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Freakin Idiot

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by heelinok, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. heelinok

    heelinok Pup

    We'll be reading about this dog hurting someone some day.

    youtube dog
    1 person likes this.
  2. koening

    koening Top Dog

    I see more and more shit like this every day . It's very weird , and sad , because that pup looked great and I think it had a great temperament , but beceause of that freakin idiot it just may end up bad , hopefully it does not.
  3. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    he's making his dog a bad ass so he can breed with the bad ass dog down the street..or he is making his dog full of gameness.... DONT TRY THIS AT HOME..:mad:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2007
  4. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    This moron needs to be smacked around. Just what this world needs, a HA dog. People like that have no business owner a dog of any breed let alone a APBT.
  5. I'll give the dog the benefit of the doubt, and assume he'll have a rock solid temperment, and these activities won't make him HA...no matter how annoying it is to get hit in the head like that constantly. Like has already been stated this kid shouldn't own any breed of dog. Unfortunately, when that dog gets about 7,8,9 months (if that old)...they'll be getting rid of him because he never learned bit inhibition, he's bigger and stronger than they can handle, and he will continue to "play" like that. The problem is dumb asses think its cute to "play" with a 6 week old pup like that. When he's 5 months with adult teeth, and his play bites are bruising you I guess it's not that funny, and off to the pound!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2007
  6. Michele

    Michele Guest

  7. Searcy Jeff

    Searcy Jeff Top Dog

    From what I saw, he's not actually smacking the dog in the head. I've seen it done before by street punks and their pups. They want to show off their fiesty little pup. An ego boost for them.

    He is irritating the pup and what is he going to do when that pup gets older and gets a hold of child who was merely trying to pet it?

    I gave my uncle a pup 5 years ago. He was fiesty and would bite you when you tried to pick him up. We gave him the benefit of the doubt and he turned out fine. My 15 month old nephew pokes and picks at him all day long and the dog just lays their submissively.
  8. RightHandImp

    RightHandImp Big Dog

    Whether or not he's hitting the pup doesn't matter, he's just setting a horribe example against the rest of us and perhaps even setting the stage for that pup to be euthed later on in life. Jack-ass.
  9. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    Everyone who has a YouTube acct should flag that video. They don't have an option for animal abuse on their menu, but if it gets enough flags, they will at least put a warning on it, possibly pull it.
  10. Marty

    Marty Guest

    I flagged it :(
  11. Suki

    Suki Guest

    :mad: i will flag it, as well....
    and comment.... :/

    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [​IMG]
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2007



    Damn good looking pup though
  13. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

  14. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    So did I. I left him a choice comment first though.
  15. Suki

    Suki Guest

    stupid ass!!!!!:mad: another one to flag and comment on....

    just what the world needs~another "aggressive pit bull puppy" :rolleyes: shoot me now....
  16. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    Im gonna plead the 5th from here on out. :(

    YAHHOOO Big Dog

    What a worthless excuse for a human. I hope that puppy finds a better home somehow and that guy gets inhumanely euthanized.
  18. MercedesMama

    MercedesMama Guest

    I hope that little puppy gets ahold of that man's balls with those shap ass puppy teeth. Friggin moron.
  19. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Flagged it also ;)

    Check this out on one of my videos lol...

    How about contain them in the house...haven't you educated yourself on how chaining drives dogs crazy...your dog is crazy...because of you and you come on utube and show this crap...Can't your welfare check allow you to bring them in the house and love them or are you a sorry looser? Are you proud of this? Get real!! Disgusting..

  20. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    you know, i'm a God fearing man, but i wasn't always. makes me think of what i would've done to the man...... God will forgive me for such thoughts, but i get the feeling this guy may not be provided the same consideration.

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