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k-9 dog officer killed by two thugs.

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by popper, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. Lee Robinson

    Lee Robinson Big Dog

    Laced, what if it wasn't your house, but your neighbor's? Or, what if it was an honest person that you didn't like? Would it still be wrong to victimize an honest person? Or, do you think some criminals are justified? I ask because you made a lot of rants about cops, but didn't comment on the criminals.

    I am not a cop. I am an educator and K9 breeder/trainer...and an honest family man that supports the right to carry and the 2nd ammendment. I have worked with some K9 officers though.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2009
  2. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    so are 100%legal never did and never will under any curcumstance ever break the law?its not right to steeal!does that mean a dog should be turned loose to mawl a suspect,aint the courts there to decied the fair punishment?sounded like some kids not career crimanials.im for the death penilty for muders and child preditors but repeat offenders is a littel far,maybe you didnt grow up in a poor hood with no family structure in bad sutiations and maybe you do or dont know what its like to feed your self at 14 youd make some mistakes also and have to learn, not killed or mawd.property is just that propertyp.s there will always be crime if we helped the unfournate there would be less.
  3. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    maybe you folks from CA remember a guy named oscar grant!! a husband, father and somebodys son!


    these are your buddys huh officer robinson?!

    and after that video it shouldnt even be mentioned about all the innocent family pets shot by cops huh?
    search it youll find atleast 10 diff threads about them shootin random family dogs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2009
  4. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    In the 2nd clip, you can see a gun in the guys right hand. It looks like he is trying to hide it. It is in the beginning of the clip.
  5. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    no it was already confirmed the man was gettin his ass kicked, they cuffed him and started beatin his ass some more. when the crowd started trippin, the cop shot the cuffed man. he is now facing charges for murder. the man was un armed and murdered.
    poor quality footage but it was all i could find.
  6. wardogkennels

    wardogkennels Top Dog

    I realize that, I am just observing a different individual in the crowd that has a gun. At 11 seconds into the 2nd clip, you can see a guy with a brown hoody with a gun in his right hand.
  7. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    I thought in that case it came to the conclusion that the officer who fired the gun was still a rookie, and in the heat of the moment accidentally grabbed the gun when he had intended to reach for his tazer? I could be wrong, I wasn't really following the situation. It was a terrible thing that happened to Oscar Grant, but I refuse to believe any cop puts on his uniform and tells himself happily, "Gee, maybe today will be the day I get kill someone!" You don't think that officer isn't going to live with the guilt of killing someone for the rest of his life, especially in a situation that really didn't call for it (such as self-defense or public safety)? They aren't all out to get us...

    And you know who I really blame Oscar's death on? That stupid crowd. Maybe if they had all backed the fuck up, quit screaming and cursing, and had let the officers do their job then maybe Oscar would still be alive.
  8. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    i cant tell if was or wasnt sure its not a phone.first ive heard of this was he found to have a gun?
  9. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    yea rookie or not tho, mistake or not. a man payed anothers mistake with his life. in that line of business there is no room for mistakes, cuz the consequence was payed with a mans life.

    and no i dont think he wakes up wanting to kill just anybody.
    im sure if dude was wearing a cowboy hat, or an A&F sweater he would have went home that night.

    and yea the crowd didnt help things, but ill tell you what if that was one of my friends/loved ones i would have definately been goin to jail that night!
  10. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    nope, dude was unarmed and drunk on new years. ive talked to some folks that were involved with dude.
    i guess he mouthed off to the cop and they cuffed him. when they started gettin ruff wit him he started struggling. the cops beat his ass & the crowd flipp'ed out. the cops panicked and shot dude.
  11. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    theres all sorts of different criminals and reasons why they commit crimes!
    theres only one type of cop!

    that might be one of the more ignorant things ive heard in awhile LWG. dont get me wrong, im not pro cop by any means, but that just sounds phuckin stupid. kinda like saying drug dealers are the only type folks to own an APBT.
  12. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    no wood thats a horrible analogy.
    when you see a man walkin a pitbull you dont automatically sense danger or negativity.

    now you tell me when a cop pulls behind you when your driving, you dont tend to tense up a little.

    with all do respect, i know your a lot older than me and im sure your a lot more experienced in a lot of fields ( the dogs for example) but every encounter (EVERY SINGLE 1) i have had with the police i have been victimized. when they wanna get ya, they will.
    when you need help. they never show.
  13. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    this is a debate that will go in circles, unless you have been in either sides shoes, then your basically brainwashed to believe that the police's main goal is to serve & protect.
  14. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    now dont get me wrong i aint criminal or nothin lol, but i believe in equal rights and because you have a badge doesnt give you authority over me.
  15. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    back to the OP,
    my point is..........i find it funny how we see threads all over here about cops goin on folks property and shootin THEYRE dogs and then some how they make it justified.
    when i 17 year old kid is being BITTEN by a dog and takes action, he gets charged for assaulting/killing an officer?????

    am i the only one that see's a problem with this?

    or am i just a criminal? lol
  16. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    no what you fail to distinguish is the fact that this "17 year old kid" was fleeing a crime scene. he was not helping a little old lady across the street, or going door to door collecting for UNICEF when this took place
  17. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    nope, i dont tense up a bit. even when pulled over, i pull all my paperwork/permit and inform the cop i have a pistol on me. no big deal really. i quit smokin pot quite awhile ago, so thats not an issue, and i dont drink and drive. im no angel, but i know better than going out askin for trouble.
  18. Lee Robinson

    Lee Robinson Big Dog

    PLENTY of people tense up and sense danger or negativity when they see an APBT...right or wrong. Some even tense up at the mention of the breed.

    I judge each cop as I judge all people...as individuals until they prove they are good or bad. However, I lump repeat thieves, muggers, rapists and most other convicts pretty much all into the scum bag parasite catagory because parasite means to live off a host...and that is what a criminal does.

    As far as the death penalty goes...I have no problem letting them live if they were housed in a self sufficient prison and required to earn their keep...but too many require $30,000+ per year paid for by...once again the host...the American taxpayer. BTW, I am not a cop fan...but I respect the good ones...AND, if I had to choose I would certainly prefer to get to know a cop over a criminal.

    I see excuses for crime all the time. I also hear excuses as to why it is ok to cheat, lie, steel, murder, and just about any other unethical and unjustifiable action. It's wrong. I don't care if you are 14 or 40. It's wrong.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2009
  19. mfern004

    mfern004 Big Dog

    Thankyou button Woody.

    If a cop pulls up behind you and you tense up then you probably need to learn how to drive better or get that weed out of your glove compartment!

    Now LWG, you claim you're repeatedly having trouble with the cops (COPS as in the plural form. Not just one officer who is repeatedly harassing you). If you are repeatedly attracting PD's attention, its more than likely something you're doing. Thats far more plausible than the idea that every cop in Sac is crooked. But hey, I don't know your story:rolleyes:

    And if PD is really messing with you, then you have a harassment lawsuit sitting on your lap. Get the balls to stand up for yourself instead of talking about it on the internet. No one, not even a cop, is above the law.
  20. labulldoger

    labulldoger Top Dog

    if convicted they will get life in prison.. i dont think you can get the chair for killing a dog.

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