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dog food

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BigTex, May 2, 2004.

  1. Texasbulldogs

    Texasbulldogs Top Dog

    “call me cheap but I still feed as good as anyone else or better when I add raw elements”
    How do you come to that conclusion? No amount of “supplements” are going to help your dog rid the useless junk, you’re supplying them daily in their kibble!

    “feeding more for less=more dogs for cheaper.”
    Just what you need…more dogs. Price should never take priority over quality! If you can’t feed a quality kibble, get rid of some dogs!
  2. I also see that the adverage price for dog food is about $16 thats what I pay for a 40 lbs bag of Ole Roy. I can get Diamond at my local co-op for $13 for a 50 lbs bag. They also have their own blend I used for years (my local co-op) it ran straight through my dogs. I am sorry but I like Ole Roy and nothing any one can say other wise. Now if they ever stop the lamb and rice blend then I will change until then I'll stick with Ole Roy. Oh I know about all the feeding plans and suits and everything out their and still learning more. I know every one has their own opinion too, but why down the other guys opinion of what he likes to do. I know from experiance most people do what someone else does because they told them this was the way or it was the best. I see it here all the time. My findings are from trial and error my own experiances. I have talked with many dog people personally, by phone, by e-mail...reading their books watching their videos, reading magazines. The ultimate thing is what do you find that works best for you. If I ever find anything that works better for me I will take up for it too.

    A guy I met told me one day how he feeds his dogs a couple times a month... He told me he had a hudge fenced in lot where he would put the dog then drop in a live meal and the dog had to run it down and kill it and eat it.

    Anyone do that with their dogs!!!!

    I raised catch dogs the big white bulldogs awsome powerfull dogs Ole Roy worked with them and they were hudge.
  3. chainsoff

    chainsoff Big Dog

    Feeding a quality food, not that Ole Roy poison, will get much better results.
  4. i also agree ole roy is garbage but that man is feeding his own dogs....let him
  5. chainsoff

    chainsoff Big Dog

    You're absolutelt right B N P, each to his own. everyone has different results with different feed.
  7. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Dont come jawing off at me when you dont know what your talking about just so you can look cool.. or sound like you know what your bumping your teeth about...NOT ONE TIME DID I SAY THE WORD SUPPLEMENTS...I never feed any chemicals, supplements or anything to dogs... but if you read some of the things I have posted you'd know that before you go off talking crap about what I feed and how many dogs I have. I know I feed better than the people on Ol' Roy and half the others. Also I said I add raw elements to the dogs diet not supplements...elements being things like yogurt, noodles, veggies and fruit, bones etc...maybe you should care about your own dogs and not worry about how many I am feeding. As long as their well fed on the chain, on QUALITY food like SPORTMIX who cares if a guy tries to save a little on the feed bill, you gotta save it somewhere and unlike some people around here I aint here to make money on my ability to get two dogs to screw and make puppies. Also who said my food was lacking quality...I said it was saving me money and that money allows me to keep more dogs...it all goes back to them anyway in the end ...so something is wrong with buying something as good as Eukanuba for a third of the costs...Id jump on someone feeding generic crap like Ol' Roy before I met toes with myself buddy, I feed this to prevent feeding junk...Sportmix is better than a lot of premium foods and if you can't properly read what I say then don't reply to my posts if your just trying to make someone look dumber than you.

    "It is better to remain silent and let people think your a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". ~Nietchke
  8. no disrespect, but that dude texasbulldogs knows what comes out his mouth and he speaks the truth.....problem wit that is alot of people have sensitive skin but it aint his fault...

  9. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Whoever chooses not to read before posting something totally off the subject and with no regard to what you were originally saying can blame nobody but themselves. I cant care less what someone knows or thinks unless they say and do it in a normal manner... not like he did. I also cant care less about how sensitive you think my skin is, but when someone starts going off about something that is totally accusatory and off beat I am going to say something and he was way off base to jump on me for making valid points... I never said I fed garbage supplements or generic food or anything he spoke of...did you read the posts or are you just reading the first thing you saw and making a reply like he did...because it helps to read everything before jumping to a conclusion and waste my time also..
  10. Texasbulldogs

    Texasbulldogs Top Dog

    “Dont come jawing off at me when you dont know what your talking about just so you can look cool…sound like you know what your bumping your teeth about.”
    Sounds like solid advise, you should take! You knowledge of canine nutrition is nonexistent, obviously! You’re the only one “bumping teeth” around here!

