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Dog Needs To Lose Weight

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by Ju_13, May 2, 2014.

  1. Ju_13

    Ju_13 Pup

    My 10 month old is 70lbs. I don't know for sure that he's a mix bc I rescued him but I'm assuming so because of his weight. He looks pure bred though. I'm still feeding him puppy food, 3-1/2 cups of blue buffalo. I'm about to switch to diamond bc he's been getting diarrhea. Should I start with less food, or more exercising? I try to walk him every day but it ends up being more like every other day. I let him out to fetch in a field at least 3 times a week as well and he gets tired fast!
  2. Ju_13

    Ju_13 Pup

    Here he is

  3. Ju_13

    Ju_13 Pup

  4. old goat

    old goat CH Dog

    your feeding to much and he doesn't need puppy food anymore . he's tired fast because he's got to much weight on him i bet . there is no picture .
  5. Ju_13

    Ju_13 Pup

    I was just going by the brand recommendation. How much do you think i should be feeding him? I'm feeding him twice a day. Let's see if this pic works

  6. 87buick

    87buick Top Dog

    I would put him on adult food and start feeding him once in the evening. He is a very good looking dog. Mix the food at first and ease him into the change.
  7. the.peon

    the.peon Top Dog

    Can you take a side pic?

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  8. Ju_13

    Ju_13 Pup

    this is the only one i can snap right now, he doesn't stay still long


    I don't know how to turn it
  9. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    Your dog needs to lose some weight and he'll be a lot more active and healthier, IMO. Just cut back on his food going by what you see. If he looks skinny, feed a little more. The dog will be a lot better off a little thinner than a little fatter. Less food and more exercise, just like a human. Nice looking dog and good luck.
  10. ragedog10

    ragedog10 Top Dog

    No need to feed twice a day and more exercise and the weight will come off and he'll be healthier and happier. Yis Ole Man
  11. Kelticwarrior

    Kelticwarrior Top Dog

    you need to invest in a treadmill so the dog can get a run a few times a week.


    ...they call it a diet...lol...it's where ya cut the food intake,,,an like magic,the dog lose's weight...lol...nice dog,,but your gonna kill him with kindness...?????..dog food companys recommend to give more,,so you will buy more...the more ya feed,the more ya buy....the more money they make...............that dog's obese...but won't take long to get in shape,,if ya put in the time...........????


    ...as 87 an few others say he should be on adult food+feed once a-day....
  14. Ju_13

    Ju_13 Pup

    Thanks for the advice guys.


    Sounds like your doing well by your rescue.Feed him less and keep up the exersize but I wouldnt starve him,gradually
    feed less.At ten monthes, hes a puppy and i rather have a puppy heavier then lighter as they are growing and need extra wieght to grow into.If a puppy is skinny the body lacks the nutrients to grow properly.Too much wieght and other varibles like heat will detour your puppy from serious exersize like fetch.If its hot, try the mornings or nights when its cooler out.As far as food, blue buffalo is way better than Diamond. I would keep a high end food if its in your budget, your dog will feel better and have less health issues and a better longevity.I feed Kirkland a sister company to diamond and would not change from bb if i were you, just change to adult food or get another high grade food that is bb equillivent.I cant afford it but it would probably be cheaper in the long run, health wise.
    Good Luck and CONGRATS on your rescue he looks nice.
  16. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    Just feed less,work more and the weight will come off.

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