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dog food

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BigTex, May 2, 2004.

  1. LA_Headhunters

    LA_Headhunters Big Dog

    Not to get in the way of BBK, Lean beef usually from the neck or hock of a cow is what I have found is best. I use the BARF diet while running on in keep. A little fat off a cow doesn't hurt either, but not too much!!!
  2. Bubba

    Bubba Top Dog

    The scraps we would get from the butcher would be meat of all parts of the body...whatever they don't use to make their steaks and such like that...I would pick up 1-2 55gal metal barrells everyday full of scraps...I had more than I could feed and would give some to other friends of mine...

  3. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    You never had any problems with bones getting stuck, etc? I've read cases where dogs have died from preforated intestines from bones.. I've been looking into the BARF diet but all I can think of is my dogs ending up with perforated intestines or something.. Since I only have 3, it wouldn't be that much more expensive than feeding kibble. Do you have any good sites you could recommend?
  4. BigTex

    BigTex Pup

    just type in barf diet in a search engine.....i never had bones get stuck....and my dogs have had probably about every kind of bone there is.....you just DO NOT COOK THEM!!! raw bones are somewhat flexible and they have a little give too them......but when you cook them you make them real hard and brittle....and cooked bones wont break down and be able to be digested as easy as raw bones...alot of people will say well raw meat has bacteria and diseases....yeah and your point? Dogs are designed to eat RAW meat.....their stomach acids are stong enough to break down and neutralize some pretty nasty things....and not all bacteria is bad....best thing to do is just try it for yourself....find a local butcher and go get some meat scraps....i liked feeding chicken cuz its nearly solid protein and has little fat......but beef would work good too
  5. Bubba

    Bubba Top Dog

    I did have one dog die from a preforated instestine...which is one of the reasons I stopped feeding BARF. It was a pup I had bred, and he was the best acting in the litter (not that it means anything). He was a crazy suma bitch that would tear into anything you would give you with extreme fury...and I think thats why he had a problem with the bone...I still recommend barf, just like everything else, you gotta be careful.
    Like Big Tex said, DO NOT COOK IT!!!! BARF= bones and RAW food...when you cook the food, not only are you making the bones brittle, you are also KILLING MUCH OF THE NUTRIENTS in the food!!!!
  6. BigTex

    BigTex Pup

    you could also make the arguement of dogs choking to death on kibble...
  7. gator

    gator Big Dog

    As in all things you have to be carefull, good piece of advice there my brother.
  8. I feed my pitbulls Ole Roy dog food. I give them the Lamb and Rice formula. I do not recomend the red bag of Ole Roy just for my own reasons that I have noticed. It runs through their systems very quick not getting all the nutrients from it, but the lamb and rice that is put out by Ole Roy does the trick. Stools come out black and solid when fead the right amount. I have tried other brands. To me thats all they are other brands paying for the name. I do understand some brands add to their blend of foods. I see now in puppy food you can get DHEA in the food running up a 2 lbs bag of food over $10. I believe if as long as you put your dog on a good feeding program and stick with it it doesn't matter the brand you use. What hurts the dog is the changing of foods. The Ole Roy lamb and rice is also low in odor. I do know this eerything out there for dogs is not advertised for the dog but the dog owner and what do most people go for the items with the most hype. The pretty package, but the pretty package isn't always the best. Take for instance I knew a guy who gave his dog kibbles and bit I asked him why? He actually told me because the dog needed veriety in his food meaning the different shapes and flavors. People need to understand dogs are not umans but just what they are and they need structure to be good dogs. Well anyway thats enough from me just my 2 cents.
  9. Oh just a few more words I went back and read some of the post about Ole Roy....Hmmmm...everyone has their own opinion, but I am here to say it works and it is not crap. Do your research, any way dog food is just a filler. Who feeds their dog a real diet that has to be hand prepared every day!!!!!!!!!!!! I only know a few. A real dog person doesn't just feed straight from the bag he has many things he adds to the food to keep him fit and ready. I don't give away my secrets, but I will say I give a cocunut exstract for the sugar for his reserve power in his muscles.

    Who feeds their dog corn flakes, and turnip greens? If not hhhmmm ..... Why are you talking.

    My first post I thought was just why not Ole Roy over the other but I read back and saw some calling it cheap and no good....lol...they must not be real dog people because any good dog man will tell you any dog fod will do because it is just the filler. The rest is hand prepared.
  10. About the barff .... why are you feeding your dog raw meat ???????? what does he get from it ??????? why let him eat the bone or scapps you wouldn't eat ?????????? Give him the meat (beef if it is raw) this is for his protien intake.....Think about it like a body builder or track runner would for them selves how would they eat. They defently wouldn't eat the bones. Also with raw meat you have to be very carefull with your dog getting sick with todays illnesses. I do not feed mine raw because I would not eat it raw. You alo have the option of supplements most feed mills can get them. I like to give mine creatine made just for dogs I get it in a 60 day supply. I know some who give their dogs stuff that is given to cows.....I couldn't do that but I have seen it. Oh by the way I do not fight my dog I weight pull my dog.

    Also if you want to train a dog and need a good book and video a guy by the name of Bob Stevens has some but I am not sure if he sales them any more I heard he was arrested for selling them. About 4 years ago I found his website and purchased everthing not knowing they were illegal to have...I watched the traing video and read the book and burned them when I heard you can get in trouble just for owning them. Scarry feeling expecially with kids get arrested just for owning a book...!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!
  11. njchmin

    njchmin Big Dog

    Dogs eat raw meat. They eat bones. Thier diet is different than what you or i would eat. Thier bodies are made to be able to handle raw meat and bones. I have never had any of my dogs get sick from eating raw meat.