    Did you not say; “I guess when I have 'em on the chain I like a food that makes good solid stool because I feed some raw stuff too”? So, isn’t the “raw stuff” a supplement to the poisoned kibble you are feeding? Why the need for the added “raw stuff” for a chain dog, being your kibble should be more than sufficient? But anyone can plainly see it is cheap, poison, marketed too uneducated individuals like yourself, all in the name of profit! Why you would recommend and feed that, is a mystery to many.

    “I never feed any chemicals, supplements or anything to dogs.”
    Yes, you do…refer too above! To save you the trouble, if you are adding ingredients to a dog/s kibble you are “supplementing” its feed!

    but if you read some of the things I have posted you'd know that before you go off talking crap about what I feed and how many dogs I have.”
    I have read your postings and idle chatter, none of which support your so called “knowledge” of canine nutrition! Your current feed says it all…severely lacking!

    “I know I feed better than the people on Ol' Roy and half the others.”
    Pure speculations on your part, once again! At the end of the day you and those feeding sup-par kibble are still feeding poison to your dog/s! Looks closely at the ingredient (first 10) of your “Sportmix” junk:
    Chicken By-Product Meal, Ground Yellow Corn, Meat Meal, Ground Wheat, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed Tocopherols, a source of natural Vitamin E), Dried Beet Pulp, Chicken & Liver Digest, Fish Meal, Salt, Vitamin A Supplement

    Name one quality ingredient in that poison! All the ingredients are of poor quality, was not designed with the canine athlete in mind, just profit at the expense of your dog/s health. Heck we still didn’t even get into chelated minerals, probiotics, digestive enzymes, trace minerals, etc., etc., etc.

    “Also I said I add raw elements to the dogs diet not supplements...elements being things like yogurt, noodles, veggies and fruit, bones etc."
    Wouldn’t that implicate you, “supplementing”? What happened to “not one time did I say the word supplements”? Once again, you should take your own advise and READ, better yet try and retain the information! Why the need to add them “supplements”? None of which is needed and should be supplied by your dogs, quality kibble! Noodles…like your dog/s need another carbohydrate in their feed. LoL

    “maybe you should care about your own dogs and not worry about how many I am feeding.”
    I don’t worry about you or your dog/s, just dislike someone speaking and offering advise on something they themselves are clueless about!

    “As long as their well fed on the chain, on QUALITY food like SPORTMIX who cares if a guy tries to save a little on the feed bill”
    That’s just it, they don’t meet your own criteria! Mainly because your lack of knowledge and tightwad mentality!

    “you gotta save it somewhere and unlike some people around here I aint here to make money on my ability to get two dogs to screw and make puppies.”
    Hard to when the dog’s are in Croatia! Why is there even a need to sale a pup? Not only do you feed cheap poison, you sale dogs/pups…when do the dog’s see the benefit from all this “saving money” plan? Being you’re pups “starting price” is $1500, you’d think you could feed them quality kibble. Let me guess…they don’t?

    “Also who said my food was lacking quality."

    “I said it was saving me money and that money allows me to keep more dogs.”
    So you can’t/won’t feed a quality kibble, because that will prevent you from getting more dogs? Typical minimalist mentality that seem to run amuck with those keeping these dogs!

    “it all goes back to them anyway in the end”
    I’m sure it does, once they become older, vet bills will be astronomical. But that’s normally the time minimalist like yourself get out, if you stay that long.

    “so something is wrong with buying something as good as Eukanuba for a third of the costs“
    No! You’re not feeding anything “as good” as Eukanuba! Even if you was, that isn’t anything to brag about, considering it is a junk kibble too.

    “Id jump on someone feeding generic crap like Ol' Roy before I met toes with myself buddy, I feed this to prevent feeding junk”
    What in the hell do you think Sportmix is? I’ll tell you “generic garbage”! Both Ole Roy and Sportmix are useless, slow, dog killers! Maybe you need to “meet toes” with someone who knows something about canine nutrition? You’re not feeding anything better than Ole Roy! If you think so, go look at the ingredients!

    “Sportmix is better than a lot of premium foods and if you can't properly read what I say then don't reply to my posts if your just trying to make someone look dumber than you.”
    Please come back to reality! Sportmix is not a “premium food” nor a “decent" one! Only a fool would even make such an outlandish statement! I don’t reply to make you look stupid, you do a fine job of that yourself. I only reply to hopefully keep other from making excuses and the same mistakes you are currently making!
  11. Texasbulldogs

    Texasbulldogs Top Dog

    “I cant care less what someone knows or thinks unless they say and do it in a normal manner... not like he did.”
    I did do it in a “normal manner”! You just didn’t get the reply you wanted and found out you truly are a minimalist, when it comes to your dog/s care!

