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Silence beginning of working season and conditioning

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by SilentDobe, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. SilentDobe

    SilentDobe Big Dog





    What (other than his regular weekly workout for Schutzhund/PP) would you suggest for a dog like him? I am looking to build a springpole, but other than that, I'm a little lost. He does not walk for conditioning correctly (too much training) so that's a lost cause.
  2. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    hahaha, I never noticed he has flopped ears! Man, that's too bad. Is that a dogtra collar? Or a tri-tronics? I'm going to be purchasing a new dogtra soon...I'm thinking about the 1900.

    I don't know much about conditioning, and especially not for breeds other than the APBT and it's mixes. But I do have a boxer mix who is sleek and leggy like your Doberman. I usually run her on a bike, and that keeps her moving pretty consistently. Possibly you can build up Silence's endurance with this...have you ever considered getting his AD title?
  3. budboy88

    budboy88 CH Dog

    what do you mean he doesnt walk correctly??
  4. SilentDobe

    SilentDobe Big Dog

    Silence is ready for an AD title, his endurance is not the problem (he works harder than most Malinois). What I mean is that he walks next to me, no resistance whatsoever. Not to mention I couldn't offer much resistance anyway, lol. Isn't that what is referred to "handwalking"? Not sure, got that definition off another APBT board.

    Silence's whole litter had a problem with ears. He is going in for corrective surgery on Friday. He is getting implants.
  5. budboy88

    budboy88 CH Dog

    oh well you can still walk him a lot ive conditioned a couple different dogs who wouldnt pull. Maybe try some light weight pull?
  6. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    Well, does he swim? That's a nice work out, especially you take him to a river and have him work against the current (throw a ball/stick up stream). Though I'm not sure of the weather in Indiana, the waters may very well be frigid lol. Thats lame the whole litter had busted ears. What's involved in a corrective surgery? Also, is that a genetic problem or just a fluke? Not sure if you ever planned on breeding Silence, and again I know nothing about about Dobes so I'm not trying to offend, only learn :)

    Oh and since you asked that other thread, Benny's training is going great. He is gaining so much more confidence, and is becoming a serious but stable and balanced dog. My trainer said at this point, there is no reason he won't be able to make it to a trial field. I'm happy, we are out of the woods :D We are taking it slow though, no real reason to rush because I am learning everything about this sport through Benny and we want to make sure we do what's best for him. He might be starting to learn a bark and hold soon...I am incredibly excited for that!
  7. SilentDobe

    SilentDobe Big Dog

    He may do it, but he doesn't really like it the last time I intro'd it to him.
  8. wheezie

    wheezie Big Dog

    ive been told by others more experienced in schutzhund that spring poles may mess a dogs grip up.
  9. SilentDobe

    SilentDobe Big Dog

    Heavy ears is not something to not breed a dog for. Just crop shorter! I did a longer crop on Si, also there were a lot of factors for his ears not standing. Silence is to be bred once he has his Sch I this year. Also, he needs hips and elbows done. His von Willebrand's test came back clear as well. Eyes CERF is also on the list as well as cardio and thyroid. Both parents were healthy as horses with excellent OFA's and the like. But, there is money to be spent and tests to be had!

    As far as the ear correction goes, implants will be put in his ears to make them stand permanently with correct range of motion. A disqualifying fault in the show ring, but he is no show dog. Though, I have been told, for his breed he is near perfect, his tail is just set too low and the ears are faulted on him.
  10. SilentDobe

    SilentDobe Big Dog

    Hahahahahahahaha! A dog that is 2 years old, been training since 8 weeks in gripwork and has full genetic grips will not mess a dog's grip up. If it is a nervebag, it will regress the dog, yes.
  11. wheezie

    wheezie Big Dog

    thats why i said MAY, i have no idea the level of training your dog is at
  12. SilentDobe

    SilentDobe Big Dog

    Wasn't being shitty. I have been told that time and again and now I just laugh at it.
  13. wheezie

    wheezie Big Dog

    no problem, i did not take it as you being shitty. my dog is 17 months and has been training since 16 weeks old. I do believe thats with my dog he will not bite as deep and full after using the spring pole, but thats just me. not every dog is the same as i know you already know
  14. SilentDobe

    SilentDobe Big Dog

    He's only 17 months though. When he is older, maybe you should try it. :) I wouldn't dare do it with a puppy like him though.
  15. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    Hell, spring-poles often mess the grip up on bulldogs as well.
  16. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    You're welcome to laugh, but I know a few folks who might disagree with you.
  17. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    Tail set corresponds with spine/hip angles and proportions. So,...
    If he isn't a show dog, why do the implants? After all, I'd want to see how a dog's ears stood or didn't if I were planning on taking my bitch to him.

    I think he's a good looking dog regardless of the ear thing. But, I understand that if his ears are costing him points and taking attention from what the rest of him is doing it might be worth it,...as long as you'e perfectly clear with prospective co-breeders about the genetic situation.
  18. SilentDobe

    SilentDobe Big Dog

    :rolleyes: I cropped his ears. That is why they are getting stood up. As far as genetics go, feel free to not breed your bitch to him for *just* his ears. As far as the working aspect, you are not beating him. I love how things get so off topic there. As far as the springpole thing, it's a choice. My dog is at a level in training and GENETIC grip that having some fun on a springpole will not compromise his grip. Argue or not, I also think that most "dog trainers" are crocks, not naming names.

    You are very welcome to not breed to him. ;)
  19. SilentDobe

    SilentDobe Big Dog

    Then they can be laughed at. A shitty dog is a shitty dog.
  20. viegas703

    viegas703 Top Dog

    im very curious now. how would a springpole ruin a dogs grip?

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