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Ped Check

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Sampson1, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    I dont give a good got damn what youre tierd of.I care about the breed and every asshole with a dog thinks theres should be bred. If ya have to rely on advice from someone who is still figureing how to read a pedigree and piecing together the difference between a cross and a scattered hound. you have no f'ing bussness breeding the apbt.Dogs are property and folks will do with there dogs what thay want but thay need to leave the breeding of the apbt for the pro's or at least to the dedicated fancyer who has put in the time to gain experiance and understanding of breeding working bulldogs. Folks need to tighten there circles. I never discoureged him from breeding his dogs I discouraged him from breeding his dogs before him and his dogs are ready or worthy to breed or be bred. I myself havent bred a litter because I hold myself to these same standerds .And I quit asking green ass questions and learned to read a ped a long time ago. Wise man tale , No.
  2. Tramplove

    Tramplove Big Dog

    Find out what the dog is lacking and go from there. If she is worth keeping after you figure out what she is lacking find a Stud and go with him. But first understand what she is lacking and only you and your buddy will be able to find that out. Which ever way you go, make sure you keep away from the commercial stuff. No paticular blood in mind, all lines have its share of commercial keep purina in business dogs. So do your homework.
  3. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    Gotta buddy who feeds purina with good results, just goes to show, different strokes for different folks. Tell me, whats a commercial dog? If you are referring to a peddled line, then you have so many to choose from yet, good dogs were still produced.
  4. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    just means that whatever line you go with make sure the people are honest dog people and not peddler who may have crappy stock from a good line
  5. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2010
  6. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    Now, there is a difference between crappy stock and unchecked stock. I feel if the blood is there, then there is a possibility, however that person has to have a stern eye for what it is they want.
  7. mac 11

    mac 11 Banned

    I don't know what you would want to classify that top ped, but I think its a well bred dog that not a whole lot of people have access to. Good luck!
  8. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    look im a sound believer of protecting our breed but im not the bad guy..i understand I ask some "green ass questions" but im willing to humble myself and ask people wiser for advice to questions that i have yet to experience or know the answer to..I dont plan on breeding his bitch to any of my dogs for the fact that i dont have what he's looking for..my yard consists of mostly prospects at the moment so I have lil proved worthy of breeding...im not gonna ask you to lighten up because i wouldnt if i felt someone is doing somethin they shouldnt but try and realize im not gonna cur out and im here to stay... thanks though because even through your critisism i find wise words and learn.
  9. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    This answer earned my respect.;)It shows alot of charicter. Do you homie
  10. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    I appriciate it..:)
  11. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    PAT ON THE BACK FOR SAMPSON. And I mean that.
  12. Tramplove

    Tramplove Big Dog

    Gotta buddy who feeds purina with good results, just goes to show, different strokes for different folks. Tell me, whats a commercial dog? If you are referring to a peddled line, then you have so many to choose from yet, good dogs were still produced.

    This is not the format to explain what a commercial dog is. I will tell you that the internet is full of commercial dogs. It took me bumping my head and spending my good money and I finally figured it out.<!-- / message -->
  13. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    thanks shakaz...im learning..lol
  14. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog


    PREACHER Big Dog

    I got a partner that is very high on that Blood. Hope the dog is true rep. of the ped she should be a good one.
  16. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    how are his dogs actin preacher?

    PREACHER Big Dog

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2010
  18. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    So Sounds like there are some good dogs from the blood.. Ive never had any or had any experience with them. Seems like there kinda hard to come by
  19. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    wtfu addressing homie? let it be known. Cause im sick of fucktards newbs and fakers who wanna play captin save a Greenhorn. Sampson has a good attitude and HE understands why I and others have gave him some shit.
  20. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    You know the type to randomly send pm's to folks thay dont know asking to get dogs ready to hunt lmao...What a fuckin joke

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