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k-9 dog officer killed by two thugs.

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by popper, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. popper

    popper CH Dog

    poor dog , but maybe those cops will feel what people feel when they run wround shooting peoples dogs. they do that all the time here and it aint just pitbulls.

    i know this aint a game dog but i thought people would like to see.

    Posted on December 23, 2009 at 11:12 AM

    Updated Wednesday, Dec 23 at 7:50 PM

    HOUSTON—It happened in broad daylight – the silence of an otherwise quiet neighborhood in northeast Harris County shattered by a brick through a window, thrown by a group of young burglary suspects.

    Investigators said the suspects were after a flat-screen TV and some electronics, but their plan was thwarted by a neighbor who called 911.

    One of the officers who responded to the scene went far beyond the call of duty.

    "He was brave. He was doing what he was trained to do. My heart goes out to them. I’m sorry for what happened to him," neighbor Miguel Sauceda said.

    He’s talking about K-9 Officer Blek, who arrived at the scene with his partner, Deputy Dahlin.

    Caught off-guard by the arrival of the officers, two of the burglary suspects fled on foot.

    Deputy Dahlin was combing the dense woods with K-9 Officer Blek when he lost communication with the dog because of the noise generated by a helicopter hovering above them.

    After that, their search was expanded to include Blek, as well as the suspects.

    "We now know he did catch up with the suspects as they were going over a fence. The dog proceeded to detain one of them, and the other one jumped up behind him and choked the dog to death," Capt. Wally Wieghat said.

    After an extensive, multi-agency search, four suspects were taken into custody – among them, 17-year-old Cornelious Harrell, who was wearing shredded clothes.

    Authorites believe he’s the one who killed K-9 Officer Blek.

    "He used his bare hands. Put the dog in an arm lock and choked him to death," Wieghat said.

    It was a death unbefitting a creature of such devotion and substance.

    "He loved to interact with kids. Of course, he loved to work, too. He was an excellent KP and responded extremely well to apprehending suspects. It’s just very tragic we had people who didn’t value life any more than these boys did," Wieghat said.

    And now, the men and women of Harris County Precinct 4 are mourning the loss of one of their own.

    "He was one of our family," Wieghat said.

  2. Sparkplug

    Sparkplug Pup

    Still sucks for the dog...I'm not a big fan of the police...I have my reasons and I don't want to argue with anybody, but I do feel bad for the deputy as well.

    BRONXXX Big Dog

    Beautiful Dog... :(
  4. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Damn. He choked it out?

  5. Lee Robinson

    Lee Robinson Big Dog

    For those making negative comments about the police the officers here did nothing wrong, and let's remember...we are talking about a CRIMINAL here...someone that BROKE INTO SOMEONE ELSE'S HOME to STEAL ITEMS THAT DID NOT BELONG TO THEM. I would rather the criminal have died than the dog myself...as I have ZERO respect for the criminal PARASITES to society. ZERO. Yes, there are some "bad cops" that abuse their powers. I have seen that myself. BUT, there are a lot of good police officers as well. And, the good ones help fight crime. It isn't their fault that they often show up too late (which is why I support 2nd ammendment rights for people that do NOT have criminal records), but in this case they showed up in time to use a dog to catch the criminals.

    Remember, the dog had a collar or harness on, which can be used against him. I know this because they said the officer dropped the tracking line. If a dog has a collar on, you can twist it to choke a dog out.
  6. Michele

    Michele CH Dog Super Moderator

    RIP and run free.
  7. popper

    popper CH Dog

    i guarantee that wouldnt of happened if it was just the thug and the dog. 1 on 1
  8. blazed

    blazed Pup

    thats is the 1 thing about guard dogs or police dogs. in my opinion there should not have been only 1, just like when police go to check something out, theres always a partner with em. if there was another dog, the story could have changed ALOT.
  9. Sparkplug

    Sparkplug Pup

    Who said anything bad about the police?
  10. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    I think she was referring to your post and Jelet's "hahahahaha" comment which seems to have been removed.

    I have police and sheriff officers in my family, and I respect what they do. It's not an easy job. I have even more respect for the K-9 officers. RIP Officer Blek.
  11. 1 wasted soul, dog was a hero for me.
  12. crushbones

    crushbones CH Dog

    i feel bad for the dog!!!....i also feel everybody is entitled to there opinion....there are some good cops out there but very few imho...ive seen cops do alot of crooked stuff for me to just be on their side!!!..once again i do feel for the dog!!but as many dogs they kill a year i can not feel sorry for them at all (the cops, not the dogs)...imo!!
  13. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    This just occured to me, won't the man get charged with killing an officer?
  14. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    yup, killing a police dog is the same as killing a human, they are both police officers
  15. Jelet

    Jelet Banned

    Stupid cops got there ass handed to them. :)

    They let one GSD go after the two criminals. First of all, if they are going to set the dog loose, they should at least be in shape and keep up with the dog.

    So they could have ordered the man to stop choking the dog and fire a warning shot if they were 100 feet away. Also, how long does it take to choke a dog to death? So the guy would have been being bitten by a GSD for how long? till the cops arrived? The cops should have been more responsible and kept up with the dog or used there brain and send our more then one GSD if there is more then one criminal involved.

    The thug should only be charged with petty larceny, and not be charged with killing the dog---- It was self defense--- it was the cops fault for not being there with his k9 to call it off. Its not the criminals fault. Is he supposed to stand there and get bitten till the cops arrive?

    RIP though to the dog.
  16. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    interisting a attack dog should never be without supervison.what if it runs into a kid that had nothing to do with the crime?how long should one be attacked by a cop dog before he has the right to defend himself,far as i know theft isnt a death penlity.there has been 2 cop dog attacks here this year and they say its not the dogs fault its a faulty door openers,people shouldent have been in the way at home depot.R.I.P copdog he did what he was trained for!
  17. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    just to compare- in some state home invasion is on the same plane as murder, penalty wise
  18. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    cops dont fire warning shots...common sense tells you not to throw lead downrange to "warn" someone. :rolleyes:
  19. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    and yes, he is supposed to get bitten til the cops show up. unfortunately thats a chance you take when you dont surrender to a K9 unit
  20. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    didnt sound like a home invasion but a burgarly,and even though your right woody d the will to survive overrides the thought process of what legal,jmo they should still be supervised.surendering to a dog alone wont stop him from attacking.if there was a cop there hell yea you surender or take more.

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