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Docking dogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by pitty123, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. pitty123

    pitty123 Pup

    what's peoples opinions on docking gamedogs..? seems like this is becoming quite popular within the Balkans etc.
  2. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    Tails? IMO, heck no!
  3. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

  4. CHAMP

    CHAMP Big Dog

    I can't think of a reason I would.

    Sent from my microwave using Tapatalk
  5. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    I think about it from time to time. I seem to always be dealing with a bad case of happy tail here, got one here now going thru it that may end up getting amputated if I cant get it under control. . That would solve that problem. I feel like their tail is a part of the spine and altering it could offset balance. Just an opinion though, not based on any real facts.
  6. CHAMP

    CHAMP Big Dog

    It won't affect balance.
    After my previous comment I sat and tried to think of a reason I would do it, an extreme hot spot is the only thing that came to mind, but I could see it in a bad case of happy tail in a house dog too I guess.

    Sent from my microwave using Tapatalk
  7. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    I see NO reason but for some medical reason whereby docking or amputation is a must.
  8. mma316

    mma316 Pup

    The dreaded "happy tail"...hate to see it, but it's a part of life in certain cases. I have had a few with the bad habit. Some have lost tail tips from it, but not to the point of pondering amputation. I'd hate to see a case where it has gotten that bad.
  9. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    I do agree with some of the above postings. Medical reasons would be my only consideration to docking a tail. Otherwise, IMO, it's foolish. Champ says it wouldn't throw off their balance at all and I have no proof otherwise but I have heard that it does. Key word, heard.
  10. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    a hairless tail 50 grams less lol
  11. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    You don't dock hair, Key. You shave it. LOL What does what you said have to do with anything? LMAO
  12. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    the dog get docked tail because of les weight
    wel if that is to drastic for you .
    you can shave the tail ...its no so much as the whole tail .........but.
  13. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    JFC. OK, Key. (????????)
  14. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator


    This is what im dealing with. Ive been able to heal it up on 4 other occassions where the vet has wanted to amputate. This time though it isnt healing at all with anything Ive been previously doing so tommorrow im going to go grab a e-collar and try that but since the tip is her actual tail bone exsposed i think im fighting a battle I cant win and she will most likely have to be docked.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2015
  15. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    So i guess she will go from a 44 pounder to a 43 pounder. Lol@key
  16. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    it have its pro's to lol
    nevr been my trip by the way
    yes this is a reason to get the dog docked also
  17. treezpitz

    treezpitz CH Dog Staff Member

    Wow, that looks bad man. How does she act with it?
  18. TDK

    TDK CH Dog Staff Member

    AGK, it looks to me that you can at least get away without having to have the entire tail docked. Maybe a few inches. Good luck, mi amigo.
  19. CHAMP

    CHAMP Big Dog

    Yep, that would be a good reason to have it docked AGK.
    I haven't seen a worse case of "happy tail" than that, wow.

    Sent from my microwave using Tapatalk
  20. keystone

    keystone CH Dog

    she probaly act ....like normal .....is looking happy at you ......and give you once in a while a shower of blood ..while sweaping her tail

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