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urban dogman, concrete yard

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by rhumble, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. rhumble

    rhumble Big Dog

    im curious how people can have multiple gamedogs in small places, how to manage it?
  2. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    How small are we talking? How many dogs?
  3. rhumble

    rhumble Big Dog

    can be from house with small garden to apartment.

    few dogs but the real deal

    i heard andre giroux had dogs in apartement
  4. Franzi216

    Franzi216 Top Dog

    Well- i would not call my dogs gamedogs, but i keep 10 dogs inside, two outside in a kennel.
    We got 11 small benches in the house, 4 in the living. In there its kind a rotation. At the moment i write that i got the Pepper girls in their crates, Tommi and Shiva on the couch and one on my legs.
    Sometimes the Russel joins them ;).
    All our doors are closed to provide accidents.
    In the kitchen you will find normal the Russel and my big female who is watching over the house and entry.
    In the sleeping room you find Syko, when we leave he is in his "high safety" crate, because he destroys everything.
    In the next room is my place for putting my wash- and Bajda and Gucci are in their crates there ;)

    The two AmStaffs outside need a new place, when they are gone Bajda and Gucci are normal the whole day outside, separated.
  5. BA08/15

    BA08/15 Big Dog

    multiple dogs in an apartement = crates
    i guess.
  6. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    It can be done, just have to be creative and dedicated. Better have alot of time off to let them hounds get some type of exercise or at least have some type of mill to work them on.
  7. Franzi216

    Franzi216 Top Dog

    Jop- as u can see- its possible ;)
  8. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    I have 8. 4 in the back yard, 3 in the house, and 1 farmed out. I only use kennels for the inside dogs when I go to bed or as punishment for not behaving. The are all gamebred but have no clue if their game.
  9. Belcher256

    Belcher256 Big Dog

    Ive kept one pitbull in an apartment, it was a pain during the puppy stages but it worked out later, idk how some people can have 3+ dogs in a kennel in their apartment.
  10. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    I've rotated multiple dogs for years. Not game dogs but definitley dogs that would kill each other if givin' the chance. lol I used a combo of outside kennels and chain spots for outside time and for inside time, I use crates, big metal baby gates, in house tie downs, room separation, etc... I have cats as well and two dogs here that would kill them if allowed out loose together. Even the cats are crate trained. ;)

    In this day and age, with the witch hunt, you figure more people would be looking into alternatives to keeping all their dogs outside 24/7. I won't even keep two dogs of the same color outside on their chain spots at the same time so I attract less attention with multiple dogs. My landlord thinks it's helarious all the neighbours think I only have two dogs. :p

    I set off an alarm for when to rotate dogs. It's all quite organized. lol
  11. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    I've seen chain spots in the basement and laundry room. "dining room" areas converted into a dog room with either runs or crates.

    I'm still in a town house right now, miss having a big ass back yard. I've got a chain spot out back by the patio area, a spot in the laundry room and two crates.
  12. rocco

    rocco Big Dog

    I've had a chain spot outside crate in the dining room one in the laundry room and converted the garage into a kennel setup for four. like it was said above i didn put the same colored ones out together.. it was a crate an rotate with two mills goin.. alot of effort is required but the neighbors never heard em and only thought i had two
  13. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    I personally don't think anyone should have to crate and rotate dogs. If you have to do that then you have to many. It isn't healthy for any of the dogs.
  14. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    im in agreement with wdk on this one. if you have to crate & rotate then you should rethink the situation.
  15. rocco

    rocco Big Dog

    I def think better setups are healthier for the dogs and this shouldn't be a 'choice' in keeping dogs, but if a situation dictates and this is short term I can understand. I have since got all my dogs on their own spot. For those that take the route of small space multiple dogs, well gl.
  16. craftwork

    craftwork Pup

    well i have 3 dogs. i have a house and a yard with three chain setups but my one bitch barks all day at the male she just want to get at him allday so i started rotating abit as far as leaving two outside have the day then i bring the male in and bring the rowdy bitch outside and then at night ill bring all 3 in leave one loose and crate the other ones at night.
  17. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I use chain set ups in my basement, there are 3 - 8' set ups and one 10 x 9 Pen, it works fine for me and has for years, all my dogs look outstanding, not just in my eyes but anyone who sees them including my Vets. I'm in the process of 3 - 10 x 10 kennels out back aswell. My yard space is limited to 33' x 40' so I make room where I can and all dogs here are very much gamebred.:dogtongue:

    I think you make the most out of what you have when your limited by space issues. Farming out is a necessity when living in the city IMO. Multiple yards is a plus when you live in the city for many reasons.;)

    (I figured I'd add this before a smart ass comment is made, the dogs are all rotated from downstairs to the upstairs and to the outside throughout the day, they don't just sit on the chains all day in the basement:rolleyes:)
  18. magnoilaotis

    magnoilaotis Top Dog

    I have kept them in apartments and to be honest two is the max number for a bleeding heart liberal like me. On a house type setting on a half acre it depends on your work ethic. I keep a couple more than cllosa allows, but I go above and beyond standard upkeep.
  19. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    My situations pretty ideal as I'm home all day and all I do is work and rotate dogs. lol Mine actually spend very little crate time during the day. They're either in the house, outside on their chain spots or kennel, or being worked. Night time and if I leave are the only time most of them are crated and I even rotate whose out over night. It wouldn't be ideal if I was working 8 hours a day.
  20. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    And that right there is the key, regardless of your style of set up IMO.

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