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Our newest addition....after 2 days..

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by SouthALknls, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. SouthALknls

    SouthALknls Big Dog

    Our female lil started having pups Wednesday during the day..She had 2, ate both of them, third one came out and it was really nothing, just a brain, some intestines..really nasty stuff. She had the fourth one, who is our newest addition, we took it from her cause she was fixin to eat it. Nothing is wrong with it. We have another female on pups right now, so she took it in like it was her own. We named him 'Miracle'. Then she acted like she was done having pups and you could tell she still had a belly full. So I called the vet, he said to bring her in and he gave her 2 shots that would make her have the rest of the pups. Well when we woke up in the morning, still no pups...so I called the vet and he said bring her in for a C Section. So they did a C-Section and she had 6 in her dead. One got stuck in the birth canal and was blocking her colon where she couldn't use the bathroom. So this morning I went and picked up Lil and now she is at home, acting like nothing ever happened. Usually they say females eat their pups when something is wrong with them..well nothing was wrong with "Miracle" that she tried to eat. The vet said she might have felt threatened by another dog, or has a nutrition imbalance..Oh well, Atleast she is fine now. She is only 29 lbs and had 10 pups in her..Her belly was dragging the ground..lol!!
  2. CB

    CB CH Dog

    Well that kinda sucks. But atleast you got one outta of it.
  3. El Mexicano

    El Mexicano CH Dog

    dang 29 pounds and 10 pups,she took good didnt she,dam
  4. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Glad to hear you got at least one! This thread should go to show people, breeding isnt putting two dogs together and selling pups....things rarely go according to the books, and frequent vet visits are usually required. I'm just willing to bet, you lost a bunch of money having these pups......just another thing people intrested in breeding dont understand. Lets look at it from the point of view if you didnt go to the vet and didnt know your stuff......5 pups, probably all would of died.....6 die inside the mother and on top of that, birth canal is blocked which could of easily been life threatening.....so to sum it up, would of lost 11 pups and the bitch! Hows breeding sound to all you looking for a quick profit now? Is it really worth it....I think not.
  5. TabDogs

    TabDogs CH Dog

    Just because a dog kills their pups doesnt mean something is wrong with the bitch or the pups. I have seen it many times. I had a bitch, LuLu that killed her pups. It just happens. Some bitches werent made to be mothers. There really is no medical explination for why this happens.
  6. Texasbulldogs

    Texasbulldogs Top Dog

    That's true Tab, if she did it to another litter I'd cull her on stupidity.
  7. SouthALknls

    SouthALknls Big Dog

    yea I know thats just what the vet said..I have seen bitches kills pups before and they were perfectly fine...but she had pups before and raised every single one of them! If I would have known that would have happened...I would never have bred her. Shes my little boys dog and I don't care how much money I had to pay, I wasn't gonna let her sit there and just die. I am glad we did get one pup off her...That will be the last one we get!
  8. GD2

    GD2 Top Dog


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