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Jeep Vs Chinaman

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by J.W, May 24, 2004.

  1. El Mexicano

    El Mexicano CH Dog

    Chinaman Wasnt A Man Biter.i Own Jeep Dogs But I Would Love To Get My Hands On A Tight Bred Chinaman Dog I Just Need Some Money

    FIREMAN Big Dog

    "Dr. Wood shipped chinaman to Vince and Rob in California to make up for an earlier prospect he had sold them that failed to live up to expectations. He arrived full of hook worms and roundworms and weighed 42 lbs.4lbs. below his eventual best match weight of 46 lbs. Rob kept him on a long cable run and tried to help him overcome his emaciated state. Chinaman thanked him by biting him, so Rob shipped him to Vince."
    -quoted from Dawnrestdogs
  3. B

    B CH Dog

    Yes and we all know everything on the internet is true... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Don't quote some BS story on the net that every fake internet dogger site tells. SFK said it exactly how it is. He was an excite biter and if you held him back from what he wanted to do, he would nip. I own many off this line and not a single dog is human aggressive or even anything near it. I have seen excite biters and there is a huge difference between a dog that wants to EAT you anytime he gets the chance and a dog that nips when the handler isn't paying attention or is restraining him improperly.


  4. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    So true, dont take everything you read on the net as truth! As for the topic of this thread, chinaman without a doubt. He was a great dog that happened to also produce great dogs. Jeep from most accounts was only an average box dog, its his producing abilities and gameness that made this dog into the legend he is today. Chinaman was a freak, and I dont think jeep( as well as most any other dog) could of withstood the storm very long.

    FIREMAN Big Dog

    R u calling dawnrest a fake dogger?You must not know him or the dogs hes made!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. B

    B CH Dog

    I never said Dawnrest was this or that but that story is on every internet site remotely related to a dog. Please don't twist my words. They (like every other site)copied that story from someone else. Please read my post before you try to spit it back at me. People don't usually flap their gums about something they know nothing about and that is why you got the response you did. Quoting an internet dogger story is like reading a fairy tale... its never the real story.


    Edit: Did I say that Dawnrest was a fake internet dogger? NO. I said that you shouldn't be putting full faith in a story that every fake internet dogger has posted on their website. The majority of the people with that exact story on their site are as I described. I never once used Dawnrests name in my post because it has nothing to do with them. If I didn't use their name then I didn't speak about them. Go start crap elsewhere... If I had something to say to anyone I would tell them straight up just like I always do. Don't look further into something especially when you are ASSUMING.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2005
  7. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    "Don't quote some BS story on the net that every fake internet dogger site tells ..."

    That doesn't look like word twisting to me. That's pretty plain speakin' there.

    JMHO ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2005
    FIREMAN likes this.

    FIREMAN Big Dog

    B if you read my post from earlier, i quoted it because thats the supposed story.
    i never said i beleive that,,, but your right, that same story is on alot of sites. so by quoting it i figured id give SFK the reasoning of why Rocky's Human posted what he did.
  9. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    Man, this is such a non-issue! What is the first thing you read on EVERY internet bulldog site? Everything on this site is fictional & for entertainment purposes only! & now ya'll are quoting these sites like the Bible? C'mon now. Somebody put on a thinkin' Cap around here! LOL

    FIREMAN Big Dog

    i was quoting anything like the bible.If you read my post AGAIN, youll see why i qutoed it...You didnt know why Rocky posted what he did...So i quoted what perhaps he thought.


    If these two great dogs would be put into a test. I would go for chinaman all the way.

  12. savage

    savage Big Dog

    we will never know who would have one..
  13. Mudville_Monsta

    Mudville_Monsta Top Dog

    well based upon what i have read i would have to say chinaman.
  14. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    With the state-of-the-art methods with which Chinaman was conditioned, his punishing mouth, and raw ability, it would have been hard to expect any dog to win against him.
  15. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    That's a very good point. I've read about the keeps they where putting on him & that was in the mid 80's. I still think it's very sophisticated by today's standards.
  16. mntman2003

    mntman2003 CH Dog

    i heard chinamen wasnt around many people so he was weary of people onpurpose so he wouldnt get stolen.
  17. scratchin dog

    scratchin dog CH Dog

    LMAO! Thats a great one! My thoughts exactly. Chinaman all the way.

    DEACON ROM Top Dog

    chinaman was a bad mofo!!!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2005
  19. B

    B CH Dog

    LOL... Homer was dropped WAAAAAAY below his best weight for that match and lost because of it. Jeep's gameness... hmmmm, he tried to jump the box and Homer drug him back in early on when Jeep was getting punishment dished. Hours or not... I couldn't look past that because isn't a cur a cur like all of you guys say? I'm not questioning he produced some good dogs but he's hyped just like all the other greats.


    1 person likes this.
  20. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    I love my Jeep stuff. No doubt about it! However, Homer was a finisher not a F&^%N Freak of Nature like Chinaman! If he gut up in them guts, he'd be doin Jeep Johnny Holmes style! Plus Jeep has proven himself tenfold as a producer. Not at all saying Jeep would'nt be in it. But I can run at a truck as hard as I want all day long & I'm still going to be the one getting run over!

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