    I dont feed my dogs ol roy because it goes right through them and they shit alot more. One of my dogs eats diamond lamb and rice for a sensitive stomach and the other 3 eat OMC Champion Dog Food.
  12. dora

    dora Big Dog

    for 22 dogs that ain't a hole lota food...i feed about a 1/2 gallon jug to each of mine that is about 4 cups a dog food...sometimes a little more espeically when it is cold theY need the EXTRA nutrician...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2005
  13. Texasbulldogs

    Texasbulldogs Top Dog

    “Oh just a few more words I went back and read some of the post about Ole Roy....Hmmmm...everyone has their own opinion, but I am here to say it works and it is not crap.”
    How can you state, Ole Roy is a good kibble? You obviously know nothing about canine nutrition. OleRoy is poison, nothing more! Please list the first ten ingredients of it, then say how it’s a good kibble.

    “Do your research, any way dog food is just a filler.”
    You shouldn’t be having others do “research”, when you yourself have yet too do any! Please explain how “dog food is just a filler”. Sadly Ole Roy isn’t even a “filler”! Was it their Class Action lawsuits against them for being unsuitable for dogs, that attracted you to it or maybe the pentobarbital additive?

    “Who feeds their dog corn flakes, and turnip greens?”
    Only cheapskates that know nothing about canine nutrition! Stop reading Fat Bill’s cheapskate, sub-par feeding guidelines. If you can’t afford to feed you dog’s appropriate kibble, get rid of them!

    “I do not feed mine raw because I would not eat it raw.”
    Have you ever thought…maybe our gastrointestinal system is vastly different from a canines?

    “You alo have the option of supplements”
    If you’re feeding Ole Roy and giving supplements…you are just wasting your money! Save the supplement money and put it towards a quality kibble!

    RIVES PITS Top Dog

    I Personally Use Diamond Hi-energy And Can't Complain About Anything. My Dad Has Fox Dogs And He Buys It By The Pallet (20 Bags) If We Have Trouble Getting The Order In Time Then We Go To Trusty Ole Roy. It's A Quick Fix Until We Get Our Load. Must Say This About Diamond Continued Use Of This Particular Brand (hi-energy) Will Cause Liver And Kidney Failure Read An Article In Retriever Magazine Not Saying Don't Use Diamond But Switch It Up From Time To Time.
  15. I feed Diamond. It is packed full of protein and many quality breeders us it. Plus it is very cheep. At my co-op, it's about $16 for 40 lbs. But cheap isn't always healthy either.... I would definitely throw in the extra buck or two for quality dog food rather than just get what's cheap.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2006
  16. Ballzee

    Ballzee Pup

    I only have 4 dogs, but I feed Nutro and purina mixed, they will dig around the nutro to eat the purina then eat the nutro(not all the time but they do this alot) I also feed some raw meats cos dogs acids are like 900 times ours so I know they can handle it, dogs at one time were wild animals they were made to eat raw meats and bones. my 2 cents
  17. lonesharkpits

    lonesharkpits Big Dog

    I personnally only feed premium dog foods. I have 10 dogs to feed and only want the best. I feed bil-jac hard food and frozen food. I also mix in a little sportsmans pride. I do not feel that ol roy is a good food to feed. They do not use premium ingredients and also use fillers such as corn meal.
  18. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    We have 6 dogs at the moment, and we feed a food called Tops i believe its 28% pro and 15% Fat, i'll go out and check the bag when i get more clothes on lol.
    Anyway, we have tried MANY different foods.
    Foods i consider GARBAGE- Ole Roy (that food should be BANNED lol), Pedigree, Science Diet (science my ASS, and i even work at a vet clinic!) Purina, and Iams.
    ALL of these foods have fillers as there #1 ingredient, what do fillers equal? More SHIT.
    One of my dogs is a OFRN, and he has a rather coarse coat. All of those foods that say are good for coat can kiss my ass, his coat was horrible on them, and the rest of the dogs didn't look so good, plus TONS of cleanup (aka fecal matter).

    I drive 3 hours to a partners house every few months to pick this food up, its not available in my state, so he buys it a ton at a time. His yard looks excellent on it (OVER 20 dogs), and mine do as well. They have nice coats, lots of energy, and less shit, which makes me very happy.
    Also, the food in condensed (the 50 pound back looks like it would be a 35 pound bag), so you feed less. My dogs range from 33-51 pounds and they get no more than 2 1/2 cups per day for the biggest.
  19. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    I guess when I have 'em on the chain I like a food that makes good solid stool because I feed some raw stuff too and want it to come out some what together ...also when they are getting ready to be kept they get no fat and or anything real tasty so I like to feed something a little better on chain in small chunk and a little higher in protein and fat...and Ol' Roy comes out soft and stinks so it must be non PH balanced and has crappy ingredients...I been feeding Sportmix on the chain for awhile because I had fed Diamond and Pro Pac in the past and they are all comparable to the highest priced premium stuff like Eukanuba and the other high priced crap... but all are cheaper... it's just Sportmix has 'em all beat...It has good ingredients and ratios and is only 16bucks for 50lbs... so for the same or barely higher price to Ol' Roy I figured I would feed a much better food IMO. I would never go to anything else but those... Sportmix, Diamond, Pro Pac or maybe another with very similar ingredients and under 25bucks for 50lbs...call me cheap but I still feed as good as anyone else or better when I add raw elements...and feeding more for less=more dogs for cheaper.
  20. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    Sportmix is a great food when feeding a yard. If just a few Canidae. JMO

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