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R the dogs making you anti social dogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Rojas, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    I have had dogs for 15 years now, taking them out in the am & pm, cleaning the
    Kennel on a daily basis,i do know I missed a lot of things in my life, but I love
    Them, family who know my daily routine insist I get rid of them,
    I would have more freedom and do things I want to do (travel)
    I only have 2 dogs & planning to put one of them for adoption,
    I guess I'm venting lol, dogs huh
  2. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

    Do what makes you happy. Let everyone else mind thier own business. lol Now a days dogs are usually the best company.
  3. MCS

    MCS CH Dog

    ^^^^aint that the truth!.....I find it harder and harder to talk to anyone about dogs. People r really uneducated and believe that animal planet horseshit. I just don't bother, even discussions about other breeds etc amount to zero. I was always anti social to begin with, like to meet like minded people, but I have yet to go to a show or pull. I hear u with the travel thing I do ocasionally kennel my 1 dog or have family watch her but travel is few an far between these days. We all need to vent man, good luck to you. Do what u like not what people think u like and u will be alright.
  4. nobody

    nobody Banned

    Dogs are better to have around then people.
    At least with a dog you know what you have in front of you, they are straight.
    To many people wear masks to cover who they really are
  5. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    only you know whats gonna make you happy
    i will ALWAYS have at least a house dog
    they dont understand bc they dont bond with the dogs like you
    thats kind've like them telling MJ or Kobe its just a game
    its NOT just a game to them, its their life and the dogs are the same way
    if you are happy w ur lifestyle tahts all that matters
    if u need to get rid of one so u can do what u need do ur thing
  6. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    Re: R the dogs making you anti social dog

    Sorry about the typos guys, my 1st post was done using my smart phone lol.I think i will be able to do my things if i adopt atleast on of my dogs, funny thing is , its my dad who insist that i get rid of my dog and i always find something to come up in my defense, but know that i think about it with a cold head, he does make sense, at the end of the day most of my pops suggestions are well meaning and make sense in the long hall, there is a saying "the devil knows more because of its age then being the devil", sounds much better in spanish lol. Thanks for letting me vent.
  7. bauer

    bauer Top Dog

    If it makes you happy thats whats counts, dont give a shit what other people say to you...
  8. nala2010

    nala2010 Pup

    mas sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo , i have heard that all my life lol and i do feel your situation rojas cause im the same way and put things off cause i refuse to give up my mutts lol , maybe one day they will go but no time soon and like all these ppl here say , do what feels right :)
  9. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    Exactamente Nala lol, but dogs are more maintnance than even having kids lol, as when human children can walk, they can even help you with lil daily house chores and such, dogs is truly mans best friend, its doesnt care about color,creed , relegion , physical situation it only knows it luvs you.
  10. preme

    preme CH Dog

    they just dont understand us ...........plain and simple
  11. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    Re: Question for those who have been in my shoes

    I have been struggling with the dilema about whether or not to get back into dogs. This much I can tell you, if you are really into the dogs and you get rid of them, you will regret it. My dogs were killed so the situation is a bit different, but the sting in your soul will be the same. If your situation is causing you to have to get rid of them, or the dogs are not gonna get the attention they are used to, then perhaps you should let them go. Do what's best for you and most importantly what is best for the dogs. Jmho
  12. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

    i read what happened to you and its horrible,i can totally see why your hesitating but going by all your post i can tell your gonna get back in...
    you don't need a bunch of people on a forum to tell you what you already know..
    why not just start off with one new one a see how it gos?
  13. GI Joe

    GI Joe Big Dog

    If he starts off with one you know what will happen he will get another and so on.With my recent lose of my dog Hazel my other dogs have lost some off their shine as I had planned to breed her with a half brother I bred myself and down the line on so on.I have had time to reflect on her and what I've been in these dogs for almost 20 years and by no means am I a great breeder or won alot of Pull events I love the dogs a $1000 champion bred pup or some backyard boogie.It has stopped me from doing things,but that was my choice I have 3 males and a female still and think I am going to cut it to 2 that I like the most and plan on getting me a Bully and go back to school and enjoy my kids a little more.I just don't ever see myself without one of the best breed of dogs to ever walk the Earth.Sorry for the book lol.
  14. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

    sorry to hear about the loss,i think we have all lost good dogs over the years,granted the man i was replying to had it harder then most but the same applies...gotta move on,if these dogs are that much a part of your life there is no substitute.
  15. GI Joe

    GI Joe Big Dog

    I know what you are saying,but I had a couple of Bullys before and my prioritys have changed with that being said I am going to keep 2 dogs because I bred them and have had the line for about 10 years like you nsaid there is no substitute.
  16. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    I was anti social long before the dogs. They were an easy fit into my life due to that fact. lol
  17. chucho

    chucho Big Dog

    This is every true brother. They dont and they never will.
  18. Bmf_bt

    Bmf_bt Big Dog

    For me it's like this. Good friends and family I have time for because i make time, but the odd aquaintace I have no time for. Im not anti-social, but im not really increasing my social network. Eventhough you gain friends through the dogs, you might end up losing some of your previous friends so it kinda evens out.

    You can still be social and do stuff and keep dogs, just gotta be alittle creative... Traveling shouldnt be a problem, just get someone to feed and water your dogs when your gone.
  19. chef_kergin

    chef_kergin Big Dog

    does he want you to adopt out the achilles dog you have that you were going to pts one time because of his human aggression but then decided to keep him?
  20. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    Yes these dogs are making me anti social, however I still enjoy human company, just have to be the right humans. For the most part, I stay at home and keep the house clean and my dogs happy, so when all that is done, I really don't have time to go and be social. After I clean and take care of the hounds, I still gotta a ole lady to think about and cook for and the rest that comes with keeping a woman happy. She cares for the dogs as much as I do, so that leaves no reason why I can't keep our love for each other in tip top condition to watch the hounds florish together. I grew up with alot of Friends and I don't take that word lightly, my friends are people that will forever hold a place in my heart and life, but these hounds have scared some relationships. Example: a buddy of mine has this bully type dog and told me that he was a pitbull, and he really wasn't, long story short, after a week of arguing and some extensive research on the breed, he found out the hard way that his hound was in fact a AST. We are still friends, but he will never mention anything about a dog to me again. But, whats funny is, I never once backed out of the argument in order to keep our relationship intact, I rather educate people on these dogs than to keep the perception like it is.

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