    “but when someone starts going off about something that is totally accusatory and off beat I am going to say something”
    I presented factual evidence, in both my replies. I unlike you don’t speak about what I don’t know! Name one thing I said the was “accusatory and off beat” that wasn’t true.

    “he was way off base to jump on me for making valid points”
    What “valid points”? You made none nor have you ever made any about nutrition! Another FACT!

    “I never said I fed garbage supplements or generic food or anything he spoke of”
    Nor did I state you feed “garbage supplements”, but the facts are…you feed generic garbage kibble! Suck is up and face reality, you kibble needs vast improvements much like your knowledge! Price should never be a issue, when dealing with nutrition! If you can't afford quality feed, feed less dogs! Pretty simple!

    “did you read the posts or are you just reading the first thing you saw and making a reply like he did”
    I read your entire post, too bad you didn’t. Please tell me your not actually this clueless! I’m beginning to wonder, if you read and comprehended what you purportedly typed.

    “because it helps to read everything before jumping to a conclusion and waste my time also.”
    Why don’t you try “reading”! Obviously you haven’t or you wouldn’t be feeding and recommending Sportmix dog food! You seem to always be handing out "advise", start taking your own. Also you might want to read, read again, and comprehend what your signature says; "It is better to remain silent and let people think your a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2005
  12. I have a question????????? Since alot of you are so againt the cheap poison that being "ole roy" other than the ingreadiance what else is the problem????? It sems we are all talking but nobody has posted the facts or a link to the facts......I have read a few articles about dog foods being bad but nothing concreat. I also would like to now how do we know if these high dollar dog foods don't have these same chemicals that is claimed to be in the cheaper ones. For some who do not know a chemical is claimed to be in some dog foods that help put down the big animals. They say testing show very little traces of it and they say it is not harmfull then some say it is. I believe if it is in the food really how could they sell it any way. Could someone comment on this??? Wel I am sure some one will I see that there are very pationate people here on this board and that is good we can all get many opinions and learn alot from each other.
  13. tiger

    tiger Pup

    i use diamond now but i use to feed mines ole roy saw nothing wrong with it,(I pushed my shopping cart loaded with ole roy by them as my mind went to remembering the great CHAMPION HONEYBUNCH R.O.M.) article was written by Irish Jerry in the American Gamedog Times.
  14. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    PM the rest of your non logical and blatently accusatory arguments to me to preserve the public forum please. If you feel the need to, at least keep it from effecting the people who aren't involved and just wanted to read people opinions on food instead of getting judged and called out by nutrition professionals...

    "It is better to remain silent and let people think your a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".
  15. 440rider

    440rider Guest

    With all the mentioning of junk kibble and poor nutrition, Tex, can you name a few of the good ones for those reading the post that may be in question of their feed?

    I have been feeding pro plan regular/performance to my dogs since 96'. I am happy with it and my dogs seem very happy as well. I 'm not to familiar with other feed since I have only fed pro plan. How does this feed match up to others?
  16. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    With all due respect to Texas Bulldogs knowledge & education with caring for these dogs I can only speak of my personal experience with the High Energy Sportmix. I had switched over to this food along with a partner of mine about 6-7 months ago. (On the yard) I still feed Canidae to the dogs I keep at home & in keep. My partner has taken dogs off the yard to conformation shows with NO conditioning, or even a bath & either won or placed in most of the ADBA shows they had entered. I have also been given compliments on the condition of my yard dogs, including their coats & energy levels, & when I know the only thing going into them is the Sportmix I really can't complain. my dogs get around a coffee can a day, & if anyone thinks my dogs are suffering from this food please feel free to view my gallery. I also think that Exceed is a good food, but again these are only my opinions you own it you feed it what you want.
  17. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Wow someone else who feeds the same stuff as me...do you give raw foods also... which I do... and was told I know knothing about nutrition...Maybe we are weird because according to what a dog needs from a person who knows more than me I guess we shouldn't be feeding it. I like it and have super healthy active and well cared for dogs... ask anyone who has seen them...and like you they always looked ready for show and fit and trim ...IMO Sportmix is great chain food but who cares im sure Ill hear about how wrong I am later...
  18. D.R KING


    If you think he looks great now, change the food and he'll knock your socks off, but hey, its your dog..
  19. D.R KING


    Been fed Nutro max, his whole life....looks great to me...

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