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To rescue or not, what's your view?

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by malakimax, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. malakimax

    malakimax Big Dog

    As of late I have had an ass-full of the rescue pit people with their curs in sweaters and pictures of them with kittens. I don't believe in rescuing APBTs. The pounds should exist so strays don't to get out of control. Any APBT in need of "rescuing" should be humanly euthanized. Most people argue -OMG it's a life! What don't rescue??!, but if you think about it that chicken sandwich you ate for lunch was a life. What, because it's not as cute? not as smart, because our cultural views say something. So only cute, or smart animals get to live? not used as food?, or working animals? I think rescuing dogs, ( so they don't go to the pound or from the pound ) is not noble, and more often than not, are rescued out to clueless dog owners.
  2. venom

    venom Top Dog

    Majority of people are clueless about the dogs they own... all throughout america. There aren't enough accidents where people get killed or seriously mangled to not adopt out dogs. If we ate dogs or did something useful with them, then it may be understandable... but a dogs death can't be in comparison to a chickens death, cuz we use the chicken to live...
  3. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    yet another uneducated/ignorant person.:rolleyes:

    you think that a dog in a sweater, or a dog that doesnt eat cats is "cur"?

    people that rescue are "more often than not clueless dog owners"?

    this is a piss poor argument at best. you clearly cant see the forest for the trees.
  4. ccourtcleve

    ccourtcleve Big Dog

    I have a different view. I think pitbulls should be treated the same as any other dog that enters the pound. The dogs should be individually evaluated with people, animals, etc and placed in a 'proper' home. I don't think the majority of APBT that end up @ the pound are actually pitbulls anyway. Usually bullies, dogs bred from a long line of backyard breeders, dogs with wide heads being called pits, etc. So I think the process to go through and pick out pit bulls and specifically not adopt them out would be difficult and cause more harm than good.

    Rescue people do a LOT of good and should be given credit where it is due!

    A lot of people will say "pitbulls aren't the breed for everyone", and while I agree, a LOT of the working breeds are NOT suitable for the average home, with many of the breeds being prone to being HUMAN aggressive. Those breeds are adopted out, so why would we discriminate against the APBT in shelters?

    HOWEVER, I agree 100% with the OPs point on a large scale, animal control should exist ONLY to control strays and not to 'rescue.' I don't think that should go for one breed, but instead for all breeds. :)
  5. venom

    venom Top Dog

    Enough pitbulls get a death sentence in shelters with adoption being available. L.A as a city puts down nearly 100,000 pitbulls a year... that's just one city. L.A, SD, SF, Oakland, San Jose, Fresno, Stockton, Sac, and everything in between... it's probably close to 1 million pitbull type dogs that get put down in CA alone. Add the rest of the country. That's ridiculous. The dogs should have a fair chance at adoption, majority of them were bred to be pets and were probably abandoned or not taken care of.
  6. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    They key term there are "pitbull type dogs" This can span many different breeds or mixes that fit a phenotype. Thats like giving me a statistic on how many retriever type dogs are put down a year or small terrier types.

    Personally I'm fine with any dog being adopted out. I don't really care as it doesn't affect me whether or not someone wants to rescue an animal. I do believe that these dogs should be thoroughly tested and the homes screened before giving out a dog.

    There are tons of unwanted dogs in this world, I'm fine with euthanasia. If people want less dogs to die in shelters then quit adding to the problem and clean up your own mess.
  7. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    I guess GR CH Virgil is just a kitten lovin' cur...


  8. absolute peril

    absolute peril Big Dog

    Please repost. ; [ The picture doesn't work.

    Nevermind. I just copy and pasted the link.
    I like that picture. ;]
  9. GSDbulldog

    GSDbulldog CH Dog

    Clueless rescue folk chiming in here...

    OP, I think I see the point you are attempting to make. As someone who dealt heavily with "pit bull" specific rescues, I am fully aware that most folks are nothing more than bleeding hearts and that their efforts, while generally good-intentioned, typically do more harm than good.

    There are a lot of "pit bulls" in the shelter/rescue circuit. A lot. Any reasonable individual knows that you cannot save them all, and any reasonable rescue organization realizes that a great majority of those dogs are better off put to rest.

    But, to write off every "rescue dog" and every rescue organization? What a silly statement. If you would prefer to go another route for your pet dog, so be it. I wouldn't hand you a dog anyway :)
  10. Robber

    Robber Big Dog

    You have to realize that most of them end up there because there is something wrong with the owner, and maybe nothing wrong with the dog. The thing is, there are so many that show up there, you can be very picky about what you try to get out - there is no shortage of good sound dogs that are in shelters. Sure, there are lots that shouldn't make the cut and granted there are a lot of bleeding heart idiots in rescue, too, but that doesn't mean the practice should be abandoned altogether.

