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Were Dogman of the Past Cruel?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BrokenBread, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I would thank you 5 times if I could;)
  2. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Absolutly! Just like I think it's cheating in tennis, football, MMA, Boxing, Cycling, Swimming, baseball, cricket, rugby lol and any other compition sport out there.
  3. Inter-tel

    Inter-tel Big Dog

    lol. horse raceing isnt anything like the sports you listed.
  4. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I realize that, the point was in the last 7 words of my post. Which Horse racing falls into that catagory..
  5. Inter-tel

    Inter-tel Big Dog

    Then please explain why it is cheatin in horses for courses?
  6. mntman2003

    mntman2003 CH Dog

    Some were harder on there dogs for sure. Back in the day Buckshot Bert's dogs were lucky to make it till sundown. But he was more selective prior to 1976 and his %s showed.
  7. Inter-tel

    Inter-tel Big Dog

    people forget what time was like before the interweb, things moved sloooowly.
    people held onto traditions that they brought over on the boat with a death grip. Most of that has been lost in todays fast paced, fast food society.
  8. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    It's just the way I feel, always have, always will. I don't even know what you mean by courses(I don't do horses:D), but if it's a competition between other horses then there is no need for me to explain, I already have said my opinion on why, several times in this thread. It comes down to Enhancment vs. Natural in short. I can see both sides of the coin, I just tend to favor the other.:cool:
  9. mr.futuristic

    mr.futuristic Big Dog

    Some consider altitude training cheating. I ask is the use of performance supplements cheating also because they havent been around all the time and everyone doesnt use them so guess they have a unfair advantage too?
  10. mntman2003

    mntman2003 CH Dog

    well put this goes for everything today ..fast food nation lol
  11. WWII

    WWII Banned

    I don't think it's cheating, period.

    And to those saying the wins don't matter because it doesn't show the dog's natural ability... Are you serious? You should know the dog's natural ability before putting a bet on him.

    Match dogs =/= game dogs
  12. TheVictor22

    TheVictor22 CH Dog

    Using steroids is cheating IMO... However lets keep in mind you match a dog for sport. the object is to win not to see/show the dogs natural ability. Thats what the schooling and testing is for. now it wouldn't make much sence to use roids why schoolin or testing. Whouldn't show you much about the dogs ability and you wouldnt really know what you got....... my point is this by the time the dog hits [ ] . it should already beknow if he got it or not. At that point it's bout bringing home the win... JMO

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2009
  13. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    if you think pro boxers do not juice you rte out of your mind usually they will juice untill they get to a championship fight because that is the only time they test you
  14. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    all th juice ithe workld aint gonna make a dog scratch and this game is a scratchin contest
  15. WWII

    WWII Banned

    According to some, it'll turn the dog into Krypto.
  16. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    this thread is hilarious.
  17. mr.futuristic

    mr.futuristic Big Dog

    Hell yeah dont cull just juice got three triple grchamp pullers all where currs tell i hit im with my magic juice:p
  18. mr.futuristic

    mr.futuristic Big Dog

    The new phrase that pays "dont cull just juice"

    BLU3BR1NDLE Big Dog

    LMAO. Comedy:)
  20. mntman2003

    mntman2003 CH Dog

    they make u pissed more agressive who knows...I am well versed on the subject not with canines though.

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