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New England dog owners

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by mmartin, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. mmartin

    mmartin Pup

    I am going to try to start a new apbt club. The old club has been gone for a couple years now and looks like its not coming back. I know there were a few guys trying to get something going last year but i guess it did'nt pan out.

    I am looking for some help, especially on the weight pulling side. I have no experience with pulling. Anyone interested in helping please send me a pm.
    I don't know yet weather it would be adba or aadr. I am keeping all options open and taking any suggestions.

    I am just trying to get the word out and hopefully get some fun shows this summer. Let me know if anyone is will to help out.

  2. Rickf3

    Rickf3 Big Dog

    I'm in new england, so are a few others here. Not sure how I can help, I have no experiance with what your trying to do but let me know if you do get an event organized, I would be willing to pitch in.

    I'm in RI, there are never any APBT events locally. Most citys around me have bans or other restrictions that keep owners hidden.

    Good luck and keep us posted so we can at least attend any event you get coordinated!
  3. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    im over in boston, but i also have no experiance but it would be nice to have some shows around here
  4. pitbullcliff

    pitbullcliff Banned

    I am up for trying to get another local club going. Have you tried talking to the folks at Barrett's Bullpen? They are weight pulling experts and may be able to help you. I am knowledgable at conformation but don't know much about weight pulling, though I have weight pulled dogs twice, once in 1998 and once in 2001. I miss local shows LOL. I know a few people that would probably join a new club.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2008
  5. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    Actually Lee use to run the MA ADBA club, not sure if he would be interested but wouldn't hurt to ask him. He could atleast point you in the right direction as to who to contact for assistance.

    I would offer my services however at this time I barely have enough time for my family. If my life changes I wouldn't mind helping anyway that I can.

    Good luck.
  6. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    lee is a very nice man and would i am sure be willing to talk. also his store is quite nice. i think they still do the weight pull shows, but just not at the topsfield fair grounds, i think it was to much money. he has some very good ull dogs but they are mxed i think seeing they run about 100 lbs and up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2008
  7. mikem

    mikem Pup

    hey fellas im in RI
  8. mmartin

    mmartin Pup

    thanks for the replies! I have spoke to a couple of people and it looks like we are gonna be able to get something rolling up here. I will post any further updates.
  9. BostonBully

    BostonBully Top Dog

    Not sure if Lee still lives in Lynn. I thought he moved to NH. I could find out for you though. My friends cousin is married to him.
  10. Rickf3

    Rickf3 Big Dog

    Mike, I am in RI also, share any info on events local to us, I'll do the same. Maybe we can drag a few others down if something interesting pops up. Sadly, in 10 years I have never seen anything local but who knows...
  11. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    he was in new hampshire but he is back now i have been over to barrets bullpen recenly i jus bought a weight pull harness and a collar their. unless he is driving back and forth every day he is in lynn i am positive
  12. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    one thing to consider- all the rescue dogs. lots of those folks want to get into pulling aswell. so even though they wont have "papered" dogs-you could do fun shows OR work with some limited registrations. the numbers of folks in that boat is pretty big in new england.
    and barrett's dogs are 100 pounders now a days??? we had one ( she passed away this year,11 years old) ...she was 42 pounds. all the ones i have ever seen were on the ~small~ side.
  13. BostonBully

    BostonBully Top Dog

    Oh yea good to know. I have gone their before but I thought his prices were kinda high. Maybe they have changed since last time I was their.

    Rallyracer yea his dogs can be on the larger side. Again this was last time I saw them. I lived in lynn all my life up until last year when I moved to NH.
  14. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    yea his prices are kinda high but it was easier for me to go there then order online. also not all his dogs are loo lbs only the ones bred specifically to be pull dogs. i have talked to him many times and he is nice guy.
  15. BostonBully

    BostonBully Top Dog

    Where you from Boze?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2008
  16. poundAPBT

    poundAPBT Big Dog

    I would be very interested in that, thanks for bringing that up.
  17. mmartin

    mmartin Pup

    when we do set up a fun show papers will not be necessary
  18. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    boston bully i am from saugus 20 minutes out of boston bordering lynn
  19. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    mmmmmmm, hilltop :D

    (i miss yankee food :( )
  20. mikem

    mikem Pup

    i know i could probobly find five people who would be interested , everybody here should make it there job to find five people , as you guys know finding other people up here who love the sport is hard to come by. we could have a show in the spring , lets work on it. would anyone here like to be the president or should i take it upon myself to and get the ball rolling on this club, do we want to be ADBA , AADR , or what? this is a great opportunity to start something

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