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Lokking for spring poles

Discussion in 'Products & Equipment' started by fisen_2000, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Hi:D

    I'm looking for springs to my spring pole.
    I need a spring that can handle my dog on 20kg and a spring that can handle my other dog on 60 kg.
    Does anyone know where i can buy this Online?
  2. SacRedboyOwner

    SacRedboyOwner Top Dog

    O'Briens Kennel Supply
  3. stinkrock

    stinkrock Top Dog

    home depot. garage door spring
  4. jkpitts

    jkpitts Pup

    Its on utube aswell on how to make one.
  5. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

    Just make one if you really feel you need one its much cheaper.
  6. Thanks everybody
  7. therealjudge

    therealjudge CH Dog

    I prefer the short springs, mine is like 8 inches long and very sturdy and yet my 31 pound dog can work it, no problem.
  8. kalenhcc

    kalenhcc Big Dog

    I use a garage door spring from any hardware store.
  9. What springs can handle my dog on 60kg?
  10. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    just dont use the quick snap they come undone for some odd reason....
  11. tzmndvl

    tzmndvl Pup

  12. devonte151

    devonte151 Fast Lane Bulldogs

    I use a rope and bungee cord tie the rope to the s hook on the bungee cord then rope the other side to the tree. that all i use and use piece a carpet for bait

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