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Great................Another dog fight .........

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Rojas, May 29, 2011.

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  1. Rojas

    Rojas Big Dog

    On Saturday while at the dealership, my bro gets a cal from an asian woman screaming at the top of her lungs and over excited (Guess my pops gave our neighbor my bros # incase of emergencies),shes stating in very broken english, "ded dog on backyard!, black dog loose", at 1st me and my bro thought it was a prank call, but then my bro asked where is this all hapening and the lady gave us my address to a T, at that point i was still skepticall as both of my dogs are on a secure chain setup inside a large kennel area and my bandog is loose on the front of the house guarding , there is no way the bandog would get outside as its very secure.

    Well i get on my car and head home to see whats going on, to my surprise as i approach my driveway i see 2 police suvs very close to my driveway, i see the Asian lady approahing me very excited, saying she had to call the police and so on.

    I go and check my guard dog, hes ok, then i go back to the kennel, one of my dogs is intact on her chain spot , however my other dog was laying on the ground catching he breath and looked like he went thru a slaughter house, none the less he was still on his chainsetup, you see my kennel is small, about 30ft x 6ft i have only 2 dogs there, the 6ft fence faces my neighbores backyard, luckily they dont have pets , but they dont have a front gate , so any thing can just wonder around from the front to where my dogs are at, looks like a pitbull type dog (looked stocky but not fat) wondered around and knowing my dogs they werent going to let it slide, one of my dogs dug a small hole , just enough for a small head to thru and it was on, there is 13ft of blood along the wire fence, my dog being the crazy dumb @ that he is, has his nose busted up , probably trying to bust open the fence with his face/head or got bit and also got big puncture wound on his left leg, i know the severity of the wounds could of been avoided, as you can clearly tell, that the police just proceeded to pull the other dog of mine and as a consequence made the wounds bigger, not their fault , they dont know any better, the other dog had maybe a good 20lb on my dog , the police contained the other dog when i got to the scene and most of his damage was on his face/neck and some wounds on his legs.

    Im telling you i have a feeling this went on for some time as my dog would not get up on his own for like 1hr after the event, he even pooped laying down and his penis was out , he is doing much better as i type this , yesterday i washed his wounds and stapled one that need it it and is on amox, he is not eating yet but drinking plenty of fluids wich is good, his penis went back in and is urinating and pooping when i take him out, he still weak though . Luckily the cops were cool about it and didnt ask to many questions and they went their way and didnt contact me back. I will post pics of the damage later.

  2. who

    who Top Dog

    Sounds like your happy............... weirdo,
  3. Bmf_bt

    Bmf_bt Big Dog

    is it just me or is do only threads that you post about how your dos get into accidental fights? Maybe you should get some secure setups
  4. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    personally i would keep the yard fights to my self not being a smart ass or anything but it makes you look as if you do not know how to make your set up secure enough not bashing you either just a suggestion
  5. letsmakestuffup

    letsmakestuffup Big Dog

    Heres some honest advise for you, take it or leave it, its free :-)
    1) Take your dog to the vet, if anyone calls animal control and you get a visit at least the dog is under the vet and there shouldnt be a problem (ie neglecting to treat a dog, or treating it without a licence).
    2) Secure your yard, one kennel accident is one too many, more than one and your not looking after the yard right. Do whatever it takes to contain the dogs on your yard so they can't get into these situations.
    3) Stop posting stupid crap like this on the internet, it makes non dogmen thing your some weird sicko, and real dogmen will think your an idiot. You are drawing unwanted attention to yourself. Get your act together and keep your head down, that is the safest way to maintain your yard. Good luck.
  6. Your stupid shit is getting old. Learn how to contain your dogs, and in the future we don't need to hear about your dumbass train wrecks at your house.

    Oh and no you're not going to post pics of the "damage" and if you do, you will be banned.

    My best advice is to plug your dogs or give them away as you're too ignorant to own the breed.

    We're done with this retarded thread. It's closed.
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