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Discussion in 'Products & Equipment' started by monsterVili, Jul 11, 2006.

  1. i am curious to know what the differnces are between a carpetmill and a treadmill are? also which would be better.
  2. CB

    CB CH Dog

    You get more of a overall workout with a slat mill. A Carpet mill is to get more muscle on your dog. So the carpet mill is more for the show ring.
  3. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Some one from the Philipenes posted some of both made in similar fashion. Looked very nice and well built. I have to admit the slat board one was by far more atractive. I would assume it would allow the dog to move at a faster pace with less resistance than carpet. I have thought about building one. I would probably like indurance over mass. And for sure want something that would last more than carpet does. Some of those human ones can be controled at speed, resistance and incline to inhance workouts. I have seen the AKC folks use those. But those things cost too much money for my taste. I sure as heck wont use it. But you wouldn't have to worry about some butt sniff ratting you out because you have a tred mill like they saw on animal planet or some bs like that. Just makes you want to shoot them.
  4. Mudville_Monsta

    Mudville_Monsta Top Dog

    for the most part slat mills are more of an endurance building workout and the carpet mills are for muscle as stated above. as far as e-mills the can be usefull also, and can be found rather cheap in second hand stores,garage sales, classifieds etc. i think with those both muscle tone and endurance can be implicated. the thing i have in question about carpet mills is how are they for recovery. slats allow the dog to work at it's own pace. do the carpet mills do the same? electric mills are also able to slow down or speed up. you just have to be right there with your dog (which you should no matter what type of mill) and know when it's needed to change speed.
    1 person likes this.
  5. Attila

    Attila Guest

    Good post. I don't go to garage sales but It is a good thought on finding a less expensive one.
  6. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    obviously you haven't much experience with a carpet mill....good luck....scott

  7. thanks everybody for the posts answers some questions, i have a carpetmill i bought it when monster was young. can't really afford a slat mill as the ones i have found are to expencive............ also any one have ideas as to get him to run on it i try and try but he knows if he plants his feet he doesn't have to run. and then he figured out how to back out the harness. i kinda gave up after fighting him for 3 weeks and stuck to hand walking, springpole, and fetch. my female does just fine but i don't think she is as smart as him. i started her two days ago
  8. Slat Mills: used to exercise aerobically. Meaning it is to build stamina and endurance.

    Carpet Mills: used to exercise anaerobically. Meaning it is to build strength and power.

    As many of you know, dog matching requires both anaerobic and aerobic ability. Anaerobic abilities are used in the primary part of the contest and aerobic is needed for the long run.

    You need to make your dog WANT to do it. Let him be around the mill first without actually placing him in it. After he is comfortable around it. Place something on the mill to level it (so it won't be on a slant). Now feed your dog on it (use the bowl silly!). After a few days/week or two, try placing the hardness and have him take a few steps and let him out. You must praise him like he did extraordinarily. If he is apprehensive, have a favorite treat in front of him (just out of his reach). This will have him going forward at least a few steps.

    Please remember that a carpet mill is to be used for short workouts. 10 minutes or so (once he has been working on it for a while). Never have them on it for longer or they can get joint or pad injuries.


  9. Mudville_Monsta

    Mudville_Monsta Top Dog

    R H thanks for that info.... short workouts so there is no need for recovery time.
  10. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    My Buddy Makes Slat Mills, If Anyone Is Interested Pm Me. They Are Damn Nice, And Quiet.

    You Will Pay For It Though.. Lol
  11. surfercalavera

    surfercalavera Big Dog

    anybody can put pictures of slatmill and carpetmill to see the diference??

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