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Game Amstaff?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by DMRoos, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. c_note

    c_note CH Dog

    Lots of ppl do. Some use the heat as a measuring stick. Conditioning and workin in the heat will tell you a lot real quick.
  2. PlugUgly

    PlugUgly Big Dog

    this thread is going in left field but just a point is that polar bears coat is actually clear, not white as it appears. I also think their skin is black, without looking it up. Any how continue....
  3. bluedoglover

    bluedoglover Top Dog

    It is black actually.


    troll saiy,,,
    you mentioned black skin doesnt burn as quick,,,
    I mentioned I knew that...

    Black Skin: Structure and Function - William Montagna, Giuseppe Prota, John A. Kenney, Jr. - Google Books


    I mentioned a technique of taking a soft mouth game dog out in the hottest day of the year
    as something a professional might do to test their dog...

    Back in the day alot of matches were held outside in the sun,,,,
    the person that shared this with me comes from that era...

    Saiy if you find something wrong I write,,,
    it doesnt mean Im wrong about you being a troll and your buddy being the trolls cheerleader...

    when I share others stories from people I trust,,,
    I could care less how it taste to a troll...
  5. GK1

    GK1 Big Dog

    I can’t contribute to the OPs original question, but this thread has evolved into some interesting discussion.

    Heat absorption vs. coat/skin pigment - and the relation to conditioning and heat dissipation.

    One dog I own has short coat, the other I would call medium coat.

    Both fit, thin and in great health, intact females.

    Years of wear/tear hinder me from burning the distances I used to, but I can still stress the dogs a bit, especially against higher ambient temperatures.

    For example, these days I can normally cover with the dogs:
    - 5km ~ 19 minutes
    - 10km ~ 43 minutes
    - 1 hour effort ~ around 13km.

    In cool temps, both dogs are roughly equivalent in endurance during the above listed “measuring sticks”, and do so fairly easily. In warmer temps (above 28C let’s say), I start to see the difference in stress thresholds; the APBT gets stronger as the heat rises.

    The is most impressive to me, as the APBT has to work harder with her shorter legs/stride.

    So what does this have to with heat absorption and skin/coat pigmentation?

    I have no idea. Just my observations with two individual dogs.
  6. GK1

    GK1 Big Dog

    ^^added pic to my previous post to illustrate the height difference.


    nice share GK1,,,
    although red dont attacts as much heat as black or darker colors,,, it still absorbs more than it reflects...
    I ve noticed that alot of black dogs die in the heat from heat stroke more than any other,,,
    I had a friend explain why he didnt like to get to far from the dogs on really hot days as any thing could happen and he like to check up on them,,,,
    a couple hot days later i took him to a doctor apoitment and we came cack to a dog that dug a hole in the shade and got his chain tangeled on tree roots and the sun shifted leaving him in the sun and so forth...

    It wasnt a very long time and it dont take very long,,,
    he felt that if the dog wasnt black we might have got to him in time...

    That week was scorching in that area and it wasnt the only black dog that died as another man lost his up the road...

    Another thing I have noticed is that I have seen more black dogs with that horrible sun burn than other colors,,,
    but just as the heat it also get all colors...

    Any body have a black dog and white dog might wanna try working mildly on a hot day in the sun,,,
    check the temp coat and I am sure the black dogs will be hotter...

    As far as the over all athletic ability and how fast the dog runs hot depends on alot of things from the individual,,,
    the genetics and over all health as well as the person thats working the dog and their understanding...
  8. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua


    LMAO@ you knew that from GOOGLE. ahahahahahahahahaahhahhahhahahahahahahhaaaaaaa

    I dont care about what your so called professional does to test there dog. LMAO

    I dont care what they did back in the day in the sun because today a lot of people dont do that shit. LOL

    Its not about IF, its about WHEN I find something wrong about what you write LMAO.

    It means you are wrong unless you actually believe there are screw on and off lap links??? LMAOROTF ......WTF is a troll,,,,does it mean someone who checks others bullshit? LMAO

    Ah yes that is exactly what you do Elias, SHARE OTHER PEOPLES STORIES.

    Did that nutsack leave a bad taste in yo mouth Elias??? LMAOROTF


    I managed mycousins tattoo shop for a bit and baby sat looser low lifes like yourself...
    The reason I know is because they have to slow the tattoo machine down for black folks to prevent the skin from keloiding...

    what do you add of value???

    What do you get when you do a four way cross from a no good hound dog to troll,,,
    and take that and breed it back to itself via hermaphodite parts that resulted in mr.mrs.saiy world he she that got itself pregnant???...

    the answer,,, saiy!!! whoms paints his man/woman parts to look like a kitten,,,
    and uses that same orange paint to paint her testicals to look like pumpkins...

    go back under your bridge you troll and have sex with yourself with out hounding my PISTOL!!!
  10. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    You baby sat a tattoo shop while you baby sitting losers???? WTF??? Do you realize how fucking IGNORANT that sounds on your part Elias? LMAO

    Like Ive said before every one can have keloids not just black people even though they are more prone to scarring.

    What do you add of value BESIDES POSTING OTHER PEOPLES PEDS??? LMAO

    What do you get when you combine 5 different semen together and insert it into a cheerleadingwannabe ANUS???? Answer> you get ELIASCHEERLEADERWANNABEPISSYIOLA. LMAOROTF

    Go back and hide under all that peds you be posting of other peoples dogs and stick a tampon up in that ASS because its bleeding like its been raining men. LMAOROTF ahahahahahaahahahahahahhaaa


    quit drinking and get a job,,, troll...
  12. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Says the person that SAID he needs to get the last word in? LMAO

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