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dog food

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BigTex, May 2, 2004.

  1. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    purplepig, switch your dogs off that crap food, andyou will feed them less, and they will look and feel better., like everyone said, corn and fillers are no good, and with those ingredients they are actually making the meat go down on the ingredient list.
    if you want a good food, thats not to expensive, try:



    the Dick van patten dry is kinda expensive, i tried it and for $43 for a 30 lb bag my dogs did better on the canidae, which for a 40 lb bag was only $30 by me.

    you want to stay away from anything that has by products, beet pulp, guar gum, sugar, salt, and anything that has alot of grains and fillers..
  2. jratl1

    jratl1 Pup

    I found a 35lb bag for bout $32.99 at petco. Do you think it is worth it?
  3. jratl1

    jratl1 Pup

    I'm sorry the 35lb bag is of the dick van patten.
  4. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    YES.. its very expensive by me for some reason, and that price by you is a good price..
  5. Boss' Mom

    Boss' Mom Big Dog

    I don't think it's better to feed dog food to a puppy, but a lot of people do because they think feeding the puppy food is not necesssary, and in a lot of cases, that's true. I fed mine puppy food up until about a month ago, but only because he's always been quite thin, and he wouldn't do very well on the adult food do the the lower caloric content. It all depends on your dog. You could try feeding him/her the adult food and see how he/she does. Hope that helps :)
  6. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    i have never fed any puppies puppy food, i put them right on adult food when they come in. i have not noticed any difference, the ones that come in my house do fine on puppy food. the only dog that got puppy food was my gsd when she was a pup and i switched her to adult food at 6 months old, so i am not sure if there are any difference.
  7. mikefromMD

    mikefromMD Top Dog

    I switch between Nutro and Innova (currently feeding) mixed 3 - 4 times a week with alot of raw meat, some gizzards and liver as well as green beans, greens and salmon oil mixed in. My dogs are very healthy, look great and have alot of energy.
  8. Linz216

    Linz216 Pup

    im using nutro, just started but seems to be working fine for me
  9. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    I fed Nutro for awhile, it was the *best* (I use that term lightly) I could find in my area. I fed it for about 2 months and for the first few weeks, they looked great. The entire last week I fed it, extreme hair loss, diahrea, trouble keeping weight on the dogs as it was going straight through them before being digested. I switched to Timberwolf awhile ago, and am absolutely pleased. I still havent hit the "3 month transition" period, this is the time it takes for the old junk to exit the body. I'm getting pretty close, and the dogs look better by the day. Extremely healthy coats,tons of energy, small dark stools once a day.

    Chloe is sampling Canidae, and doing extremely well on that too. She had severe skin problems when she was re-homed, and being almost a pure white dog, was to be expected. She was being fed Authority, and her body was a red, painful looking sight. Her coat was also quite dull. On Canidae, she is no longer pink, and her coat is beautiful.

    I would recommend both Canidae and Timberwolf, I plan on mixing in a bag of Innova Evo in a few months for a one-bag rotation, so I would also recommend that. Chicken Soup, Dick Van Pattens, etc are also good foods.
  10. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    My dog has been on innova evo for a little over a month now after being on beneful for almost a year and a half. Should i expect the transition phase to take a little longer because he was on the junk food for that long. Right now he's got small stools but he also has some diahrea, im just wondering if the diahrea is from the transition.
  11. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    A general rule of thumb is it takes about 3 months to rid the body of old junk. He will keep looking better and better by the day :D
  12. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    switching from beneful to innova evo is a BIG switch.. you went from basically crappy food to top of the line lobster.. your dog is probably having the runs due to the switch, it usually takes a mont to have normal stools for some dogs, however, the innova evo could be too rich for him.. with the innova, you should also be feeding ALOT LESS.. never follow the feedigns on the bags, i would say give your dog only 2 cups of food per day depending on what his energy is like. it is possible he cant tolerate that rich food. you might have to lower the notch to maybe Canidae instead of the INNOVA, as innova evo has 42% protein, which is ALOT for most dogs. most dog foods protein levels hover between 21-34% which is more normal.
  13. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    I do only feed him 2 cups a day and he is already looking better and has a lot more energy, but the only thing is he has some diahrea. I think maybe i'll see what happens after this next month and if he still has it then ill switch to something with less protein like canidae or just plain innova dry dog food.
  14. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    i would switch him now. dont bother waiting another month. when i switch dog foods i dont do it gradually, i do it at that moment, sometimes the dogs have the runs, but rarely.. for your dog to still have the runs,sounds like the innova evo is too good for him LOL. the innova large breed dog food for adults has 25% protein which is alot less then the evo at 42%.. a working dog that is constantly on the go would probably do good with the 42% protein. innova dry dog food has 24% protein.

    timberwolforganics.com most of their food has 24% protein.
    canidae has around 22-24%

    some dogs just dont do good on higher protein. when you switch him to a lower protein food the longest he should have the runs should be a day, two days max..
  15. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    I don't know i think i'm still going to hold off for this last month because this still might be a form of detox because he was on the bad food for so long, but thanx for the tip.
  16. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    hey no problem!!! let us know what happens.
  17. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Get a test done for worms, they will cause the dog to have the runs. Theres no reason the dog is having the runs on Innova ;)
  18. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    shoot i forgot about worms!!! GREAT advise!!! yes, get him tested for worms!!
  19. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    I was actually thinking about that because it seemed a little odd that he had the runs from food for that long a period, im gonna have to give my vet a call and get the tests run. Who knows the food might be just fine and maybe it is worms.
  20. Boss' Mom

    Boss' Mom Big Dog

    The difference is that the puppy foods tend to be a lot more nutrient dense. I had to keep Boss on puppy food until he was 10 months old. Even though Innova dog food has the highest caloric content of any of the health foods, it's still not enough for him. That's the only reason he's still on Innova, actually. Once his metabolism starts to slow down, and I can feed him the max recommended amount without him losing weight drastically, I will probably switch to Canidae. But yeah, that's one reason to feed a puppy puppy food. Some just don't do well on the adult until after their metabolism has slowed down a bit.

    BoiBoi - Innova is a good food, however, Innova EVO has a very high protein content. Too high, IMO. Worms might have something to do with the diahrea, or it could be the food.

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