    What about all of the dogs that were seized in the huge multi-state raid this past year, many of which were some of the nicest dogs around? The only thing wrong with them were that there owners were not careful enough and got caught. Should they have all been pts or were they not in need of "rescuing"?
  11. popper

    popper CH Dog

    good post couldnt agree more
  12. deepsouth

    deepsouth Big Dog

    If you REALLY want to be HONEST about this whole issue, then you have to look at why so many dogs end up in the shelters to begin with. It's just not your typical idiot byb that's putting out these dogs, there are a lot of kennels that sell to any john q. public that has the cash.
    If someone truly cares about the breed, they're going to do their best to make sure it doesn't end up in the wrong hands (and eventually on the evening news). I know you can't always prevent stuff like that from happening. But just taking a little bit of time out of your life to get to know the potential owner can do a lot of good.

    As far as rescue work. I see no problem with it, as long as the dogs are properly evaluated and put into the right homes and of course spayed/neutered before they leave the shelter.
  13. chinomike

    chinomike Pup

    Lol at assuming a dog is a cur because it's in a shelter, wears a sweater or sits next to a cat. You're ridiculous.
  14. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    ANY breed of dog, in the wrong hands, is an accident waiting to happen. Alot of these dogs are owner surrendered because of alot of reasons:

    1. New baby
    2. Allergies
    3. Don't have time anymore
    4. Lost job and can't feed the dog
    5. Can't train the dog properly

    I could go on and on......oh, and don't forget all your BYB dogs that end up in shelters too. You can thank all your STRAY BYB HUMANS for that.

    I give alot of credit to the people that rescue. Alot of the time, they clean up the messes made by ignorant people.

    As far as this breed being a cur because it wears a sweater...that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard.

    Here is a picture of Colby's BellaDonna, in a hat:

    Here she is again, in her halloween costume:

    She's everything an APBT is supposed to be and more.
  15. malakimax

    malakimax Big Dog


    1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
    2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
    3. uninformed; unaware.
    4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.

    I'm not sure by definition you can say that I am ignorant. I have been around gamebred dogs since 1989. I am in a popular APBT book a couple of times, mentioned in a couple popular yard videos, and have been to have traveled and have seen thousands of dogs, and been to about a dozen yards/kennels or so, read and have special ordered almost every book on the subject, and even spent one full day hanging out with Richard Stratton (not at a show). I have been asked to speak as an expert on local TV about APBTs, and as well as to testify at a trial for a defendant. I have volunteered a little and my ex-wife has volunteered extensively at our local shelter. My close friend and colleague teaches a class for people rescuing pits from the pound and I have talked extensively with her about her program.

    I can't help but to see over whelming hypocrisy. The name at the top is Game-dog.com preserving the breed. It seems to me that a lot of people that post have no idea what a gameness is, what gamebred is, and how or what is to preserve the breed.
    You critzied my auguemnt, but didn't even provide a counter auguement. My opinion is an educated one I assue you. Just because I don't share your view point doesn't make me ignorant.
  16. toddrock

    toddrock Big Dog

    What does make you ignorant is posting crap like this in the "Bloodlines" forum!
  17. Midnight Cowboy

    Midnight Cowboy Big Dog

    Actually alot of shelters only adopt Pitbulls to 501 rescues it maybe a VA thing but they make it hard to rescue APBT type dogs or anything even close to the breed....But why were at it let's euthanize all homeless people and children on welfare...cause they maybe crazy and a danger to society..:rolleyes:
  18. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    yes, you are infact ignorant. you tout that you have been around gamebred dogs since 1989. congratulations- so have i. there is a great difference between us, though we share the same amount of years with the breed- i comprehend and process the information- you make shortsighted generalizations w/ apperently limited information/exposure. i take it critical thinking and situational evaluation are not things you are familiar with?
    you are ignorant because you are trying to force your opinion as gospel. you are ignorant because you paint one group of dogs all with the same brush. you are ignorant because you assume that all rescue people are bleeding heart nutjobs.
    you argue that rescue dogs most often go to clueless owners- taken a look at the "gamebred" crowd lately? go to your beloved peds online ( we know how high you hold that site) and just look at all the threads about the piss poor yard setups-new ones posted allllll the time-its not an anomaly. so who is to say that the "gamebred" crowd is taking better care of the animals over the "rescue" folks? if you had half the experience you claim-these points would not even need to be typed- for you would already know.
  19. malakimax

    malakimax Big Dog

    I'm not forcing my opinions on anyone. You failed to address my question about what it means to maintain and preserve a gamebred line. Sigh, ignorance and clue-lessness.
  20. Midnight Cowboy

    Midnight Cowboy Big Dog

    Because posting that on an online public form is a great idea:rolleyes:
    Now as far as comparing a chicken to a dog thats classic.. yes I love chicken sandwiches oh so tasty...but again it is just a chicken not an intelligent animal like a dog. So yes I value a dog more and feel rescues are a good idea they screen heavily in VA and the adoption fee is 200 dollars so not any Tom Dick or Harry is getting their hands on these dogs... Now as far as experience I have had these dogs sense I was a kid growing up in rural west VA. You have your views that is fine but going on an online site to bitch about perserving gamelines is stupid... why bother? Take care of your own yard and quit your bitching.

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