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Poland's Jump

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by AncientKulcha, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. The funny thing is yall too dumb to see yall the ones giving me free promo i never sd anything about my blues in the 1st place! And if anyone has bad luck with the POLANDS blood or the (Stoney) thats what i have thats fine thats there opinion i am the voice for the good luck! And like i said before since no one has more stoney blood than me period my opinion shld be very important no matter if you agree or not who CARES!!! SLIM said he knows the man that (had) the blood now thats real good info!!! I (HAVE) the blood thats called good info! Everyone else that never had the blood just typing i tell peps the hate on the Poland blood how was your dog breed can i see a ped what u think i get well yall know the answer hahah. You can listen to old tales be they true or false ! Or the Here and NOW let the peps choose NOT YOU!!!! Normaly i type on the i phone and the info is short so dont make me take out my labtop and hurt no more feelings get a life !!!! Or show us your line of dogs or your breeding hell just some you feed everyday so we can tell you what we like and or dont like bout your BLOOD!!
  2. hi-tek kennels

    hi-tek kennels Big Dog

    He's Pissed lol!!!!
  3. tubrunwva

    tubrunwva Big Dog

    Realpits nobody on here is bashing/knocking you, its just the question remains WHAT MAKES YOUR DOGS ANY GOOD? You like them is all that really matters, BUT SEVERAL PPL HAVE ADDED PERSONAL EXPERIENCES WITH THE STONEY BLOOD, AND NOT ONE OF THEM HAD ANYTHING POSITIVE TO SAY, aside frome the dude WITH THE DOG CROSSED WITH FRISCO. (coulda of been the frisco) Ppl take these dogs VERY SERIOUSLY and some get offended when a guy who says ''I SELL PUPPIES ALL OVER THE WORLD SO THAT MAKES MY DOGS GOOD'' You credit Slim and then you knock him by saying, ''Oh well he may have been the one who put him down'' and ''Oh well somebody been doing a lot of playing on the computer''.....In no way am I Slim's internet bodyguard, but common sense says IF YOU KNEW ANY DIFFERENT YOU WOULD HAVE DISPUTED IT AND SAID SO! You on here TELLING EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS FORUM YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WITH EXCELLENT STUFF DOWN FROM Stoney..........Man you could slang pups/dogs to India Europe and Germany that doesnt mean they are good dogs, MIGHT JUST MEAN YOU ARE A GOOD SALESMAN.
  4. tubrunwva

    tubrunwva Big Dog

    Pull your laPtop out if you feel the need to........
  5. hi-tek kennels

    hi-tek kennels Big Dog

  6. Lol ! look man I never said I had the best dogs in the world maybe some of the best around for me and my circle i just gave my facts you got yours I got mine. Most people think I waste time responding and they right haha but I don't care . Like I said not to offend just my facts!
  7. And a salesman will pay to get a his site on the 1st page of google and sell dog for top $$$ trust me you will know if i play that game trust me!! not promote his or her site his self and keep the dogs till they placed in the right hands. I do the best I can do no one is perfect . Like I sd show my the Poland's /Stoney blood that did not work for you that all I asked for ?
  8. hi-tek kennels

    hi-tek kennels Big Dog

    If PP started to ween away from the blood what does that say? Facts not fiction!
  9. ragedog10

    ragedog10 Top Dog

    Like i stated before if you like your dogs that is great,but to brag that you sold that Blue piece of trash for 1200 is just sad and reeks of PEDDELER. Ok people by your dogs again that is great,the problem most are having is your dogs have done nothing to be worthy of being bred, how many ADBA Confor Ch's have you produced? Its very easy to live of a dogs past ancestors and sell pups off of history that is done every day. The way you describe your stud Golden Head ect... Sounds like a newbie trying to make a buck. Again you seem yo deeply love and care for animals which is great but what is upsetting is the fact you refuse to be honest about a line that was never that good and you proclaim to have the best of with no merits to back up what you are selling. With every breeding there should be a purpose, what is the purpose of your breedings? Think about that and answer honestly. Yis Ole Man
  10. hi-tek kennels

    hi-tek kennels Big Dog

    Well said ragedog10!!!!!!!!
  11. My purpose is for me and my peps and that's all I need to say on the PC for the world to read ! And like I said you call it a brag I call it facts !! The lady in Alaska did not think it was trash so who gives a shit what you think !! How is that for being honest huh ?? Show us what you feeding or just a dog or 2 peps love from u ?? Think about that and give us a honest answer ??
  12. hi-tek kennels

    hi-tek kennels Big Dog

    Ok we all know ur purpose but what have you produced! I showed you what i had on another thread! So what have you and the Peeps produced!!
  13. ragedog10

    ragedog10 Top Dog

  14. And if you don't wont to hear bout my blues that I never brought up in the the 1st place I will tell you bout the male red nose I sent to FL a few weeks before on delta man sent me $900 + said get the dog to him left NC bout 10 am or so went GA then from GA to FL dude says thanks a lot !! Pup was bout 4 mouths told him that was my last male had a female heavy litter a month later he calling wanting another male told him just females left he saw what I gave him!! At bout 5 months and he wanted another he said for his brother lol! Maybe you like that story better than to hear about my blues a subject I never brought up! Like I sd not to offend not a brag once again fact!!!!
  15. ragedog10

    ragedog10 Top Dog

    You just dont get it so im gonna leave it alone. Take good care of your dogs and you alright by me best of luck to you and yours. Yis Ole Man
  16. hi-tek kennels

    hi-tek kennels Big Dog

    Tryin 2 figuer out why duck a simpile question? What has your stony blood produced! Every answer is "i sold this i sold that" Just be straight up! on another thread you can tell another person about breeding for a purpose but whats yours!!!!
  17. tubrunwva

    tubrunwva Big Dog

    ^^^^ to sell this and that and tell how us how much he sold it for! If you look at the peds HE posted with the golden heads and all white bodies, it states that these dogs he is peddling comes from the ''williams'' bloodline......You would think that someone could at least state one valid arguement of what these hounds bring to the table, to DISPUTE THE NUMEROUS TESTIMONIALS of how ppl were let down and disappointed by them. I agree with ragedog so I am just gonna let my man get his peddle on.............In post 101 he stated that we were too dumb, and my father always taught me that if I continue to argue with a dumb ass then that makes us one in the same!!!!
  18. Look I got no beef with y'all you ask what I produced I tell the story's I can talk about on the pc on how I make my peps happy or peddle (which every real dog man that can get his dogs to pay for there self will if they can) and that's not good enough huh ? So you want me to talk bout my more personal BI on the PC on dogs I feed every day to get y'all approval and risk all the things I love lol!!! Yeah right keep waiting! Maybe 15-20 years down the line when I am done feeding them I will have some tales to talk about bout for now like I said I love my dogs. Good luck to you and yours .
  19. ragedog10

    ragedog10 Top Dog

    Will i sell i dog to pay for costs yes i would but i dont believe in making breedings just to sell them regardless of the line, i think there are to many bulldogs available to the public alot the dogs end up in poor homes or sitting in the pound on death row. Maybe you dont sell alot of dogs but the way you say things makes it appear you only care about making a buck. As for what you have produced i just asked about Conformation wise or weight pull nothing iilegal i would nt expect you or anyone to do something illegal with their hounds. Like i said earlier your dogs look healthy and happy so great job with that. Best of luck. Yis Ole Man
  20. ursaminor

    ursaminor Top Dog

    This thread needs to die.

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