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What do you say when...

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by CBRSALT, Feb 5, 2011.


    CBRSALT Big Dog

    Just for kicks I thought I would ask this question to everyone- What do you say to a person who when talking dogs with you they say they have a "real" pitbull? And as the conversation progresses you find out their dog is a bully? Or better yet as SO MANY people in the south brag on their dogs being Gotti/Razorsedge dogs? Do you just say "oh ok" or do you suddenly kick into evil mode and blast them out for even mentioning they had that kind of dog? Lol.

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    Me personally I just take the subtle aproach and say "oh ok" and keep it moving. Last time i got into a discussion about "real pits" it resulted into an all out arguement which didnt solve anything. But to each his own i guess.
  3. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

    it depends on who I'm talking to.9 out of 10 times its a total waste of time trying to convince a bully owner that an apbt doesn't weight 100+lbs.

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    Yep. Bigger is not always better.(with dogs).
  5. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    so when did this become so many people in the south what exactly does the south have to do with RE or Gotti dogs.

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    I live in the south and notice things. and when I look in d bham newspaper any day of the week sombodies selling gotti/re pups. And when im walking my dog and folks stop me to chat it up 80% of them have said their dogs are gotti and/or RE. Thats why I say so many people I the south. Im not saying thats what everybody has but thats what I hear about most people having.
  7. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    the thing is that is where you live so thet is where you see it but plain and simple it is just man many uneducated folks everywhere and you do the right thing by not argueing with folks anymore it does no good the best you can do i guess would be get them to join this site or something that way they can learn thats what i do

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    Thats an on point response Agame. I was txtn a buddy of mine a couple days ago and he just got a new pit pup. Which I havnt seen in person but d pic he sent me makes her look like a bully pit. So I inquire about the pups bloodline and he responds "blue". Im bewildered at that point so I send a txt back saying "blue???" He says "yea because thats the color blood that runs through em." True story. I didnt even reply after he txt me that. Im supposed to go by his house tomoro so il try your idea Agame and point him to this site so he can read a lil bit and learn somethn.
  9. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    I used to try and politely inform people of their misconception, but I learned that they just get defensive, won't listen, and are going to believe what they want regardless of what I tell them. No one wants to hear that their fat ass bully isn't really a pit bull, especially since they've probably paid an ass-load of money for it. So I just ignore it and try to move the convo on elsewhere.

    Now if someone is asking for info, I will give it to them. I don't mind educating those that actually want to learn something.
  10. nobody

    nobody Banned

    say nothing i do not talk dogs in public and i am no teacher.
    If someone see's me walking and tell's me, i do not have a real dog because it is so tiny and small.
    I would say ok nice to know and walk away.
  11. absolute peril

    absolute peril Big Dog

    I was once told my most white bulldog was a "dogo pit." I was like "....What..." He proceeded to say that was the bloodline he had. Yes he TOLD me my own dog's line. I was like " That isn't correct but I wont argue." and I walked away to avoid conflict and I lose my temper easy.

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    Another thing that erks me is people using a dogs color to identify the "type" of pitbull you have. I get so tired of people asking me "what kind of pitbull do I have". not what bloodline or sex he is. So when they ask me a stupid question like that I just say "a pitbull" and then I guess they understand the reasoning behind that answer and ask a more informative question.

    CBRSALT Big Dog

    I think bully owners are the worst to talk dogs with. Cuz everyone knows a super short 90lb bully with a 47" head and a mouth as big as a hippo would whoop any 40-50lb pit. LOLLOLOL
  14. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

    sadly that's not just down south here in NY bully's out # apbt 10 to 1.i guess there's just more money in breeding bully's.the sad part is most people that buy them think there the real deal...:rolleyes:
  15. NorCalTim

    NorCalTim Big Dog

    I was reading another web board that was talking about the differences between an APBT and a Am Bully. A girl wrote in how she wished she would have read the info the day before.

    She just bought a "Pit Bull" from a famous, not mentioned by name, athlete. He was getting rid of all of that kind of blood (she remembers him saying).

    Now she felt jipped. She said she loves her new pup and will forever.
    Most Bully owners find out what they have eventually. Key work eventually. :)

    When people call me for info, I ease them into the fact the (usually breeding :confused:) Pit Bull they have is an Am Bully.

    2 yrs ago people who called were clueless.:confused: Now most people who call me grit there teeth and say, yes I have an Am Bully :(.

    Here is the new trend.
    APBT looking Am Bully. People are breeding more APBT in there Bully. Its getting harder and harder to know if THE hidden trait is there. Dude yesterday put it to me this way.

    In public= 90% Am Bullies
    8% Am Bully tiring to conform to old APBT standards (breeding more APBT in it)
    2% pure bred

    Its the non traditional APBT who has a non traditional attitude (they are not as good with the temperament issues). Let alone, come on they look like they would sink, most APBT swim :D.

    American Pit Bull Terrier History Pitbull Stories


    CBRSALT Big Dog

    yea its sad how bullies are becoming so popular. If you google "real pits" all you get is XXL "pits" and bullies. Sad sad sad. And people not familiar with d breed specs think thats what a "real" pit really look like.

    MISSAPBT Top Dog

    Heres another one... what do you do when someone tells you with all seriousness that two rednosed apbts cannot produce a rednose pup, i had to leave the room before i unleasehed my fury as he was not having a bar of me trying to educate him.

  18. crushbones

    crushbones CH Dog

    WTF!!!...u have got to be kidding me!!!....it's alot of good dogmen in the ham!!...u must not get out much cause they are there!!..alot of them are not online!!...plenty of good apbt's in the ham!!
  19. dutchy954

    dutchy954 Big Dog

    Theyre cool dogs. I dont hate any animal, but it seems the owners of these dogs, usually, are really people who are miseducated. Like 98% of them are miseducated... I love when they tell me my dog looks like a greyhound, not an apbt.
    My buddy bought pick of the litter from alabama iron pitbulls.. No lie he paid $5,000.00 for pick male.. (dumbass), you can check their website they ask $10,000 for a stud feee!!!! WTF??!? Anyways Dog is 90lbs at 9 mnths and needs both hips replaced. Alabama iron pits said theyd replace the dog?!?!?? Yah good luck with your sway back inferior blue dogs people...
  20. scooter

    scooter Big Dog

    What can you say, A fool and his money are soon parted.

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