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handling artery cut

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by rhumble, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. rhumble

    rhumble Big Dog

    that is the main issue to me when it comes to wounds

    handling artery cut, how to proceed?

    ps : for legal hog hunting purpose
  2. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    apply direct pressure w/ a CLEAN towel, get your ass out the woods and to the E vet. time is of the esscense
  3. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    ^^^ Agreed...
  4. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    vet a must!
  5. A band aid should do it
  6. rhumble

    rhumble Big Dog


    and theres a need for vitamin k for anticoagulation?
  7. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    vitamin k promotes coagulation, its not an anticoagulant.
    as far as a need goes, its all subjective
  8. rhumble

    rhumble Big Dog


    (my bad, i meant vitamin k for coagulation)
  9. Jrouble

    Jrouble Big Dog

    As much pressure as possible with a sterile dressing/material, rush to professional help, the end.

    Don't fuck with artery cuts, unless you want your dog dead, serious advice from someone who knows first hand :)

    Free tip on cheap as hell sterile pads, that absorb, help coagulate and are easy to position/hold on with pressure. Female Hygeine Pads... keep a packet in your first aid kit, get a bad cut, rip that packet of sanitary pads the feck open, peel them little bits of protective shit off and jam that fucker on there and hold it on as hard as you can.
  10. rhumble

    rhumble Big Dog


    thanks for the free tip ;)
  11. mfern004

    mfern004 Big Dog

    Basic bleeding control is just direct pressure and elevation.

    Once you pack on a dressing, DON'T REMOVE IT. If its bleeding through just put more dressings over what you've already got on there. If you remove it you'll disturb whatever coagulation was going on underneath.
  12. tony413

    tony413 Big Dog

    DISCLAIMER: im not responsible for any procedure(s) you decide to attempt on your dogs, if you have no medical experience or knowledge get them to the vet ASAP.

    apply direct pressure or if you have hemostats you can clamp the artery on both ends an stop the bleeding. if you feel you got the balls an steady hands to do it you could try to perform surgery on your dogs. you can use cat gut as the suture or some type of internally dissolving suture, the needle size varies on the artery or vein size.

    i believe quikclot is ok to use dogs i dont really know but i know it works great in the battlefield and in civilian senarios, you dont really need a lot, all you do is pour some over the wound an it seals until you can get proper medical attention.

    oh i forgot if you're going to use medical dressings to apply pressure over the cut make sure your dression are non-stick. they will have the shiney stuff on one side an regular cloth on the other ( i forgot the name i think its telfa)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2009
  13. rhumble

    rhumble Big Dog

    thanks for the advices

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