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gamebred staffordshires

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by monsterVili, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. i was wondering if anyone has heard of anyone breeding game staffordshires or has the breed been watered down for to long. i mean they have a past just like the game pitbulls so i was curious to if there ar any out there. if so does anyone know how i might be able to get my hands on one
  2. maximusab

    maximusab Big Dog

    I fyou mean Staffordshire bull terriers then try Konfederate Kennels. They breed American Bulldogs and Staffies for catchdogs.

  3. dustinp87

    dustinp87 Pup

    staffs r wat happened from decades of breeding show purpose dogs game,they wouldnt be no pit
  4. houstonapbt

    houstonapbt Top Dog

    No. That's incorrect. You're talking about the AST. I'm sure there are still game bred SBT dogs in other countries...

    EDIT: Actually, I believe someone posted some Irish Staff's (a WHILE back) that were very nice looking and looked like they were used for some serious work. Not a SBT, but a nice dog nonetheless. Just thought I'd throw that in.
  5. maximusab

    maximusab Big Dog

  6. maximusab

    maximusab Big Dog

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2006
  7. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    There are people in Ireland and in England that still breed game Staffys, I've seen their web-sites but don't remember much at all about them other than the dogs look (as might be expected) more like small game-bred Pitbulls than they do show Staffy bulls.
  8. Bullyboi

    Bullyboi CH Dog

  9. strom22

    strom22 Pup

    i have a male staffordshire bull terrier i have used for hog catching at 38lbs. also if you talking about AKC american staffordshire terriers i would check into the tacoma line
  10. thank everyone
  11. I have had many APBT's in my care for a long time but no more...I recently purchased a SBT as a house pet . So far this dog has been hands down the best dog I have ever owned. He is 6 months old now and 27 lbs. of athlete. He can handle any walk/jog throught the trails and hills begs for more. He is super smart. Now I will never game test this dog those days are over. But the breeder I got him from breed athletic dogs. Not the really stocky barrel meat balls. You would think this dog is a ABPT everyone who sees him says...."oh that's a pit"...

    I say no you're wrong...

    The SBT from the right breeder is a great dog hands down...

    That is is father Bosco and that is Cole and me about a month ago...

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2006
  12. maximusab

    maximusab Big Dog

    I am thinking about getting my son A SBT for his first dog. Probally from Konfederate Kennels.

  13. do it man.....best dog for a pet hands down...perfect size no more then 40 lbs....great drive ( with the right bloodlines )...super smart...very friendly...

    they only register 200 a year here in the US as compared to the APBT which is in the thousands...

    too many BYB's who are ruining pitbulls today...they have no idea what they are doing....and you don't know what you are getting...till it is too late...

    there are only a few true dog men left doing justice for the breed....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2006
  14. maximusab

    maximusab Big Dog

    Yeah I think this would be the best dog for him. He loves my dogs but they are just a little too big for him to handle. I have heard that the SBT was great for children.


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