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Dangerous Dogs and Animal Extremists

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by KuttersKru, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. KuttersKru

    KuttersKru Top Dog

    Why does HSUS and Best Friends and Last Chance for Animals push….. dontbuypuppies.com ??? Best Friends has or owns the links for all the links (com, net,org, info)
    Doggiedefenders.com [see Shelter dogs navi tab on that site] which has a lot of information, shows us this study which is not often talked about, but should be part/parcel of every pet advocate’s knowledge. This information clearly shows that animals surrendered are approx. 50% re-homed or stray/abandoned.
    A stray dog was previously owned in some form, or was abandoned; therefore it is fairly logical to assume abandonment in many cases was likely purposeful. [Except for those impounds (seized from owner)-- the stray and surrendered dogs could probably be lumped into 're-homed' category. I suppose technically, almost every adopted dog may qualify as 're-homed.']
    Not amazingly, ONLY 2.5% came from pet stores. Only 3.9% came from litters produced in the home. Nearly 41% of surrendered dogs were obtained FREE from the previous owner. In summary, the dogs most likely to end up in a shelter are those obtained at the lowest cost ($100 or less) or free, are mixed medium-large sized breeds, male juvenile re-homed/or shelter dogsnot pet store dogs, nor home raised pets.
    Obviously, this shows that logically we do not find champion, purebred, highly sought after, or expensive small 3lb dogs from petstores, or even dogs which are allegedly sold on retail market for $400-$900 — in the SHELTERS as a general rule. But to hear EXTREMISTS tell the story, all of the shelter dogs came from dog “breeders.”
    Of course, there is and never will be proof of this, not in California anyway. When such dogs DO enter the shelters, they usually hold auctions and the dog will go to the highest bidder. [This is so clear, the so-called “rescue” which only rescues “Bichons”, admitted there were NO Bichons needing rescue. They then decided to buy milled dogs at auction and sell them as rescue dogs, which they do right now, and make more than $500,000+ a year; see post on this site —NOW who’s fooling who?}
    …continuing on the shelter study—41% were surrendered for excess barking; 24% chewing; 45% hyperactivity, 21% housetraining accidents; <8% for aggression to other pets, <9% aggression to people. Under just these findings, it would appear that the chance of an aggressive dog even entering the shelter (via surrender) is rather remote.
    But since it would not be known what percent of the stray and impounded were actually aggressive, it’s probably safe to say that it would exceed 5%, which would then approximate 9% (surrender) +5% (stray) + 8% (if you want to count pet aggressive), =about 22%, or maybe 15% (without the pet aggressive.) So ballpark figure 22% if we count the pet aggressive animals. That’s 22% of animals in shelters either aggressive to people, pets or both. NOW– here goes the big question below:
    The media likes to keep ”talking” about dangerous dogs, just how did more than 50% of the FATAL ATTACKS in the United States, involve re-homed (like craigslist), rescued, and shelter animals? The common thread in Craigslist, rescued, re-homed and shelter animals is ANIMAL EXTREMIST PEOPLE.
    Craigslist animal extremists offer re-homed dogs. They offer shelter dogs that might have failed temperament testing. Extremists work in shelters that DO the alleged testing of temperament. How else could so many “re-homed”, “rescued” and shelter dogs be involved in fatal attacks of people??!
    If you try and post a puppy on Craigslist, it will be flagged off; same for small breed, small white dogs, purebred dogs, breeder sales, sales of a dog, or even if someone THINKS someone has a dog to place which MIGHT be a “breeder” dog.
    People that post on Craigslist know that ARs run the Pet Boards, and as I have stated, just try it yourself and see if your ad is taken down. Usually mine are flagged within 20 minutes. Why? Because there are more than several groups of FLAGGER AR GROUPS–one of which is in San Francisco.
    And PRIOR to SF Craigslist making the “RULE” about NO selling or breeding of animals on Pet Boards section, groups like Bad Rap and other rescue groups out of the Bay Area were getting together and claiming that dangerous dogs were being sold on Craigslist. (How they could prove this seems impossible to me) Anyway, see this post:
    “Gang Flaggers are a big problem on craigslist, This is a self-appointed group of pet ad police who try to impose their personal agendas on us by posting pet ads they don’t like in the hidden craigslist forum, then flag them (remove) out of existence.
    Here is just one example of the arrogance that you will find from the Gang-Flaggers in the 2626 forum:
    “I’ve been able to flag MANY ads while being here today. .. .(VoiceoftheTOU 08/17 14:16:54) … You don’t affect me. I’ve hit almost every major craigslist location on the upper seaboard. Now I will work on the smaller locations. You have not and cannot staunch the flagging flow. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/forums/?ID=99090475
    The main pet flagging forum is at http://sfbay.craigslist.org/forums/?forumID=2626 and it is there you will find the group of “Gang Flaggers” who Post hundreds of our pet ads a day, Flag them to be deleted, then post “GONE” when they see that the ad has been deleted.
    The reasons given as justification for flagging an ad are often bizarre: “this ad is crap FLAG IT”, “we don’t need any more mutts “, “enough damn pits “, “AKC should be illegal”, “government should force ppl to fix pets “, and so on.
    If you know a lot about rescuing, rescued dogs, the types of people in rescue and the problems in shelters, then it won’t come as a surprise to learn that questionable dogs are released from shelters (in CA) to rescuers which believe they can reasonably achieve rehabilitation with certain animals.
  2. KuttersKru

