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How many rolls * Pre 1976

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Rojas, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    I was just curious as to pre 1976, how many chances did dogmen give their pitbulls in a roll, i can see how hardcore dogmen would only give their dogs one chance, but in my humble opinion there could many reasons why the green dog would cur out on its 1st roll, opinions ?

    NMWAPBT Top Dog

    i think honeybunch curred out on her first role but she went on the become a great dog
  3. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    As many as they needed to see what the dog had in it. Some took more, some less.
  4. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    Honeybunch was in OK match dog, but she is most known for producing excellent game dogs. I heard somewhere that you should not over do it when rolling a dog, because you can ruin a dog that way, its just meant to see what your dog has, it can be as little as a 5min roll.
  5. gameone

    gameone Big Dog

    I dont think Honeybunch quit.she didnt start up big difference
  6. ohpitbulls

    ohpitbulls CH Dog

    read this somewere but dont remember were '' 1st bump to see if he is turned on 2nd roll him to school an see what he has 3rd test him to see if he is game'' wht do you think ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2010
  7. popper

    popper CH Dog

    flat out quitting wanting to jump out is a big diffrence
  8. gog123

    gog123 Top Dog

    wouldnt game test before a match, id see how the dog acts under preasure.

    1st roll wake the dog up and get confident.

    2nd more confident.

    3rd id say put under abit of preasure and look for any signs

    4th a fair roll to a pretty even dog for about 15minutes.

    Thats what id do if it was legal and i ownd dogs.
  9. jeepfreek

    jeepfreek Big Dog

    i could agree , also helps to know a little about the other hog , & what u see is what u get , dont fall into that what if or if this or that , ....atleast thats what i read somewhere :cool: & dog matching is illeagle in USA , so what ever i post is for educational & historical purposes & never to be tryed where laws are inplaced. ! :D
  10. PADogman

    PADogman Top Dog

    If you know what your looking at you only need to roll him one time.If you have to look at a dog more then one time your having doubts about that dog.
    B. Hall said it best" If you cant see what your dog has in him in five minutes then you need to get another breed of dog"
  11. ohpitbulls

    ohpitbulls CH Dog

    i would agree if you have to look at him more then 1 time your havind some doubts a
  12. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    i totally disagree some dogs bloom later than others and u cant tell with just 1 small roll if he is what u are looking for or not
  13. wisconsingame

    wisconsingame Big Dog

    I totally agree with PADOGMAN u only need to roll a dog once! schooling and rolling a dog are not the same. But it seems that most people think that they r. I seen my fair share of ruined dog bc. Of dumb ass that call themself dogman
  14. gog123

    gog123 Top Dog

    a roll does educate a dog what is required so i dont see how a roll and schooling are different?

    That look at once is total bs, you wouldnt watch someone run 100meters see they are fast and next time ask em to run a marathon.

    Educate the dog and build the confidence whilst looking for signs imo is the aim of schooling.

    Seeing as it is illegal it doesnt matter what we really think anyway as itll never be done.
  15. XXLbully

    XXLbully Big Dog

    Imo rolls are for the dogs to learn. Some dogs may need more time to learn than others. But if your testing gameness, I agree with PADogman and B.Hall's quote, it doesn't need to be repeated as long as you know what youre gonna look for in that roll.
  16. gog123

    gog123 Top Dog

    i agree a game test is needed only once and not before the career imo as it really knocks alot out of the dog id imagen.

    I thought it was said a dog only needs 1 roll\schooling which is wrong.

    That said its all wrong as its illegal.
  17. magnoilaotis

    magnoilaotis Top Dog

    If I was to want to look at at a dog I would wAnt to see what he did when he was behind. They all look lik champs when ahead. Mr hall was known to pick up a dog that was about to quit a d say he was picked up game and then sell him to some sucker. Long story short it depends on the dog. Some do good with alot of schooling others would never make it, but could have shown good. It was all a gamble back then in the good ole days.
  18. gog123

    gog123 Top Dog

    you do look at the dog under preasure before his career you just dont want to game test and knock the confidence out the dog. Selling a dog as game to a sucker, not really the type of dogman i respect to be honest. If my name was with that dog id want it to be honest and yes even where money is concernd.
  19. wisconsingame

    wisconsingame Big Dog

    Schooling and roll are different. In schooling u r trying to show the young dog how to Properly defend themselves and how to go on the offensive. And all schoolin should nt be more than 5 mins. now a roll in some part is like schoolin but the big different is that in a roll in u r testing the dog more than teaching the dog. i had a big talk with my grand father about this more than a year ago and after he expained it out to me i see what he means. That man is 85 years old and still a dogman at heart.
  20. gog123

    gog123 Top Dog

    a roll is where you test the dog? These dogs can scratch with broken legs i dought any sort of roll will test the gameness. School and get confident then do what i think you mean and give the dog a lesson of being under preasure and look for signs i.e lower scratchs or turns.

    Want to make it clear im not saying do any of this its illegal. Im saying thats how i think it would of been done.

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