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Whats that blue liquid you stick in your dogs water?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BIGEASY, Dec 9, 2012.



    a dogman once told me he uses a blue liquid that he sticks in the water, when drank the dog will piss and shit odorLESS piss and shit. dont get me wrong, i clean my yard, but itd be pretty nice to not have to smell it. thanks for your time! any suggestions will be appreciated:dogdrink::dogdrink::dogdrink:
  2. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    I don't know but it can't possibly be good for the dog,if it exists. I'd just scoop more often.


    thanks gh32! lol i sat down to smoke a cigerette on the opposite side of the yard when a gust of wind brought the deep aroma to slap my face... he just did it as the wind approached too lol
  4. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    Mrs. Stewards liquid blueing it I use it but not for shit smells




    thanks* lol my bad
  7. Kimo615

    Kimo615 Banned

    I wouldn't use it...doesn't sound good to me. To make poop not smell like poop you got to kill all the bacteria in it...which would kill all the natural bacteria in the dogs stomach. Bacteria is what makes the oder in poo. Urine is left over nutrients. Dont wanna mess with the nutrition either.


    preciate it kimo, makes absolute sense. My girlfriend told me my farts stink cause im healthy, so I should be quite pleased to know my dog shit smells. Lol
  9. Kimo615

    Kimo615 Banned

    LMAO! Awsome!
  10. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    you know what they say about folks that shit dont stink!! ha ha -
    If a dogs shit had no smell, maybe no other dogs would want to be around him.. could win in many activities..
    OK - I'm going outside now. Cant stop laughing.


    Lol I just scooped up and it is stank like usual
  12. Lol @ last post.. they had to go outside for a time out hehe

    But yeah I wldn't use it the blue stuff snds abit ruthless.. like it shld only be in a toilet bowl.

    You could try feeding your dogs a different diet that they absorb better.. I personally like to find a few different food types and brands (I feed dry supplemented by abit of raw & other stuff here and there oils, fish, pasta, rice whtever etc) and alternate through the different types of stuff and the base food brand of dry every few weeks or mths, you soon find out what dog absorbs what really well, what dogs you can feed the same food etc and you can then give also whatever add-ons necessary for the individual dog.. much tighter stool much lighter smell... no shit! :D
    Its def important to me lol caus I "poo pick" my chain spots and yard areas every morning and its f*&n 'crap' when ther waste is stinkin redick not a great start to the day when Im still half asleep ha


    lol i hear ya, thanks ODL. ill try that out, luckily i just started a new pot of rice, so ill whip up a nice mix for these dogs. Asian households have no trouble with supplying rice lol
  14. lol Goodstuff Yeah ey!! a Asian household wld def have the rice supply well covered very good for the K9 family members lol :D


    you know it ODL! lol
  16. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    Its not for the poo it helps in other ways
  17. Bluedog

    Bluedog Big Dog

  18. YoungLion

    YoungLion Big Dog

    never used the stuff myself so cant say much about it. here are some of the claims from their website concerning reported many uses of their product. keep in mind I have never used it and this is quoted directly off their site:

    " Over the years, we have had many reports of:

    MSB being used in fish tanks and fish ponds.
    MSB being used in bird baths
    MSB being used by farmers in drinking watering troughs
    MSB being used by pet owners in their pet*s drinking water.
    Customers claim that MSB helps to reduce the algae growth that occurs in fish tanks, ponds and bird baths, keeping them cleaner longer. Farmers claim that it reduces distemper and other diseases. They claim that the flies that carry these diseases won*t lay eggs on the water if it is blued. Farmers also use it to prevent disease in young chicks. Dog-owners have used MSB to prevent kennel cough and other diseases as well as to keep the noses of their white dogs from yellowing * particularly with show dogs. Many veterinarians recommend it to their clients. It is put directly on sores, insect bites, ring-worm, etc.

    For more information and product disclaimers, please download our factsheet on Animal/Fish/Bird Ingestion of Mrs. Stewart*s Bluing. "

    Reduce Algae Growth in Fountains, Bird Baths and Fish Ponds

    someone here said there were other uses so I can only ASSUME this was along the lines of what they mean. but there were no reports of odor control for pet waste on the site but they CLAIM its non toxic. Hope that helps. If not I just learned something.
  19. UphillDoc

    UphillDoc Pup

    They could be using Copper Sulfate?
  20. patjr

    patjr Top Dog

    Hey BIGEASY, did you ever get to try it on your dogs????(to be on the safe side, has anyone been keen enought to drink some themselves over a period of time, or even once, to check thats ok to consume???).... my suggestion is, DON'T play around with SHIT, pick it up as quickly as you can and if the smells too much for you to bear ( it's suppose to stink thats why it's called SHIT or if it doesn't your probably a lazy shit lol.)so you can always saturate yourself in your favorite deodorant prior to doing your duties huh!!!

    If any tread deserves to fade away and die, this one would be as good as the worst SMH.

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