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Discussion on Game ..........

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by mydawgs, Sep 12, 2005.

  1. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    Best. Post. Ever.
  2. Hannibal and Hannibal Jr. ....lol...thats realy sweet! Some photos are special...:)
  3. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

  4. scooter

    scooter Big Dog

    Real good answer. Gameness is Heart pure and simple
  5. :)Ok Ok whe have a differend point of view no problem....i think the only problem is my answer is to easy hence the word game is souch an old and awesome term..
  6. :)Look......fight=PURE CONZENTRATION.......many generations of breeding over fight=PURE CONZENTRATIONABILITY.....two bulldogs fight in silence...full concentration(no aggresion needed)....after 1 houer one of both shows bad signs....W H Y? ...because step by step he lost his concentrationability.....he growls =shows aggresion=FOR EVERY peace of aggresion a peace concentration must go....THATSWHY this signs are bad signs!:)
  7. SEAL

    SEAL CH Dog

    interesting hypothesis there.....
    conCentration there is no Z sorry but thats been ircken the piss outa me.
  8. :) The other dog STILL fights in silence...full concentration....if a fighter lost his conzentration in fight...its over...dont matter,humans or animals...the best fighter are the ones with very high conzentrationability...and ouer bred is special selected to stand for ouers in pain without losing his conzentrationability...and sorry ....its in the heart...its in the heart..well without a heart the animal is dead..thats clear..humans too:)
  9. :)Sorry for your piss but in german is a Z...lol..my mistake
  10. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    human competators compete out of reasoning,free will and emotion. dogs compete out of instinct,,a true game dog will not quit,,but,,it is still instinct,,just like testing a tracking dog,,I don't care if he can't find the ball,,does he give up looking for it?
  12. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    animals do not plot,,they do not say to themselves,,I am going in and kicking some @ss,,if animals had free will,,they would know the difference between good and bad,,right and wrong,,they do not,,there is not comparison between animals and ppl. It is instinct nothing more.
  13. good after all you sayd gamenes is just instinct? Well why did you sayd it not for50 posts...its so simple...then bred for instinct...
  14. And you know what funny is...lol..humans have no free will B E C A U S E they know what good and bad is...lol and animals have a free will B E C A U S E they dont know what good and what bad is..they are realy free...
  15. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    no gameness is not instinct,,read my post. what do I say that a real game dog won't do? you are comparing a humans will and reasoning with a dogs,,there is no comparison.
  16. Listen catcher, iam a christian............know what that mean?Iam the one who would say darwin went wrong..because he did.I never would compare a human to an animal ...no way...but fight is fight............and in a S E R I O U S fight, wich is the highest judge of mother nature both (animal and human) HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM...if they lost theyr concentration in fight...they are lost...for example watch rosters fight....and then boxers(humans)...and then tell me you saw N O T the same conCentration:)
  17. catcher T

    catcher T CH Dog

    if ya want to call it concentration,,fine,,,I am not sure that I agree that dogs even concentrate,,a figure skater has to concentrate as much as a profesional boxer. there are rules to follow,,ya have to concentrate ,,you can't go in the boxing ring and hit where ever you want,,I have been in fights where I thought I might die,,I am not concentrating,,I am fighting for survival,,I am not fighting in fairness,,I am fighting to live. If I have a weapon I will use it,,not out of fairness or concentration,,out of survival,,if I only have my physical self,,I will hit where it will do the most damage,,not out of concentration,,out of survival of the fittest,,that is what animals do. I am not saying your wrong,,just my opinion.
  18. 440rider

    440rider Guest

    First off, game is not only used in the dog world it's used in many competition sports where the opponent is at great odds and keeps on keeping on.. trying to overcome the odds. The words give up are not an option... Ie. in boxing say you have a far superior fighter matched with a up and comer that really wants to make a name for himself. This up and comer guy is getting worked over but doen't stop coming giving everything he has look at fighters like aturro gatti, chaves (sat the stool fighting dela hoya WHAT HAPPENED?), barrerra.etc. GAME (the movie rocky..rocky was a game competitor). As far as comparing the resoning and such behind the sport of boxing to any sport with animals in competition where resoning and gameness come into play.. you can do it. The gameness in the heart of the animal it's fight or flight (what determines when an animals decides to take the flight response is based on how much fight he can take..which is where the gameness comes in to factor) the rest is a learned response that has been schooled into the animal.
    The ? is to what point do you term an animal game? Like chaves in boxing he put up over 100 game matches and sits the stool...is he suddenly not game or has he just been outmatched and knows it..would he have sat the stool against a different fighter? My ? is who's to say that flight wont be a latter response if death doesnt creep in first or is it that one animal is gamer than another in a certain matching? Is there a defined answer to game when talking about animals or is it all based on circimstances and situations?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2006
  19. boa1277

    boa1277 Pup

    Hey this is a good explanation of the term "Game Dog" by anyones standards.

    Nice post!
  20. Thanks....you dont say im wrong...most here say im wrong:)....you sayd you had situations in wich you thought you must die....what have you done then...if you were the winner you must have done something with conzentration:)...survival of the fittest...well that needs a strong mind=concentrationability...ok ..thanks..fine discusion...god bles you:)

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