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OHMIDOG! : Pit bull shot and killed by police in Baltimore

Discussion in 'Dog Blogs' started by ohmidog!, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. ohmidog!

    ohmidog! CH Dog

  2. bootsbjj

    bootsbjj Banned

    Some cops really need to get a grip....How do people like this become cops? Sad story.

    Had a very similar experience, but my dog didn't get shot. Cops came into my driveway looking for a guy they were chasing while I was letting my dog in from the back yard. The timing worked out so that just as I was opening the back fence the cops were right there. Even though the dog was just standing there wagging his tale and smiling at them one of the cops felt the need to jump up onto the trunk of my wife's car, pull her gun, and tell me that if I didn't put the dog away she was going to shoot it. I put him in the house, and told the cop that there was no need to either jump on the car or to pull her weapon and threaten my dog. She acted like she was in the right, and, not wanting to get arrested myself, I went inside.

    10 minutes later the cop knocked on my front door and told me that one of my neighbors "told her what I had said". I told her I had no idea what she was talking about, and she said that "one of my neighbors" had told her that I said that I "should have let my dog bite the damn 'n-word'". I never said that, and hadn't even thought it.... :-(
  3. Kimo615

    Kimo615 Banned

    Well....what was she going to do arrest you? Doesn't matter if you said it or not. There's no offense there..not that I'm saying racial comments are cool. Just speaking the law. What I would have done is go beat my trunk in and sue them for damages :-p lol. Seriously though...if she would have shot your dog that's a law suit under those circumstances. I agree...some of these cops now days are a joke. Mentally unstable...and dangerous to the people they sworn in to protect. Trigger happy power tripping bullies with no respect. Some are more of a criminal than the ones they arrest. There are some good ones dont get me wrong. But more often than not...u get the other side of things.
  4. bootsbjj

    bootsbjj Banned

    Yeah, I pointed out her return and allegations just to point out what an idiot she was. :-)

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