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my lil one (updated)

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by williewonka1, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. williewonka1

    williewonka1 Big Dog

    Attached Files:

  2. bdub

    bdub Top Dog

    nice lookin dog
  3. chessfighter

    chessfighter Big Dog

    What didn't kill her only made her stronger. Beautiful dog and nice Peds
  4. popper

    popper CH Dog

    my female got parvo , she got over it in three days , i couldnt believe it. she was skin and bones though
  5. williewonka1

    williewonka1 Big Dog

    thanks yall.
    @popper i know what your sayin it was sure a fight and shes been fightin since birth.
  6. Corley

    Corley Big Dog

    nice dog & pedigree
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  7. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Cute pup, glad to hear about the turn around. Parvo is one ruthless SOB

    NMWAPBT Top Dog

    great lookin dog
  9. williewonka1

    williewonka1 Big Dog

    thanks yall.

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