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SELLING cur or cold dogs...

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by LuvMyBulldogs, Nov 26, 2010.

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  1. Mako

    Mako Pup

    Just for fun-
    Tudors Dibo: dam(Bambi) was cold.
    Fitzwater's Goldie: believed to be cur @ 2.5 hrs old, was to be PTS before fitzwater bought him.
    Had these 2 dogs, one thought a cur, one a product of a cur, never been bred, there would be no zeke, no Indian bolio, no pit general, no gr ch boomerang, no butcher boy, no banjo, no gr ch buck, Hank, ch jocko, mayday, Eli, snooty, chinaman, gr ch Bo, gr ch spike, bullyson, gr ch art, etc etc.
    And that's only 2 examples why cold/cur dogs shouldn't be so quickly dismissed & deemed invaluable.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2010
  2. Mako

    Mako Pup

    Na, I prefer apbt.
  3. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    He has a Lab....A science lab. This Wardogs Scientist friend! Bwaaaaahhh J/K Wardog man lmao. I cant leave the scientist shit alone. :D
  4. benthere

    benthere CH Dog Staff Member

    Those two dogs are still exceptions to the rule. And is was so long ago, who really knows the truth about them??
    Why are people so fascinated with Curs????????
    I think a lot of people who own the APBT as pets really just want a sheep in wolfs clothing.
  5. LuvMyBulldogs

    LuvMyBulldogs Big Dog

    Great post benthere....I totally agree, and wardog, I said myself I would get a pup from you, even off your cold dog, BECAUSE YOU HAVE A GUARANTEE!!!! That tells me you are more concerned with putting out good dogs than collecting the check. I would never knowingly buy a POS. I don't care how its bred. Just wouldn't take the chance. Dogmen of yesteryear didn't have much of a choice because of the limited amount of bulldogs they mave have had access to. Nowadays, its different....why buy a POS for little of nothing and hope for the best?? You would want the parents traits to be passed on to the offspring, and if either are a sub par dog, then more likely than not your gonna end up with sub par dogs. And yes there are exceptions to this rule, but they are few and far between.
  6. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Beleive me, I agree with Ben completly. In 20 years I have bred only 2 cold dogs. This was the first one, http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=10591
    I purchased her at the age of 3 years old. I knew she was cold when i bought her but knew she was already producing great dogs. At the age of 5 she turned on and was no longer cold. The other dog was Pee-Wee, http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=298013
    I was not told he was cold and when I bought him I wasn't expecting him to be cold. Som I got hustled a bit by the people who sold him to me. On top of that when he showed up at my house, he was nearly dead. He was about 20 pounds under weight and had severe infrctions in his ears, toes, nose, and on the skin of his neck. I made a decision to breed him from experience. Breeding a cold dog shouldn't be common practice and you should be very experienced to make a decision like that.
  7. akcbr954

    akcbr954 Big Dog

    so a 3yr old was throwing good pups????well i wont even address that silly statement.....second dog u made a decision 2 breed pretty papers because u thought he might die? or because u just paid $$ for him and didnt want 2 lose out? either answer is horrible...

    but we shouldnt argue...every1 is aiming for diff. goals...my goals dont tolerate cold ,cur or puppy breeding
  8. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    Well if you are lucky to own have the good dogs i've owned then you will be doing ok.
  9. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    All dogs that aint dead game are curs!
  10. chaser71

    chaser71 Banned


    MISSAPBT Top Dog

    How does that work LWG?
    THat means all dogs alive are curs because there not dead
  12. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Laugh it up lol its fact, so many people talk about game this game that but aint even seen it. The fact is 1 in every 100 dogs (maybe more) than you come across is considered a gamedog.

    Going by everyones theory that a dog that quits standing is a cur, then that makes em all curs at the end of the day because every dog alive WILL quit.

    So you ask if I'd sell a cur, hell if he's a 30 min killer and throws the same I'd pay money for the cur! Lol the point of the game is to breed for bulldogs that get it done, if you come across a talented gamedog then good shit you got lucky, chasing gamedogs is playin the lottery and I aint got time for that shit
  13. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    LWG is just being his retarded self. he is just screwing around like he always does. He is just trying to get under peoples skin.
  14. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Missapbt, if the dog don't die scratchin..... I don't consider it a ame dog.
    Sure some dogs will go longer than others, but they will eventually quit if they don't die there. The term cur is thrown around to loosely just like the word game.

    That's why I prefer the term bulldogs over gamedogs, talent or persistance over gameness, ill be the first to admit I've never seen a legit GAME dog with my own too, and half the folks on here that claim to are full of shit!
  15. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Says the guy with the 80 percent turn out avverage. Lol

    Cmon man you damn well better than most here, any dog will quit. Don't necessarily mean it aint a bulldog just not a gamedog

    MISSAPBT Top Dog

    THe term Game is f'd up people have diffrent views on that word, why is cur so easy to label but game isnt.
    What do you class a winning pitdog?
  17. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    I class em a bulldog lol

    My opinion goes like this,

    A dog that never turns on is cold

    A firey dog that quits in 5 minutes is cur

    A dog that quits on top is cur just like one that takes all kind of damage but currs out in 20 is also a cur,

    A dog with no talent that takes a beating for 2 hours plus, but scratches till the end......not a cur, not really talented or what I like, but not a cur.

    Now a dog that gets in there, fucks shit up to the point where th e other handler has 1 of 2 choices, A pick em up or B lose they're dog, a dog that doesn't have to prove gameness cuz nothing goes over 30, a call that a bulldog!
  18. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Because miss apbt curs are a dime a dozen, a game dog is 1 in a 1000
  19. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    But bulldogs aint hard to find if your doin shit right
  20. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    Or should I say as hard lol
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