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Please pray for this little boy...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by LuvinBullies, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. bigcespits

    bigcespits Big Dog

    Sorry to hear this bad news.He will be in my prays.Hope he gets wel.GOD BLESS HIM AND WATCH OVER HIM
  2. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    OK guys, soory it took me so long to get back. I will respond as best I can ...

    CoolHandJean: It's not really about disrespect (although there is alot of that out there now). It's about the safety of the kids. Since they've tightened down on bullying at school, there is a LOT of bullying on school buses now & since the school shooting tradgedies, 99.99% of drivers have a zero tolorance concerning bullies on the bus. If you're caught hitting or bullying another kid, you're usually gone, no questions asked.

    And that's not even considering the kids who sell drugs on the bus, steal from other kids on the bus, or engage in physical, verbal, or sexual abuse of other students on the bus or engage in willing sex acts on the bus. So no, it's not just disrespect!

    oldtimer: Even if the school is a large one, most achool campuses are relatively small & as I said before, once the studen leaves the campus, they are no longer considered the school's responsibility. If a child were to steal at K-Mart or egg someone's house while off campus, is not the school's fault & thusly, neither are the child's traffic manners (or lack therof) either. Once the child is off campus, he is the responsibility of the parent, not the school.

    Furthermore, for all we know they may have shouted for him to stop & he didn't. We all know they couldn't have grabbed him, as his mom probably would have sued the school broke if they had (I hear that from kids all the time "My mom will sue you if you touch me!") so what other recourse did they have? Legally none.

    pitpalace: It does vary from state to state. In our state we are responsible for them only if they are on campus, on a bus or on a school sponsored trip. Other wise they are the responsibility of their parents, which is the way it should be. Why in the world should the school be responsible for junior if he hurts himself riding his bike to school when the school provides buses for students to ride safely back & forth to school?

    But I do agree - if this kid was put off on the side of the road, something needs to be done as that wasn't right. At our school, if we have problem kids enroute the bus driver will just stop the bus & call the parent to come get the kid & if they can't get a hold of the parent, they will call the sheriff's dept.

    LuvinBullies: lmao at drug pushers! How true!!

    As for the boy calling for Jesus, I wouldn't take that as evidence he wasn't a heathen. Actions speak louder than words & obvously this child was misbehaving badly. So he is obviously not a "WWJD" kid.

    besides, how many cases of "deathbed conversions" do we all know of? Murders fixing ot get the needle have them all the time. Heck, I had one when I had my first bad seizure. That doesn't mean their Christians. It doesn't even mean they're good ppl. It just means they have the sense to call on the name of Jesus in a time of trouble. Think George Clooney in the movie "O brother, Where Art Thou!" lol.

    Plus, not all kids who claim Christanity ARE Christans. I recently had to go on a field trip w/ kids from the Federation of Christian Athletes & you wouldn't believe how bad some of these kids were! I thought things would be smooth sailing b/c they were FCA kids. Boy, was I wrong!

    Furthermore, as any knowledgable Christian can tell you, some of the worst devils are in the church & Satan himself knows the Bible backward & forward. So don't let this kid's ability to recite Psalms fool you! ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2007
  3. NC

    NC CH Dog

    Back in high school I was a big man on campus as far as football went, and our coach required the players to be part of FCA... of course he couldn't say it, but it was well known if you didn't join FCA you wouldn't see any game time. Back then I wasn't into church or anything else other than myself for the much part. But I'm a better person now with time and age than I was back when was a "member" of the FCA. But we called it the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.. same difference though I reckon.

  4. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    True but wouldn't he be considered on campus property since it was their driveway in front of their school? now by off campus i can understand the k-mart deal but with it happening right there i don't see how that goes together,i think it was a case of neglegence on both the school and the parents.the school for not keeping a watchfull eye and the parents for not teaching better than that.but back when my children went to school when your child got on the bus or was dropped of at school they were 100% the responsabilty of the school till they was in your physical custody again at the end of the school day,i understand things might have changed but i can't see that changing has it?
  5. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    This is the way I feel about it.

    I can empathize that the child was more than likely being disruptive- but there is still no excuse for the busdriver to simply put them out like that immediately without notifying another adult. Had a parent put their kid out of the car in front of the school and told them to walk they would have been arrested for child endangerment. There is absolutely no excuse to put an 11 year old off the bus without notifying a teacher as to what has happened. Bad kids, new age, whatever...there should still be a protocol followed. As long as we make excuses and just say that the kids are too hard to handle then the problem will only get worse and worse. Eleven is too young to be put out like that on a busy street. The principal should have handled his disruptive behavior IMMEDIATELY if it was truly that bad, and if he/she saw fit he could have had the kid sit in his office until his mother could come get him. If teachers can't handle the volume of elementary school kids then its no wonder high schools have so much violence in them.
  6. CynthiaATL

    CynthiaATL Guest

    I completly agree!

    I hope the child makes a speedy recovery. And I hope your friend does as well (emotional). My Aunt had a similar situation when I was a child. But the 5 yr old boy did not make it. And to this day it still haunts her.
  7. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    NC: Boy, that's rough. He shouldn't have made you be a member of FCA if you didn't want to be. But hey, I remember in basic training it was either go to church on Sunday or spend the day waxing the floor! Most of us went to church! lol. So I guess that just goes to re-inforce my statement that not all church goers, or those affiliated w/ church orgainzations are really Christians.

    oldtimer: I don't know about how it used to be, but how it is now if the kid simply steps both feet into the street they are no longer on campus & thus no longer the school's responsibility.

    For example, our school is on a small 2 lane road & there is a U-Do-It car wash across the street. Kids will sometimes go there to fight. The distance is such that it is literally just a stone's throw away, but we can't touch them. We have to call the sheriff's dept to break it up b/c once they leave our driveway, we have been told they are legally not on our campus & we cannot touch them.

    luvin' bullies: I agree, an adult should have ben notified! But for all we know, they may have been.

    As for the parents putting their kids out on the side of the road & telling them to walk to school, they do. I see it every day. :rolleyes:

    They'll be right near the school & they'll stop in the middle of the road & put their kids out amongst both car & bus traffic b/c they don't want to get caught in student drop-off loop. And no parent ever gets arrested or even cited.

    And I agree the principal should have handled the issue, but as I mentioned before, the kid might have bolted as soon as he was put off & we both know the staff couldn't lay a hand on that kid. All they could do is call after him & if he ignored them (as they often do) well ...

    As for the staff handling the volume of kids, most can't. That's why we DO have a lot of the violence we have at high schools. For example, at my high school I work at they have around 400 kids & 2 security officers. *Some* of the teachers will help, but most just dump them on us. :rolleyes:
  8. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    Hmm i think that needs to change,just know i wasn't fighting with you though.just asking a question since i didn't know.but yeah back when mine was going it was the schools responsabilty to keep them safe till they were back in the parents custody again,and that included on the bus.i think it should be that way again.

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