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Mississippi convention raided last night

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Jefferson, Mar 31, 2013.

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  1. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    So true! So so true...
  2. some people wake up in the mornin's and say "ey, i'm gone go tell somethin." just how it is.

    i don't know what was goin on, hell they could have been weightpullin and treadmill racin and it would still be called 'fightin'...but damn, you get 200 dudes together, word obviously got out quick. still under 'investigation' to me means they're offering some nice bargaining pleas and trying to get more jaw jackers... and that news link is all chris schindler from the hs..
  3. chef_kergin

    chef_kergin Big Dog

    realizing that participating in a large scale organized event for an activity that is a felony is this country is just plain dumb, is not acting like a nutjob imo. drop the tailgate, do work, pack up and leave as soon as possible with as few trustworthy folks present as possible.

    it's that easy.

    some folks are more concerned with the spotlight than the accomplishments of their animals and that's why to many folks talk and people rat and these stories end up in the news.

    wasn't sure who the post was directed at, but yes, some folks are acting like nutjobs.
  4. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    being in all you ain't sure & want to quote O' bb CK. here is prime example of " nut job" your first few sentences are one big hypocrisy & just reenforce what was quote. df has been illegal before 76 that's nothing new. it's the attudes that is new nowadays.
  5. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    Ill say going to a large show isn't very smart. Ill also say working dogs are made to work and its odd some people who own dogs created by bulldoggers turn around and say that's what they get bc its illegal. I agree with the fact that they knew the risk but don't belittle the ones who are trying to keep the true apbt alive while everyone else is recreating the amstaff
  6. Sampson1

    Sampson1 CH Dog

    Realist shit I've read on this forum in years. Along with BB's statement earlier in this thread. Sure the risks are known, but to be a working dog fancier and the belittle the men working them is a contradiction of itself.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2013
  7. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    On the Contrary it's odd that people know the risks that come along with working dogs choose to take those risks and then complain and point fingers when they get caught . That's not saying they get what they deserve, that's only pointing out the fact that if you play where you shouldn't you have to be accountable for the consequences no one else is to blame let's not start taking things out of context. If I get caught selling drugs, I have no right to point fingers or be pissed off at someone else I'm a grown ass woman I knew the deal before hand and if I get caught it's my fault no one else's All this not showing appreciation for the outlaws is bs... You can respect what these guys do all day long and even feed dogs off their hard work. It still doesn't change the way shit is we don't make the laws our elected officials do we don't force anyone to break them as fucked up as the laws are here in the US they are still the laws you break them you pay for it. The HSUS and federal officials are cracking down hard more than ever on dog sporting they are trying to make as many examples out of people as they can to prove a point. My opinion on this is to get out the dogs or move to a land where you are free from the humanics to save yourself and your dogs. And if you choose to take the risks stop talking so much, stop drawing so much bad attention to yourselves and to other people. As a mod I delete countless posts on a daily basis where people openly incriminate themselves and others bragging about all their illegal accomplishments. I find it odd that people are that dumb to think they are that untouchable because they are behind a computer.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2013
  8. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    Who is complaining? Def not me, I'm simply saying if you all wanna turn gamedogs into amstaffs go for it but don't talk down on people who want to keep their dogs honest AND if your going to work them stop attending 10 card shows!
  9. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    It's not talking down on anyone to point out the fact that matching dogs in the USA today in 2013 is very very dangerous or for a better word illegal a felony that comes with severe consequences and people should use better judgement and stop being so wreck less . I could care less what so and so does with his dogs I can only be responsible for mine. These dogs will never be turned into amstaffs because we have plenty of good people around the world breeding bulldogs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2013
  10. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Dream you might have missed some posts that were deleted on this thread not saying you were complaining... Just speaking in general about some peoples outrage that their was a bust recently like this isn't 2013 and the witch hunt hasn't been on for some time now.
  11. BullDawg

    BullDawg Big Dog

    sad to say but the bust was inevitable: in this country, having that many people involved could only end in one way. shame.
  12. chef_kergin

    chef_kergin Big Dog

    careful, don't want to sound like a nutjob. ;)
  13. chef_kergin

    chef_kergin Big Dog

    on the contrary, the second part of my statement is not hypocrisy, just realization that minimizing risk increases the odds you can enjoy raising and keeping these dogs....here (part 1 of statement in red is for high risk, stupid behavior, part in black is for a lower risk behavior-
    so i can't see the basis for your statement, i apologize.

    whoever said it wasn't? and with how things are nowadays, attitudes and approaches have to change. and understanding that being involved in something illegal on a LARGE scale just increases the risk. i didn't aim to take anything away from those who were being true to their dogs, just the festival type atmosphere in this country in today's day and age.

    i'm not trying to get in a pissing match here, so i'm sorry if i went off on a tangent, but i stand by my original statement of
  14. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    Sadie ur probably right about me missing some post but when is the last time you exported a dog from another country? You have what you have thanks to someone working dogs here and I would like to think you appreciate their work. And what's the point in playing for shipping of a top quality working dog from overseas if you're not going to work it anyways? The dog is better off staying where its at
  15. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    I will be importing one this year as a matter of fact and know some great people over seas and I have no problem paying for what I want regardless of where it comes from if I want something I get it ...your point about turning these dogs into Amstaffs only applies to those breeding dogs for show I don't breed . There are plenty of top quality dogs imported to the US that are worked and or shown in legal avenues nothing wrong with that either. I can appreciate a mans work and even benefit from it still doesn't change the facts and the outcome these raids are not going to stop and people will continue to do what they do but ultimately their is a price to pay if you get caught. It's not unreasonable for me to suggest moving out the USA in these times would be the smarter move hell I know people who have done just that to protect themselves and their dogs which IMO is very smart you think I want to see my friends end up in jail and their dogs destroyed?!?! . I also know a few who have gotten out the dogs all together sold off everything because of what's going on today things are not the way they used to be dream and it's not too hard to see why people are leaving these dogs alone. Anyway I think I have made my point loud and clear.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2013
  16. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Most here do that anyway ... There are plenty of people commenting on this very thread that show their performance bred dogs in conformation rings some are even breeding them so the whole turning these dogs into Amstaffs is a moot point.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2013
  17. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    I dont really see on this thread where people are complaining about a guy workin dogs.It looks to me they are just pointing out its stupid to attend such a large convention.
  18. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Thank you all this not appreciating doggers for what they do has absolutely nothing to do with what we are saying, I don't even know where the hell that came from lol... I have no problem with preserving these dogs in true form. I love what these dogs were bred for. But I hate seeing the constant stupidity that surround these dogs and the dumb asses drawing bad attention to themselves and other people. Saying that dog fighting is a felony and if you get caught you will pay a hefty price is not saying we don't appreciate where these dogs come from or the fact that they are being worked that is why I said not to take this out of context because that's what has happened here.
  19. bamaman

    bamaman GRCH Dog

    Well even the people that do get lucky and get out of this with a slap on the wrist.They will still have spent thousands of dollars on lawyer fee,fines,court cost etc.Its like givin away free money ,just go to the corner of any street with a garbage bag full of money and start passin it out.
  20. chef_kergin

    chef_kergin Big Dog

    thank you both. i'm still trying to figure out where the "people are actin just like the nutjobs" came from......good, simple logic is far from being a nutjob.
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