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Home of the Geachiman blood.

Discussion in 'Breeder Discussion' started by AGK, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. par71

    par71 Pup

    Makes sense good luck with the litter
    AGK likes this.
  2. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Damn, bitch ate another one yesterday. Down to 4 males. I think their squealing is setting her off. Hopefully she's done now and realizes they her babies not prey. The other 4 made it unscathed all afternoon/evening and this morning so I'm hoping she's done being a retard now. She eats another one and I'm taking them from her, which I really don't want to have to do but going to have to if she don't stop.

    patjr likes this.
  3. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Israel sitting Perdy.

    Smoke42084 likes this.
  4. par71

    par71 Pup

    Sorry bro
  5. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Smoke42084 and patjr like this.
  6. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    Hormones is a mother fucker bitches be acting crazy after dropping a litter. All them Male and she goes and eats the only female ain't that a bitch.
    david63 and AGK like this.
  7. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Very much a bitch, very disappointing. I was looking forward to keeping the tiny female. She was going to stay with my old kennel partner. He was pissed. It is what it is and aint nothing I can do about it.

    She seems a lot better with the remaining 4 today. Her attitude is more up beat and she taking general good care of them. Doesn't appear to be stressed at all.

    Jackie is a very gamey type bitch. One might call her wild. Wound very tight. I honestly believe they just triggered her predator prey drive with their squeeling and she just did what she does, kills things. She threw up the first one about 2 hours after eating him. That was not pleasant cleaning up regurgitated chunked puppy. Down right disgusting actually. Hopefully she got it out her system and now puts 2 + 2 together and realizes they're her pups not prey.

    The other thought is, I have Charlie in the house as he's my house dog. I also have that Uturn pup in here too. Jackie is in my whelping area in the basement and the other 2 are upstairs on the 2nd floor. Stress from having those males around is a possibility as well. However, she been in my house for 2 weeks so it aint like they new..

    My last theory is, simply put, the bitch is cray cray. :))

    She aint the first from this line of dogs to do it. Angel killed 3 out of 5 her first litter. A few few others down the pike as well.

    Imma just blame dem guh dam eli dogs in em. =))
  8. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I think she has the hang of it now.

    Cooterman, patjr and par71 like this.
  9. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

  10. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Israel's littermate brother


    Smoke42084, Cooterman, patjr and 3 others like this.
  11. F.W.K.

    F.W.K. CH Dog

    Had that once, costed me 3 pups, the other 3 or 4 remaining pups she took good care for.
    AGK and david63 like this.
  12. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Dross's 730
    (Jackie Roughs younger full sister.)

  13. slim12

    slim12 Super Moderator Staff Member

    We had a female out of Heartbreak Jr. once that was the perfect Mom until they made noise. Then it was a disaster. 1st breeding it just took us by surprise. 2nd breeding we figured at what point she snapped.

    I gave her away to a guy who could be there with her 24/7. He had two more litters off her but each time they were born, she was removed and brought to them muzzled, held down and the pups were allowed to eat that way until weaned.

    A bitch that will raise her pups is sometimes worth her weight in gold.

    Good luck as it goes forward.


    Smoke42084 and AGK like this.
  14. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    She seems to be good now. I think it was the noisy ones that got ate. Everyone else must have learned whining just aint worth it lol.

  15. AGK likes this.
  16. Forever-So REAL

    Forever-So REAL Quintuple Grand Champion

    Sable 2nd that! bitch looks good

    the bitch that was eating her pups was kinda expected for me bitch was catching rats as they run on the fence so I knew the day she had her 1st lit it was going to be a massacre
    the 1st one I thought she was taking it out of the sack but she ate it so the 2nd I took out the sack and put it by her nipples she snatch it with the quickness 3rd and final pup I tube feed it
    bitch next lit she raised six crazy bitch I do everything I can to make sure them pups get a chance never know the one they ate was the ACE lol..
    AGK likes this.
  17. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Jackie 4 days postpartum.


  18. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Israel found my antlers.

    Smoke42084 and patjr like this.
  19. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    A week and a day today.




  20. Hazko

    Hazko Big Dog

    Very nice
    AGK likes this.

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