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Hot Red Head feeding 11 Year old APBT strawberries for a beer poster

Discussion in 'Photography, Artwork & Videos' started by NorCalTim, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. NorCalTim

    NorCalTim Big Dog

    Here is Axl (from Cypress and Chisel) with a Redhead promoting the beer that Axl is on the label of. More good publicity with the APBT! Its hard to have to much of that. And the beer rocks (not to fruity, it has real strawberries in it). HumboldtPitBulls Axl.jpg
  2. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    As always, nice POSED pics. Any of the living environment?? I'd really like to see those.
  3. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    Nice positive press, no denying that. Thanks for sharing!
  4. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Pretty cool picture there, Thanks for sharing!
  5. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    I'm really not sure if I'd call it positive press. They already try to label them as dogs that protect drug houses and all other kinds of bullshit, just seems as if its walking a fine line. I can see then trying to blame the dog on the label for somebody crashing a car after drinking a few of those. Shouldn't be like that but you know how the media works

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun
  6. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Well its positive as long as they don't try to pull that type shit

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun
  7. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    Seriously, Cajun? You're reaching here. It's a nice picture of a pit bull promoting a product.
  8. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    I'm not the one that does the reaching, its the media. I'm not the one that writes the bullshit I read, most of the time its written by people who do what ever they can to cast a negative image. Or did you miss the last line of the post?

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun
  9. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    I didn't miss it, I was simply appreciating the post for what it was. There are some pit bulls out there in the media casting a positive light on the breed, and I appreciate each and everyone of them.

    Usually when the dog is in the media light, it's because the human screwed up, not the dog.
  10. ursaminor

    ursaminor Top Dog

    I think what Cajun was trying to say that a few cute pictures doesnt justify his selective breeding practice or the lack of.. We all know what he is all about and rubbed a lot of folks here the wrong way. Just because you post up some cute pups dont make your actions right. wAs nice of a picture as it is I dont see a point in praising or encouraging such individual as this to keep milling red nose dogs.c
  11. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    True....however this thread was about the picture. ;)
  12. ursaminor

    ursaminor Top Dog

    what can i say.. its a tough crowd lol. nice pic for sure.
  13. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Indeed and my point was about the type product, which can be used in a negative light

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun
  14. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    Cajun...I'ma gonna slap you, lol.
  15. CajunBoulette

    CajunBoulette CH Dog

    Hey I scratch back!!

    Sincerely Yours, Cajun
  16. XLR8

    XLR8 Big Dog

    I agree with what ursaminor said. Just my opinion, but I'd rather see pictures of real working dogs doing what they do. This just seems so staged and fake.
  17. NorCalTim

    NorCalTim Big Dog

    This guy would be like "the dog made me do it!" G Produced-87.jpg
  18. NorCalTim

    NorCalTim Big Dog

    D Produced-89.jpg E Produced-90.jpg F Produced-91.jpg C Produced-92.jpg Here are a few more pics of "Rosie's Strawberry Wheat" (and Axl Rose himself) from a micro brewery in Humboldt County called Six Rivers Brewery.
  19. Staub

    Staub Big Dog

    That's neat man I'm a big fan of craft beer
  20. Vicki

    Vicki Administrator Staff Member

    That's so cool, you need to send me a bottle for my pit bull wall!

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