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k-9 dog officer killed by two thugs.

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by popper, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    i guess some dont understand the definition of a parasite LeeR:D
  2. Lee Robinson

    Lee Robinson Big Dog

    Apparently. Maybe that's a sign of self denial?

    It would be fine with me of America was "dewormed," as I have no desire to have mercy of rapists, pediphiles, or thieves...or even those that justify such behavior.

    Instead, I would rather protect the civil liberties, rights, health, and property of the innocent that make an honest living.

    Oh...one other group of parasites that needs to be dewormed...those that prey on the wealth owned by the elderly through scam "business" deals by using deceptive/misleading information, as these people worked their entire lives and too often don't understand the deceptive practices used by parasites in today's world. In some cases this includes corporations.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2009
  3. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    heres a good one...i took my daughters to a mall today, and found out that there have been a bunch of robberies in the parking lot since a week or two before Xmas. two men would approach shoppers leaving the mall and relieve them of their purchases. they havent been caught yet, so i was glad to have a Glock 19 on my hip. the things folks will do to ruin someones holiday season for their benefit. THAT is a parasite IMO
  4. dajuice

    dajuice Big Dog

    Again, where in any of these post did you or anyone read where someone thought it was cool for those dudes to break in someones house? I don't know them and could care less about them. A better headline would have been, "Owner woke up and shot would be thieves dead!" Havin said that I aint about to break out the tissue and go around lighting candles cause the police got a taste of their own medicine! There's a thread on here now about how the police shot someone's dog in their own yard, and that's just the most recent one. What about that dirty sumbitch LT. Burge from Illinois? This asshole and his cronies tortured confessions outta guys on a regular. Guys were coming off death row like crazy because of what this creep and his gansta buddies in blue did. The death penalty is on hold and has been in Illinois for over 10 years because of this so called good guy. The movie "Training Day" with Denzel Washington is reality where I'm from. BELIEVE THAT!
  5. crushbones

    crushbones CH Dog

    im the biggest fool ever!!!....i cant believe i wasted my time debating or even talking about this!!....everybody is entitled to their opinion!!....im done!!.....
  6. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    so whats makes an police officers life more important than mine? if they didnt piss so many people off they wouldnt have to worry about theirs lives so much. i know their jobs are dangerous or whatever but the start a lot of ish especially where i am from. I hate the police with a burning passion. And they aren't any more important than any other person. their dogs arent more important then any other dog. real talk
  7. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    I suppose I can understand your disdain for the police...but in this story, the dog was doing a job he was trained to do, and that was to track down a criminal...A CRIMINAL that was steeling from an innocent victim. We are not comparing a cop to another person, nor are we comparing a K-9 to another dog...I simply state that the dog was doing something pure and honerable, I appreciate what it takes to be able to make a dog work like that, I respect it...that criminal killed the dog, that criminal complicated a wrong doing by committing another bad act. There is nothing GOOD about what these kids did...and they deserve the maximum punishment the law allows because they acted more like animals than the dog....REAL TALK!!!!!!
  8. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    if only you knew buddy, lol
    i know yall get it in fresno too, yall are getting harassed constantly based on the way you look. shit yall cant even wear a fresno jersey anymore without gettin fucked with.
    and im not sayin every cop is crooked, but the ones that aint will side with the ones that are in a heartbeat. you ever seen a cop go from gentlemen to asshole in 5 seconds based on his partners disposition?
    lemme ask you something, you ever been robbed by the PD? im guessing your opinions on them would change if so.
    and u act like you can go to court with the PD. thats attorney fees wasted, cuz you wont win. there top of the totem pole and were just sheep waiting to be rounded up! (metaphorically speaking lol).

    look everybody has there opinions on different topics thats why this is a debate thread, i have my opinion on the matter that won be changed. it cant. you can be led to believe something easily, but when you experience it first hand and figure out that everything you were told is a lie, you cant help but to feel resent. i live life on my terms (not to cause harm to people but because NOBODY will control me) and that doesnt make me a criminal. maybe made bad choices but not a criminal.
    and for the record i dont support child molesters,rapists & thieves either. thats the lowest thing to be besides a snitch in my opinion.
  9. Lee Robinson

    Lee Robinson Big Dog

    So, you think a "snitch" is worse than a child molester, rapist, or thief that preys upon the innocent? I myself would gladly "snitch" on any parasite...and by that I mean...child molester, rapist, or theif...as I have no respect for any of them. Nor do I care for drug dealers either. They are parasites too IMO, as they too often prey on uninformed children for customers.
  10. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    no not worse but its down there with em!
  11. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    ok, we have gone pretty far from the topic here- and now its just the semantics of what makes a criminal, etc.
    lets reel it back in, and stick to the topic from this point on

    thank you
  12. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    ur right, i was talking about being charged with killing an officer. in my first post i stated that the dogs was just doing his job and i feel sorry for the dog. that post was about the charge. thats why i was comparing the police dog to another dog. they can shoot my dog if it barks or even looks scary w/o punishment. its not right. you make valid points and i was just expressing my opinion. dont have to ruin the good post you made with the immature bs at the end. its the internet so im not gonna try to act tough or whatever, its a forum. I'm done with this topic :cool:
  13. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    just to add my 2 cents they are trained and then armed.on top of that they knew the risk when they applied.just cant see how a kid or anyone can inprisoned for life for a dog,it should be the same murder is murder animal abuse is animal abuse.i still dont agree with anyone being charged over the dog with it not being supervised.they should be charged for turning the dog loose its not like it was a hound it was a attack!jmo
  14. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

  15. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    Never meant to offend, and I respect your opinion.
  16. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

  17. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

  18. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

  19. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

  20. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Wow, I've read some really wild stuff here! Lee R. I have to say I have to give you crazy respect for your point of view. You're actually educated & make some really good points.

    As for myself, I'm of the opinion that every serious criminal who's guilt is without question should just be shot in the head. The forehead too, that way they can see it coming. Forget a few dog bites. Let them get a lead injection & be done with it.

    As for their being less crime if we helped the poor - are you serious???? There are already TONS of Americans on the dole & they STILL commit crimes! Most hard working Americans go to work & go home. Their only crime might be speeding & buying a little weed to chill out after work with. There's a few wife beaters & child abusers/molesters in that group & IMO they should join those who commit serious crimes on the "one way walk."

    But most (not all, but most) piglets suckling on the gov't teat are usually the ones stealing, slinging drugs, shooting people, etc. After all, they have the time for it. Most working folks go to work & go home exhausted. Most don't have time for tomfoolery.

    After all, someone has to pay for those welfare tapeworms. I listen to them brag about how their HUD rent to include lights, water, etc. only costs $75 a mo., how they sell their EBT cards for booze money, how they don't get married but live in sin but that man has to clear out when the HUD inspector comes & moves right back in after he leaves!

    And let's not forget how they split the kids to get two EBT cards, double the welfare money & double the money back at tax season. And we're supposed to feel SORRY for these people??? If anything we should CUT the support OFF & give those lazy, scheming SOBs jobs & tell them to get to it!

    As for the K9, may he RIP. The only thing I regret his that ...

    - His handler let him get loose.

    - He didn't savage that little punk (preferably both punks) to death.

    I would respond to more, but there is so much here to respond to.

    In closing I'd like to say Laced, I used to respect you, but now I see what a prejudiced, closed minded person you are. IMO you're no better than a Black Panther or a Klansman. The only difference is you hate due to occupation, not race.

    What a shame ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2010

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