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Ped Check

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Sampson1, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog


    I need someone to disect this ped for me..lol I've been staring at it for awhile and i just cant find a pattern...it looks scatterbred to me but i dont claim to be a ped expert..the reason i ask is because a buddy of mine has a bitch with this dogs sister as the bottom half and the top half being straight Redboy..any helps greatly appriciated


    this is the top half http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=236609
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2010
  2. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

  3. Tank1

    Tank1 Big Dog

    Lots of Patrick but I would say scatterbred. I'm not an expert either though.
  4. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    yeah the first ped is scatterbred
    the second is redboy
  5. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    so maybe a battle cross??
  6. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

  7. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    wouldn't call it scatter bred, I guess you could say battle cross if you'd like. Popular rb/jeep/tombstone/bolio cross basically then theres a splash of eli/carver and some hammonds. The rb comes from the top ped and j/tb from bottom.
  8. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    ok so backing her to a tight redboy dog potentially through some bulldogs?
    I realize the dog makes the papers not the other way around but with blood like this could you even predict what you might get? and the rb/jeep/tombstone/bolio cross you spoke of do many people run that cross and if so can it hunt?
  9. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    throw in some jocko and you've got the mayday blueprint. Its a capable cross but of course you arenlt goin to take just any rb/jocko/tb dog and get mayday.
  10. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    thanks Naus so its Mayday blood minus Jocko... so if you were going to try and throw some bulldogs would you add Jocko or tighten it up with Redboy?
  11. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    i'd go with some quality rb/jocko. Not just any swinging dick with rb/j heavy in his ped.
  12. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Exactly Naus. Good post.Sampson if youre boy is as lost as you yall shouldent be breeding.
  13. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    nah im not breeding anything RGB...
    he asked my opinion on a cross i have no experience with so i brought it to a wiser group of people...no shame in that...I have little to know experience with Tombstone/Bolio dogs and i wasnt going to tell him something that i wasnt sure of..

    he was given the dog and didnt know which way to go with the blood (if he even decides to breed her)..i told him a thought Redboy might work but i would try and find out more info..
  14. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    Fair enuf , however if he is looking to you for advice and you are still piecing together what is and what isnt a scaterbred dog. I still say hold off on breeding untill yall have more experiance and knowlidge.
  15. Tank1

    Tank1 Big Dog

    Do what you do Sampson. I get tired of everybody on here telling people not to breed there dogs because it sounds like a real wise man's tale. How are you going to get the dogs you are looking for if you don't breed them. The only way you are going to know what works is stick em together.
  16. Tramplove

    Tramplove Big Dog

    Top and bottom is related in one way or another. You can tell there is a pattern to the breeding on that ped. What you do have ithere is a ped with jeep in it with out the redboy and if the hound is good to you you may want to leave the redboy out and carry on with the breeding pattern of the previous breeders in the ped. I would recomend a honeybunch dog or a tombstone/bolio dog. I noticed that Tant had a Honeybunch dog. It would be interesting to read how he felt about Jeep dogs being that he was a Redboy/Jocko man. intresting
  17. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    oh no doubt..thanks for the advice
    ill tell him to sit on her for awhile and see if she has something worth breeding for..
  18. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

  19. Tramplove

    Tramplove Big Dog

    I was talking about the times jeep show in the ped without redboy. Im talking about Bailey's ped. Griffin,Tant ect, there is no jeep/redboy in those breedings. Its sort of rare these days.
  20. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    oh ok my mistake..so you would go with more jeep as a cross instead of tightening up the Redboy?

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