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thanks to a true dogman

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by frenchie1936, Jul 24, 2008.

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  1. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    i would like to thank Clint Kincannon for the chance to continue on a tradition of excellence. for those who don't know, Clint is getting out of the dogs. he will retain a few males for stud service. these are my new acquisitions from his yard, one of the best eli and boze yards out there.

    YIS, L



  2. RightHandImp

    RightHandImp Big Dog

    Very Nice frenchie, good luck with them :)
  3. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    oh man ur a lucky guy, those are some damn fine bred bulldogs right there
  4. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    I feel very lucky B. things came together at the right time. i also will be retaining two dogs from lil bit and t-floyd. i would like to have made an offer on Lil Bit, but i couldn't match a previous offer that Clint had received. i'll get those peds up as soon as i can. :cool:
  5. Pipbull

    Pipbull Top Dog

    Damn, Frenchie, congrats on those additions. Sounds like your going to have your hands full!
  6. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Look great! Sad to hear that Mr. Kincannon is getting out though. I have heard nothing but good things about him.
  7. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    thats wassup man, i definately want some of that blood in the near future, we'll talk :D
  8. ducho13

    ducho13 Big Dog

    Clint emailed me with a list of what he had available. It is such a shame that I cannot travel to the US right now to get something from him. He is keeping Wardog & T-Floyd. As I mentioned on an earlier thread, I have a dog from a Gordo X LilBit breeding. Congrats Frenchie you got some good blood on your yard.
  9. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Clint is a Class A Guy and breeder. CONGRATTS on youre new Dogs. I would be lieing If I dident say I was jellious. If I had the room and mony I would have liked to have took all his damn dogs lol. You dont just buy a dog from Clint. Along with the dog comes his welth of knowlidge on the sixbits family of dogs. If anyone has a chance to accuire anything from him, you would be doing youreself a diss service by not doing so. Whoever getts littlebit is one lucky sum of a %itch. My pup off of War DogXBad Penny is actin a damn fool at 7 months. I couldent be happyer with him or the Kennel I got him from. Frenchy you are one Lucky man. Again CONGRATTS
  10. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Damn French!!! The force is with you!!! You'll LOVE that Happyjack bred stuff. I know we do!!!
  11. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    i've heard nothing but good things man. can't wait to see. i will be breeding Laveau to Mud Bug as soon as she comes into heat. Medusa has a litter she is nursing right now, so it will be awhile before i get to experiment with the Happy Jack stuff. and Ducho, Clint will be keeping Gordo also. also, Boi Boi, my e-mail is listed on my site which i have a link for in my sig. hit me up.
  12. Suki

    Suki Guest

    BEST of luck to yah with these! lookin good!!!!
  13. Caos

    Caos CH Dog

    congrats.buddy you had nice breed dogs there.

    BIGTEXAS Big Dog

    nice bred dogs... i would like somthing down from his line...anybody got contact info?..can you pm it to me...thanks in advance
  15. Very nice Frenchie!

    With Respect, pmk
  16. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

  17. Were you planning on breeding Venom soon?

    With Respect, pmk
  18. yeahright

    yeahright Pup

    Don't you mean a True Peddler
  19. Tramplove

    Tramplove Big Dog

    good luck with the pretty dogs. They look very good.
  20. willypete

    willypete Big Dog

    LMAO ...... yeahright your name says it all
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