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set me straight please.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by shiner51506, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. Hardhead

    Hardhead Big Dog

    I wouldn't buy a coon hound and not hunt with it.

  2. ladybanker462

    ladybanker462 Big Dog

    this site is the best around as far as informative and they usually have great advice as for as the culling thing goes each person should decide if this is the best thing for the dog or puppies and then handle it thereselves not pass it on to the animal shelters its a dirty job but its our responsibilty.the breed has enough bad rap as it is we dont need to add more on them
  3. Grizzly

    Grizzly Big Dog

    ....and I wouldn't buy a hotdog and not eat it !!
  4. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    I will refer you to this post, for your own good.
  5. Hardhead

    Hardhead Big Dog

    That's a great way to blow a simple post out of proportion but I'll take it as it is. I appreciate the kind gesture.

  6. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    I don't feel I was blowing it out of proportion. Simple post will a lot behind it. I was just reminding you that we have to watch how we word things is all. Just looking out for the new guy. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2007
  7. Hardhead

    Hardhead Big Dog

    I'm only new to this site, not dogs.

  8. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    I didn't say you were new to the dogs....Most people on this site know that I am no expert on this breed, and nor do I try to pretend I am. So, I generally don't tell people what they know or don't know about the breed...The statement, the new guy, I was refering to the forum.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2007
  9. Thus forum does not in any way indulge its self (or supports) dog fighting.
    There are idiots everywhere.....as you yourself are acting right now...
    To assume something so damn bizzar, because of a FEW screwballs is beyond me.
    Everyone has a right to THEIR OWN opinion, just because someone feels like MV should have gotten away with animal cruelty and dog fighting charges that were brought against him, does not in any way leave this board open for such a derogatory statement............
  10. Culling dogs in this breed (especially) and all breeds for that matter is necessary to keep the traits alive. Dogs are property.....they are not children....cattle are property.....not children....you can better claim your dog as cattle than you can your child....they are not human. Culling is part of living, without it this breed would be in a world of shit....as it is coming to now... from the lack of.....and people breeding whatever to whatever just to make a buck, instead of putting the damn litters to sleep and having the female spayed, or put down too.
    Been a memeber for a while and was hanging around before then, dont ever recall anyone saying "Thats my property and I will kill for what ever reason I want to and you cant stop me" I mean it would take someone who really gets off on that sort thing, I am not aware of any members here like that....but you could post that link where you read it.......
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2007
  11. Suki

    Suki Guest

    Rule #2: 2. Threads about illegal activities historically or educationally relevant to the APBT must be very clear about the purpose of the thread. If a present-day match is discussed it better have occurred in a country where it's legal, and this must be documented. Post in such a thread at your own risk. Consider yourself warned. GAME-DOG.COM IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BELIEFS AND/OR ACTIONS OF ITS MEMBERS OUTSIDE OF THIS COMMUNITY. IF YOU CHOOSE TO BREAK THE LAW, DO NOT BRING IT HERE TO DISCUSS!

    should pretty much sum up the concensus on where game-dog stands as far as matching dogs go. Fighting dogs in America is illegal, and a felony in this country, in almost every state.
    however, since this IS the WWW and some countries do, in fact, still allow dogs to be matched, we also have to respect others view points as well, hence the variety of opinions on the Vick thread.
  12. Marty

    Marty Guest

  13. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    This is a site to love ALL aspects of the "true" breed APBT. Which is and was originally bred as a game dog. You love it for the reasons you love it and some may love it for another. Afterall, This breed is a lap dog, a clown, a gentle friend and companion to me and my children and friends but it is also a diehard to the bone gladiator that has in its head and DNA an undying desire to please Itself and you by not giving up. What can you not love about any animal with that package, and some love it for the original reason which was the game unrelenting attitude some lines still retain. Who knows about the Vick thing I dont know anyone who supports him or feels he was over punished, but loving a dog for the reasons we do is not wrong. I wouldnt own any dog that was a pu$$y APBT or not.
  14. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Perfect post! :cool:
  15. Suki

    Suki Guest

    i agree ^ would give yah some reps Mister, but .......

    nice post tho.

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