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Mississippi convention raided last night

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Jefferson, Mar 31, 2013.

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  1. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    And they will have lost all their dogs that I think is the saddest part.
  2. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    chef large / small scale don't matter. folks get jammed up & don't need to even set one down to make the headlines. there convicted on suspension alone.
  3. Randy70

    Randy70 Big Dog

    I had a young friend that was in a group of about 15 people. They allowed no one in except their group. They fought dogs for about 10 years with no problem. Then a man moved into town and made friends with one of them. He rolled dogs with them and attended fights with them through a three year period. Then the new man and his fellow state police arrested everyone they came in contact with for the last three years. One guy they didn't come and get. They let him set and worry for about 5 years. He thought he was not going to get busted. Finally they come and got him. I understand he is doing a year and one half. I had told my young friend that after all the publicity and fame that law enforcement gets for doing these arrest. He ought to quit. Well he is doing his time now and it is about over with. I can see no way for anyone to get by with it. The news media has seen to that with all the press. In my mind it is a minor league crime compared to some of the things that are going on. Yet the law doesn't see it that way. I fought dogs then when i could see I couldn't get by with it I quit. It would probably be as easy to rob a bank if you want to do something unlawful amd the public would make a hero out of you if you get by with it. Yet the public is against dogfighting and will make you a villian if you get caught. Don't do it if you like freedom. If I can quit you can quit. Randy Fox
  4. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    You right about that one BB..Thats the scary part of owning these dogs..And even if you beat the trumped up charges its going to cost you a mint.And more than likely wind upoosin thier dogs..But really and truly people should be thanful for people like Floyd B for fighting back and winning.He has paid a hefty price.But thats what its going to take to turn it around.
  5. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    A breath of fresh air well said Mr. Fox :)
  6. Randy70

    Randy70 Big Dog

    I forgot to say. It cost 50.000 a year to house a prisoner. In Michigan they made it a 20 year term for fighting dogs. That is 1,000.000 dollars. In a country that is going broke. Why not use the electronic bracelet on the leg and supervise them that way. Don't take these young men away from their families so their children can run wild and the government have to support their families. While that young man is in prison. He will learn how to make meth or anything else that he might take an interest in. Many of these things he might learn may kill many humans. But who is worried about humans dieing. Lets save the dogs. What a weird world we live in. Where is our common since going. Randy Fox
  7. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    Good post,people get online and talk about all kinds of stupid stuff.I can just not see breaking the law and talking openly about it.You probably would get less time for a much more serious crime just because of the whole image people have of the sport.Bad thing is the police will allow people to make "friends" and contacts for years just to bust someone,while they turn a blind eye to the serious crimes.
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