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Tosa Inu

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Bull and Terrier, Dec 13, 2009.

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  1. damon

    damon Banned

  2. StosMan

    StosMan Big Dog

    Lol, ok. So you have as much first hand knowledge of the Tosa as I do? Is that a fair statement? Please stop being so cheeky, you know exactly what kind of pooch I'm referring to.
  3. damon

    damon Banned

    Have i owned a tosa, no. But what in the hell does that mean? Ive seen them in action and thats enough for me. Cheeky cheeky
  4. StosMan

    StosMan Big Dog

    I didn't ask if you owned one. I asked you if you have had first hand experience with one. I have never seen one in person. I think they are pretty cool, but can't write with any authority about them because of my lack of first hand knowledge. Please, do you have first hand knowledge of the tosa? Also, have you ever matched a pit dog?
  5. damon

    damon Banned

    Your noset arent you? No first hand experience either, but what does that prove? Videos are not cartoons, the fights did actually happen you know
  6. StosMan

    StosMan Big Dog

    Ok- Damon please, have you ever matched a pit dog?
  7. damon

    damon Banned

  8. StosMan

    StosMan Big Dog

    Damon, you write with such enthusiasm and conviction that your knowledge about the tosa and the pit dog shouldn't be questioned. I'm trying to understand your knowledge or experience. This thread really doesn't have much going for it. I have read a ton of mud slinging and hearsay evidence on this thread and not much more. I have watched the videos, and I'm nonplussed.

    If you would be kind enough to answer the question about your experience about handling a match dog that would be appreciated. You could just as easily say you have, but my questions would continue. If you haven't it's not a big deal either, I'm guessing that the majority of people here have never seen in person legitimate bulldogs having a serious go at it. I'm trying to gain knowledge about why you think the tosa is a superior animal.
  9. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    LOL I have no first hand experience matching either breed of dog but I am routing for the APBT all the way!
  10. damon

    damon Banned

    Lets just say ive seen good bulldogs. I was one of those people who thought the pitbull was untouchable in combat, but then i saw a clip of a tosa destroy what was a game, well conditioned pitbull. Got me interested in the breed and talked to tosa dogmen over in japan who match both breeds
  11. StosMan

    StosMan Big Dog

    OK, fair enough. Have you had first hand experience with matching dogs?
  12. damon

    damon Banned

    Now thats a tough one
  13. StosMan

    StosMan Big Dog

    Why is it difficult to write yes or no?

  14. damon

    damon Banned

    Lets just say i aint going personal
  15. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    The tosa did not start off as a 75 lb dog, and there are rarely any 200 lb. tosas you idiot. The tosas started as a 140 to 160 lb. dog. The "mid weight" tosas were the real tosa inus, then the "light weights" began with the infusion of additional apbt blood. The larger tosas are definitely less of a dog, but the tosa inus on a whole are lesser dogs in terms of gameness. How do you know if the dog in that video has any fresh apbt blood at all? Are you certain of it, is he your dog? Don't go on assuming because you make an ass out of yourself. Go on pretending you have an apbt by matching these mutts, and be sure to bend over afterwards.
  16. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    I see you are a fucking delusional idiot that is on the higher end of the retardation scale. The akita was never matched with the tosa inu. The tosa was created in response to the akitas losing to the foreign dogs. Why would the japanese create a dog to whoop their previous dog of choice, the akita inu? In fact, the akitas are revered in Japan for their loyalty and were their super dogs, or do you not know anything you fucking idiot. I've never seen anyone this fucking delusional. Just show me one game tosa inu, I've never seen or even heard of one. There is a higher chance of finding big foot than a tosa inu that is game, but you're too much of a fucking idiot to realize this, you delusional cunt.
  17. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    The tosa is far from being the dog that can conquer all, in fact, matched with working dogs that were naturally selected to work, the tosas get their asses handed to them. You're a fucking moron that has an unusual fetish for tosa inus. You probably get off by watching two tosas mate don't you, you fucking idiot. Since you spend your days doing nothing but watching tosa vids, why don't you watch what happens when a tosa inu matches into a CAO, Kangal, Ovtscharka, etc.? These three breeds mentioned, and many more, cur tosas on a regular basis.

    Also the dog that can conquer all and the pound for pound king is one in the same, is it known as the game dog.
  18. damon

    damon Banned

    You cant educate pork! Enough said
  19. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    cao vs tosa Âèäåî@Mail.Ru

    now go talk to people in the middle east about CAO's and Kangals, you fucking idiot. You're probably the biggest idiot I've ever encountered, I'm still in disbelief that there could be as big an idiot as you.
  20. damon

    damon Banned

    I have seen a good tosa go against a kangal that was much larger, the kangal was screaming at the 5min mark, my guess is you wouldnt know a true fighting tosa if it bit you in the ass!

    Your mother is the only bitch that gets me off son ;)

    Like i said show me a pure pitbull beat a tosa dumbass, im waiting. All talk no action arent you ha
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