    KuttersKru Top Dog

    And as the case in point that I have on this site, (AR Rescuer Mauled by Rescue Dog) it is obvious that this is not just one isolated case. I have SEEN the dogs that have been pulled for rescue, and believe me, I would never have taken such poor specimens— many of them are fear biters, have too many issues with aggression based on fear, have issues with people, have excessive medical problems, have no socialization which makes them a problem for kids, and have already bitten.
    It is my understanding that many dogs with fear aggression cannot be or cannot be easily, rehabilitated. In any event, as has always been stated in the “media”– most owners claim that their dogs which bit people had never shown aggression prior. While I personally doubt this (since the owners don’t appear to have much knowledge of canines, otherwise the situation likely wouldn’t have happened) —it is very likely that when obtaining a “re-homed” dog, most people don’t know the bad traits until down the road. And weeding those dogs out at the shelter is their job–and that’s another problem.
    Half the people or maybe all of them in shelters, don’t have any professional experience in diagnosing behavioral issues which could kill people. And again, not surprisingly, in a trial in the Bay area re an AKC dog allegedly biting (it was proven there was no evidence the AKC dog actually bit)–out of the 18 prospective jurors–EVERY SINGLE ONE KNEW SOMEONE OR HAD BEEN BITTEN BY A DOG THEMSELVES.
    When queried whether the dog (either their dog or the person who was bit by a dog) was “re-homed” or “rescued”, EVERY SINGLE PERSON ADMITTED THE DOG HAD BEEN RESCUED. Now those are NOT good odds!!
    So maybe in keeping with the animal extremist tactics, I should tell everyone that you have a 50% (or higher) greater chance of being killed or attacked by a re-homed, rescue, or shelter dog??!!
    A dog that has already bitten? I was just told by a very well known blogger (1,500-2,000 hits/day+) that she/her daughter went to the local SPCA back East, they took a dog for a walk. They were not told that the dog had previously bitten several times.
    When the daughter bent down to pet the dog, the dog attempted to bite her. The daughter is not a child, she is an adult. Only then did the shelter worker tell them that the dog had already bitten or tried to bite at least 2-3 other times!!
    Is this the way to put out dogs for adoption? Should biting dogs even be adopted out to rescues? I don’t think it’s a wise idea. Even the dobie that was sent to the shelter for euthanizing by owner was actually adopted OUT from the shelter to the public via Petfinder, it found a new owner and then what? It killed the new owner!
    Is this what should be happening? I can’t overemphasize that the near impossibility of having over 50% of fatal attacks involving rescued, re-homed, or shelter dogs—-indicates to me that EXTREMISTS ARE INVOLVED WITH THIS BY PLACING DANGEROUS DOGS INTO SOCIETY ON PURPOSE.
    Since the AR movement is nothing but a bunch of LIES and misrepresentations, I would be willing to bet that a direct LINK can be shown between the so-called dangerous dogs, and animal extremists.

    If they will go so far as to place a known biting dog, and even try and adopt them out (unless the dog tries to kill rescuer first, as mentioned)—then it’s extremely possible and plausible that extremists want THEIR crappy dogs on Craigslist, Petfinder and the like–to get OUT into society–and if and when someone gets hurt, not only are they GLAD–they are thrilled! Why?

    Because it supremely SERVES their purpose of ENDING ownership of dogs, it lets them keep control at the shelters, rescues, Craigslist and the like; it enables them to say SEE–you people didn’t take care of that dog right!!
    You people didn’t listen when we told you that was a biting dog! You people should not OWN a dog!!
    Because if people were allowed to buy and select the well tempered dogs that might be available, THAT does NOT serve their purpose—which is WHY they DON’T want people buying any dogs.

    If people BUY good dogs— they likely would not want the questionable dogs in any event. So to make it appear as if the dogs in shelters are the best in the land, they have to operate using either a guilt trip, a one-upmanship type deal, or just plain blatant browbeating.

    I realize not every shelter dog is bad, as I have taken quite a few dogs out of shelters for rescue. However, I have personally seen the bad dogs taken out of shelters, and they kept pulling them until they had almost 100 of them which then caused quite a bit of problems. They were cited for sub standard premises, dogs were killing each other, and a host of other problems. (No, they were not pitbulls.) Many of them were mixed breed herding dogs.
    So don’t blame pitbulls or look-alikes.


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