment proccess,..so
    do our breed justice. thats all this community asks. you'll find out
    soon enough puppies aren't that cute after you become mom...they're a pita! lol
  13. Gxkon

    Gxkon Big Dog

    No doubt it was a planned breeding and it was for a purpose im not going to explane that puropse because some hick wants to talk trash but yes it is my first litter and yes i want to learn all i can about breeding that includes trial and error i had that explaned to me on this board you learn more that way i like this forum cuz noone talks shit about you wanting to learn to breed i know the older guys mean well and passion clouds there thinking sometimes hell it does mine to if the old school guys want to help instead of talkin shit they need to educate once again thanx for the info padlock
  14. cajunpits

    cajunpits Pup

    +++++ 100 please lacy sshhhhh
  15. fblb

    fblb Top Dog

    Four to five weeks is I believe pretty normal.....as for the exotic fish lest leave them out of this y'all, lol. They are a pretty good hobby. Maybe change out the exotic fish for pet rock? lol
  16. Gxkon

    Gxkon Big Dog

    I like salt water fish salt tanks are real nice but if ima spend salt tank money then i want it to do something like hog hunt or pull a sled
  17. Flipside

    Flipside CH Dog

    Between 4-5 five week old I separate them from mother during the day and start feeding then moist, soft food through out the day.... before you put momma with them at night makes sure to feed them, that way they are a full and they don't take much from the mother during the nights. Do this through out the next couple days gradually decreasing mothers time with the pups...that way the pups are weaned off mother and (what most poeple forget) is that mother and her tits are weaned from the pups as well! Allowing the mother's body to absorb back the milk and stop production gradually helps to prevent mastitis and nasty saggy boobs after!

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2010
  18. fblb

    fblb Top Dog

    Salt water is pretty cool, but I think I am gonna stick with freshwater stuff....might dabble in saltwater someday, we shall see. Just getting started really so I don't know enough to feel comfortable tackling a saltwater set up. A lot of really cool options with freshwater too though.
  19. Gxkon

    Gxkon Big Dog

    There is some good fresh water options i like the salt water stuff because the colors are more vibrant there are some fresh water fish tha are vibrant but they cost but overall fresh water is way way cheaper then the salty tanks
  20. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    hey im stating the obvious, if it hurts your feelers get some thick skin.

    i agree filth, exotic fish may be too advanced for the simple minded. a pet rock is much better.

    lol i dont need to justify shit, the fact that this thread even exists is clear enough.

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