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getting along

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by GACAM, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. GACAM

    GACAM Big Dog

    Is It Possible Two Have To A.p.b.t To Get Along? I Know That U Cant Trust A Pit Bull Not To Fight. Is There Any Way To Control The Situation?
  2. SEAL

    SEAL CH Dog

    you can have two that never fight. rarely will two of the same sex get along. I also think that having dogs that were fixed early in life helps curb some of the problems. But always remember just because they have never fought in the 11 years you have had them that one day they might just light into each other. this is dog nature and in APBTs it never ends well if they get into it.

    You can have two that dont get a long you just have to crate and rotate it is more time demanding but its the best choice for dogs that do not get along.

    Age, sex, whether or not they are fixed, all of these things play a big part in how they are going to interact. but always remeber just bcs they are friends right now doesnt mean that a chew toy wont start a war.
  3. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    its possible just not probable... you could get lucky and things could go fine, but you should be prepared and ready to accept that they need to be seperated 24 hours a day. If theyare raised together, altered, opposite sexes, and supervised you should be okay. for every one of those that is not true, it lowers your chances of success.
    I will say that if you have gamebred verses non-gamebred lines it will improve your chances, as those dogs are not as "hot" being they arent bred for gameness.

    What exactly is your situation?

    LOL- what he said
  4. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    the BF's mother keeps 2 dogs (1 gamebred, 1 cur), both females together 24/7. She has done this for almost 2 years. DOnt know how many times we have told her that they need to be seperated while she isnt home... doesnt listen. So, we are going to go over and build a kennel for them to be apart during the day.

    Maybe shes gotten lucky and push has never came to shove...
  5. B

    B CH Dog

    Going to be sad when she comes home one day to find a dead cur and a smiling gamedog.

    Control the Situation:

    1) Keep collars on your dogs so you can attach them to a leash and tie them off if they do get into a fight

    2) Keep breaking sticks around your house and in your yard so you can break them IF they do get into a fight (Obviously you have to know how to use them)

    3) Keep the animals seperated by kennel or chain setup when you aren't around to supervise them

    4) Do not feed them together

    5) Do not let them fight over the same toy

    These are some common sense issues that most people overlook. I regularly see pictures of a pack of pitbulls after a single toy or violating one or more of the above items. Responsible ownership needs a resonsible owner to be successful.

    If you own this breed you should live by the quote "Never trust a pitbull not to fight"


  6. B

    B CH Dog

    Just since it was brought up, altering a dog does NOT remove their aggression or change their behavior. Vets tell people this so that the dog will get spayed/neutered. I've seen plenty of altered animals get into scraps. Raised together is another item where people get too comfortable. I know of dogs that did perfect with each other for years and then one day something snapped and they HATE each other with a passion now. I also have seen opposite sex animals go haywire on each other so I don't quite trust that situation either. In a nut shell you really should follow the above rules I posted and learn how to control an animal in case of an accidental fight. This will be the only way you will be able to manage the situation without help. It can be a very difficult task to seperate two dogs without assistance. I had a small yard accident between two of my smallest dogs, 32 lbs and 33 lbs and I was physically exhausted by the time I seperated them. I'm a very large athletic man and these tiny little mutts almost had me to my knees. If people ever understood or saw firsthand what these animals can do at that size they would quickly realize that they need to be much more responsible and prevent these sort of "accidents". I can only imagine what would happen if some of these 60+ lb monsters people keep ever started something. Smaller animals are easier to control and they are still extremely hard to manage.


  7. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    There are exceptions to every rule, dogs are individuals just like people, but on average neutering does help. While neutering doesnt affect certain forms of aggression, dominance, territorial, and protective aqggressions are slighted if the animal is altered early in life. as well as aggressoin in relation to an intact female is also reduced.
    Nothing is set in stone, but you cant fight science, with the removal of testosterone from the system there is a decrease in the aggressive tendencies, it may not remove them totally, but it will reduce them.
    With this breed all bets are off when it comes to dog aggression, i think we all know that. but hedging your bets definately wont hurt.
    if your not part of an established breeding program your dogs should be altered anyway... irregardless to what it will or wont help in the aggression area, population control is more important
  8. B

    B CH Dog

    Altered dogs have won matches. That's enough proof that their aggression wasn't "cured" by neutering. Testosterone isn't making the dog aggressive, its the breeds temperment towards other dogs. Altering removing aggression is like claiming that training will make your dog "non-dog" aggressive. This is part of the breed! Females don't have testosterone and they can be just as dog aggressive. Dog aggressive goes with the breed...


  9. B

    B CH Dog

    I'm not arguing with you because I understand what you are saying but I don't want Joe/Jane Q. Public seeing this thread and thinking that altering/spaying their dog is going to make them "non-dog aggressive" when that just isn't the case. More often then not if a dog is at that point already, altering will NOT change that behavior. I should have specified earlier.


  10. Diesel

    Diesel Top Dog

    You realize there is more hen one form of aggression. Altering a dog will reduce aggression in certain forms. I am not saying altering a dog is a cure-all, but neutering your dogs definately wont hurt your dog int he long run, it wont make your dog more aggressive, and it will eliminate the possiblity of breeding. where is the down side?

    I know what you are saying and I agree to an extent, but its a given that certain forms of aggression in ALL breeds of dog are curbed when the animal is altered early in life. Aggression in the APBT is a tad different as there is no bluff stage so where some dogs posture first... our dogs escalate the issue immidiately. But that all comes after the fact... its the initial reaction to the oter dog and the circumstance that determines the type of aggression that is responsible. simple dog-dog aggression no neutering wont help that. but dominance, territorial, protective, and hormonal aggressions wil be curbed.

    Oh, and I know females dont have testosterone.

    Here is a clip from a site I found-
    Decreased Aggression: One of the most important behavioral advantages of castration is that as adults, these dogs will tend to be less aggressive both toward other male dogs and also people. The androgen (male) hormones, of which testosterone is the most important, are responsible for the development of many behavioral patterns. When young puppies are sexually mounting their 7 and 8-week old litter mates this is because of androgen surges in their bodies. The same is true with aggressive behavior. Some medications that have androgenic hormonal activity often cause increased aggression (an example would be the birth control medication, Cheque Drops, which contains one of these androgen-type chemicals). The degree castration has on suppressing aggression varies between animals and the age at which it is done. Its effect is greatest if it is done before one year of age.
  11. SEAL

    SEAL CH Dog

    you reduce the harmone variable and you reduce the breeding variable by fixing a dog. however getting back to the point i would never leave two of my dogs of any breed alone when im not there it is just asking for trouble but i have never owned a dog that wouldnt bite another. This breed can just be downright antisocial amongst their own species and that just like in people can emerge at different ages and in different degrees and waiting around to find out when it will happen or how bad it will be is just stupid so if you can do something to reduce your chances of a fights or marking or just tearing stuff up when your not there than by all means you should.
  12. circlekpits

    circlekpits Guest

    you can have 2 dogs together but you have to be really careful and watchful. as many have already stated sonner or later there could be a conflict between the 2. we have just a few together but it is always subject to change and could possibly end up woth trouble.

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