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swollen dewclaw

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by APBTfan, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. APBTfan

    APBTfan Big Dog

    I was out cleaning the yard and I noticed one of the dogs has a swollen dewclaw. He must of got it caught on something. I cleaned it up and it doesn't look like he ripped the claw off. It's just swollen. Do you guys think I should take him to vet? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
  2. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    I had this happen to one of my girls YEARS ago and for the life of me I can't recall what the vet did for it. I did take her in, and I THINK they might have given her antibiotics. I vaguely recall them wrapping it so it didn't get caught again while healing. Ya... I'm a ton of help, I know. lol It did get better though with no adverse affects. lol
  3. Is it just swollen? Is there any part ripped? I would be concerned with infection with the swelling there.
  4. APBTfan

    APBTfan Big Dog

    Thanks for the advice. I took him to vet and got antibiotics for the infection. I'm gonna take it easy on him till he heals up.
  5. APBTfan

    APBTfan Big Dog

    Well he is gonna have both dewclaws removed on the 10th of Oct
  6. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    Good luck!
  8. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    I was thinkin' the same thing. I had a mixy mutt foster who had back dew claws removed and OMG.. even with a cone she chewed those damn stitches out multiple times. It seemed like there wasn't enough skin for the two ends to meet where they stitched them together so took FOREVER to heal. I don't even know why the removed them as she never had an issue. I would have kept them myself. My girl that injured hers never had another issue. I had the option to remove them but I declined unless something happened again...
  9. My dogs get there dew clews partly hanging off i take a pair of pliers to it then anti bac oln it.
  10. APBTfan

    APBTfan Big Dog

    Everything went well with the removal. Now just got to wait till he heals up. Can I still show him even tho he got his dewclaws removed?
  11. APBTfan

    APBTfan Big Dog

    Everything is going good. Thursday he gets the stitches removed
  12. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

    I hope the Boogieman gets you.
  13. The turd is flushed :)
  14. APBTfan

    APBTfan Big Dog

    What turd?
  15. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    There was a spam post in the thread that was removed...

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